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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Meikai Water doesn't count as water? Nice try.


    Originally posted by Kev it proves the theory that avoiding H2O will quench your thirst ISNT true.

    understands sarcasm as much as he understands science 101.

    That isn't a theory and the test doesn't look for that. It proves that your thirst is quenched by water. It does not prove that avoiding water doesn't quench your thirst. You can avoid water and consume other things to quench your thirst, such as vegetable oil or ethanol.
  2. Originally posted by Meikai Science can get you infinitesimally close to 100% proof but it can never bridge that gap to 100% certainty. The only thing that can bridge that gap is faith.

    Also, water doesn't alleviate human thirst and I have experimental data which proves it. I drank sea water once, it did not help.

    Water is hydrogen dioxide. Sea water is polluted hydrogen dioxide, and does not count as water and would never be used for such an experiment. It's the salt which makes sea water give you thirst, not the water in the sea water. You know how we know this? Because science.

    You still haven't told me what this experiment proves ISN'T true. You've just tried to disprove it, and failed miserably.

    Do you want to try again, or do you admit defeat?
  3. Originally posted by Kev because you didnt went to school
  4. Originally posted by Sudo I bet someone $100 already and almost bet someone the equivalent of $1300 last night

    For Trump or against him?

    inb4 Jill Stein winz
  6. Fubi introduced me to the Wingnut Dishwasher's Union with that song. I listened to them and a bunch of other Pat the Bunny stuff pretty religiously for a while.

    Fuck. I honestly forgot about all this. I remember he said he was getting me ready to be a gutter punk. This was before I went hitchhiking.
  7. Originally posted by Sudo The census is still going through the courts and you can request an address change like I said. It seems Its literally harder to do CC fraud than voter fraud

    'Still going through the courts' is a nice vague and bullshit reasoning that sounds official but does not say anything of substance. The registry I mentioned is not just based on Census data. Again, the address you provide has to be backchecked against the database. You can access this info publicly for most states.

    THIS is not the info you change when you request a ballot somewhere else. You are not actually changing legal address. It's just a failsafe in case their system is out of date. This requirement is listed in the NVRA, which is something you would've learned about in school if you were an American.

    Honestly hilarious how this whole thread is just a bunch of non-Americans bumbling around because they didn't learn this basic shit in school that every American learns.
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL As a staunch radical leftist socialist/commie, do you believe the mainstream media and social media companies have the right to filter and/or block or harass freedom of expression of the press and/or the people?

    As private entities it is their right to practice free speech by choosing what messages they allow to be shared on their platform. This is a protected right under the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Their website is their property and theirs to do with as they please, just as you can kick anyone off your property for any reason you want.
  9. Originally posted by WellHung Is smoking heroin any less junkie-ish than injecting smack?

    It's just a waste of your drugs. Smoking heroin is still pretty unhealthy and will fuck up your lungs. IV use is actually fairly safe if you can manage to get clean product and do it right.

    You're a junkie either way. People who smoke heroin like to pretend like they're above people who inject it. They aren't.
  10. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

    Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think cellular phones are a pretty neat idea.

    This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

    And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with cellular phones.

    Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should have ever left the oceans.
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL Stick with the original Gorilla Glue. You don't need anything else. It has it all.

    One of the worst strains in existence. I am not surprised you like it.
  13. thats when he did the meatspin
  14. Originally posted by CASPER I guess youre right. Internet friends are just such a weird situation. I think ive been here since i was 14. Even people like Malice - who I never met- that fucked me up. OMGPLZDNTBAN- dying drunk in some shitty corner of Montana by himself. Juicebox. Diet Piano. Hydro and her slow slide into whatever it is now. Its like the movie IT. The Sad Kids Club all grown up but theyre still morose, dysfunctional weirdos. Its just strange. But Fubi was really the last person i expected. I still cant imagine wtf happened. Dude was 28 or 29.

    This place just feels like a weird, sad purgatory sometimes.

    What's scary is that I don't know if the people who left it really did any better.

    I think most people here were just fucked up to begin with, and on some level that has to fuck you up for the rest of your life. Most of us will never be like that straight edge doctor who gets wild on Friday's with two glasses of wine/two beers and loves her/his life but ughhh she/he has to work so much.

    Like some people just deal with it so much better, and here's me struggling to stay smoking weed all day so I don't slip into more harmful addictions again. I know lots here feel the same, and fubi did too. But he managed to get out of it for the most part it seems. Like you said, I didn't expect it.

    It's so depressing. He did all that work, did all that progress, and for what? What an unfair way to lose his life after all the hospital visits and close calls and risks taken. God must work in some VERY mysterious ways, because it just doesn't make sense to me. How do I know I'm not going to drop dead tomorrow?
  15. Originally posted by Sudo What is your point? That you would need multiple addresses? Wow thats so hard to circumvent It would take a big brain pot procuring non paki to find a motel, house for sale, fucking anywhere. I can tell you are very slow and sheltered.

    You are really stupid.

    The votes are checked against a registry system. You can't just type in some different address. They do the Census in Summer for a reason.
  16. Lol @ living in 3 apts in 3 years. Let me guess, government housing?
  17. Originally posted by Kev because you didnt went to school

    No, it's just that both of you are kind of dumb. I work in a lab so I just find this kind of discussion laughable
  18. Originally posted by Meikai Truth can't be falsified (kinda by its very nature - if it's possible to prove something wrong, it isn't 100% guaranteed to be true). So science can't tell you what is true, only what is most likely to be true by process of elimination. Science can tell you what is wrong. And when you do that over and over and over, you're left with a relatively accurate reflection of capital-T, guaranteed "Truths".

    This is just plain not true and is stupid as fuck.

    Science can prove that water alleviates human thirst. Tell me how that is 'proving something wrong'
  19. Originally posted by Meikai I think the vast majority of people place a lot of trust in science, including traditionally religious people. And yes, they don't all trust in it 100%. But there is a particular subset of people who do have unquestioning faith in science, and for whom the fact that science can change (and that actual scientists often delight in finding out they're wrong) is an afterthought; a get out of jail free card like "god works in mysterious ways".

    You don't have to be smart or reasonable to have the right opinions. And when stupid unreasonable people get ahold of science, they treat it stupidly and unreasonably and believe in it to a stupid and unreasonable degree. The PopSci industry probably couldn't exist without people like that, who want to know the latest "facts" and believe in them just as deeply as they do something as rigorously tested as the standard model of physics (until it turns out they're wrong, and they start believing the new thing which is okay because god works in mysterious ways).

    And you know what that makes them? Better scientists than some guy who just believed in the established facts without critical thought, skepticism, or the gathering of empirical data to support their belief. As long as they adjust their worldview to match the facts as established by their observations, proving themselves wrong is commendable.

    I don't really want to read that.
  20. Originally posted by CASPER Lol yeah he reached in the glovebox of my beat to shit 1971 chevy and there were still rusty paint scraper razors in there from the mexicans whod owned it before me. He exclaimed some properly british think like FOOKIN HELL MAN and i think we duct taped a fast food napkin around his hand so he could continue to get high. He was a fun dude. Id hoped wed have been able to meet up again to get some pictures where i wasnt like 450 lb and looking like id seen a meth ghost.

    Part of me feels stupid for caring so much about people i barely know, but thats just how i am. I see little pieces of me in everyone else. Its why i rarely criticize or get angry. I shouldve done that stupid ice bucket challenge video lol.

    I don't know man. We knew him for a long time. You met him in person.

    I've known him for probably 8 or 9 years. Spent a lot of time joking around with him. Had some real ass discussions. Doesn't really matter that those were over the internet to me. He was a good dude.
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