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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Sudo I dislike Toobin and am surprised he actually has a penis. Story makes me like him slightly more. Also Roger Stone is into watching BLACKS bang his wife

    Roger Stone, advisor to the 2016 Trump campaign and convicted of crimes including: witness tampering, obstructing an official proceeding, and five counts of making false statements? Those false statements being completely fabricated claims about Wikileaks publishing hacked emails from the DMC.

    The same guy who said that if Trump loses the 2020 election, he should declare martial law?

    This dude doesn't just watch blacks bang his wife. He hires a film crew and gets a Mexican to jump a faux border wall to bang his wife.
  2. Originally posted by G PM your info

    PM your info faggot.
  3. Originally posted by G 'Twas linked in chat many a moon ago lol. Like some 7 year old autistic kid's musings & ramblings lol.

    No it wasn't, because I never shared it, so you could've never read it.
  4. Originally posted by ORACLE Fubi is dead? Proof?

    There were a few posts on his Facebook page I saw, and Oct got in contact and confirmed. He died of a heart attack :(
  5. Wow Jenny is such a good cat mom. She's adopted half the shelter so far

    wow thats amazing

    i know right???
  6. Are you actually legally retarded? Let me know if you are.
  7. Originally posted by Kev You cant prove a theory right, you can only prove it wrong, i literally just went over this. if a theory is right then it cant be falsified, if it cant be falsified then by definition it is not science.

  8. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood he is so fucked lol

    Literally just garbage news. I don't care if he masturbates with a big black dildo at night. This kind of shit belongs in People magazine and Seventeen and whatever the fuck else garbage shit idiot single mom's buy at the Walmart checkout counter.
  9. What makes you think Hikki can afford VR? His apartment has black mold.
  10. Originally posted by CASPER Man im legit sad about Fubi. Feels like the end of an era as all the OGs die off.

    I'll say hi to him 4 u
  11. Originally posted by G I'd wager a testicle that Gnome gets SSDI & EBT while he sits @ his family's home & larps on the web.

    Lol you wish. Would fit your narrative, wouldn't it?
  12. Originally posted by Kev I want her to do the impossible: take responsibility for her choice. she does the work of birthing, great, she CHOSE that path, let her fucking pay for it.

    you get it. since neither of us has a cunt, why do you give a fuck about her choices?

    then leave men alone and stop forcing them into parenthood when they didnt consent to it. then we can agree it makes no sense for them to be legally involved in this. otherwise, it sure the fuck means a lot to have a say whether or not you lose 80% of your income for the next 18 years over some bitch that doesnt want you.

    And they are right. they mistreat women much less than western countries mistreat men. theres far more gender equality in islamist shitholes than jedimerica.

    The left cries nonstop about rape culture and wymynz rights but welcomes sharia law. WHAT HIPOCRITS!

    the right for women to choose = the right for women to destroy themselves and their family and then shift the burden to men to clean up all the mess. women have no agency and thus should never have been given such rights.

    true libertarian freedom is a utopia, i dont buy it.

    I'm not reading this. You are retarded as fuck. Don't respond to me with these multi-quotes ever again.
  13. Originally posted by Meikai Yeah, I wasn't really referring to gadzooks. He's one of the most level headed people around here, and he's definitely more willing to reflect on things than vast majority of human beings. If there's a cult of middling IQ normies who have themselves holed up in what they feel is the Unassailable Bastion of Truth and Knowledge known as Science!, Gadzooks is in a farming village outside the bastion's walls.

    Again... the mistake you make is thinking people trust 100% in Science, as conservatives do God or Trump.

    People trust in *established* science which has been tried and tested and proven.

    You know what happened when the flat earthers try to prove their theory right? They fail.
  14. Originally posted by Meikai I don't know what to call them, but there is a certain subset of the population who are öbsessed with "Science!" and that obsession does seem to stem entirely from a crippling fear of being wrong or seen as stupid. Confronting these people with the reality of how little they actually know has much the same result as an atheist confronting a hardcore evangelical.

    Not really. Most people who 'believe' in science understand that it doesn't always get the full picture. I mean, we used to put Uranium in toothpaste because science hadn't yet figured out it wasn't safe.

    But some things are just... clear. I'm not going to pretend to know enough to talk about quantum physics. But the consensus science we've had, for hundreds of years, with thousands of studies done, is not so much a leap of faith. There is no 'belief.' We know that masks stop bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from spreading. We knew it back in 1918 during the Spanish Flu, back in 1817 during the Cholera epidemic, and we know it in 2020 with the coronavirus.

    The problem with anti-science people is that they mistake scientific consensus for populist consensus, and use that rationale to dismiss anything that doesn't agree with their political views. They think these massive peer reviewed institutions are corrupt and pushing false information, and somehow THEY are the only group of people who can see that. There is never any sort of hard review on this. It's all social media, news clips, etc. These idiots really think they are smarter than the educated professionals who went to school to study so that they could work in this field you claim to know more about.

    Conservatives are just retards, the lot of them.
  15. Originally posted by Kev gadzooks, im afraid you dont get how it works at all despite your tenure at the university.

    your biggest problem is your obsession with certainty and being right, which science cannot and will not ever do, it can never prove something to be right, no matter how many times you replicate the result. you can replicate it a billion fucking times and still not be absolute.

    see the white swan fallacy, no matter how many times you bring me a white swan, it will never prove they are all white. but guess how many times i have to demonstrate a black swan to send your theory to the fucking grave? ONCE.

    science is not knowledge, science is not "facts", its a PROCESS and it can only prove whats wrong.

    thats what nobody in this estrogen self-absorbed special snowflake age ever wants to be, fucking wrong about something. scariest fate ever!

    continue with this attitude and youll always be gullible to junk science.

  16. Originally posted by ORACLE It doesn't cancel the vote until the new one is sent in. You cannot just void a vote by ordering another ballot. You need someone on the other end who is willing to attach their address to it inextricably. So if there is any investigation into voter fraud, you are relying on obscurity to keep you from going to federal prison for mail fraud and voter fraud.

    This. It's just not viable. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. Trump tried to vote twice and they caught it. Chauvin tried to vote twice and they caught it. There has never been any evidence of voter fraud despite exhaustive investigations into the issue. The only way I can possibly think you could pull this off is by renting a bunch of Airbnb's or something to use their address... but again, easily traceable.

    I don't know how many times officials have to say it before people finally get it through their head that they aren't smarter than the people whose job it is to think of shit like this. It's really easy to use specific words and frame it in a certain way so that it looks like it's easy, but there are multiple fail safes in place. Multiple votes don't get counted. You would have to hope that person wasn't voting. We had 55% voter turnout in 2016. How fucking high do you think it'll be this year?

    The rate of voting fraud overall in the US is between 0.00004% and 0.0009%, according to a 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice. Not enough to impact the election or be an issue. In the end, the problem of mail in voter fraud is no more of a problem than the loch ness monster or big foot. Oregon has been doing open mail in voting since 2001 and only had 14 total cases of mail in fraud.

    You're literally more likely to be struck by lightning than have someone steal your ballot.
  17. Originally posted by Number13 Nigga I clearly said children being killed, learn to read.

    As if his argument would be any less valid if he said "children have been getting killed for thousands of years".

    Frankly I think it's more humane to kill a clump of cells than to let it grow up and suffer due to Conservative policies. Conservatives want you alive and in pain. That's their goal.
  18. I wonder what I'll spend my ~2100 on. Maybe I'll finally get that VR setup I've been wanting.
  19. Originally posted by G $1,000 crypto


    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i bet my soul and everything i own that trump wins see you in 3 weeks LOSERS god you people are fucking retarded I already bet $50 that the muller investigation would go nowhere and I have yet to collect from you brainwashed cowards so pony up pony boy it's gonna be another 4 years of triggered soy tears

    It did go somewhere. Trump was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. The new senate report proves without a doubt that the Trump administration was working together with the Russian state.

    Originally posted by Nil $100CAD Trump wins.

    deal. $100 CAD.

    Originally posted by Kev Can you even figure out how to use cryptocurrency, spic? i bet you $1000 worth of monero, let me know your address.

    You're retarded as fuck. I've been buying bitcoin since 2012.


    Can't wait to take all your money.
  20. Originally posted by Kev jesus fuck
    this is why kids shoot up their schools.

    It's not a real picture... Handwriting is literally the same.
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