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Posts by Big League Jew

  1. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Chintrola, necesito jugar este juego pero no tengo tiempo porque tengo que ir a una pueblita lejos para trabjao. Posiblemente puedo jugar a noche pero no se.

    Feliz navidad
  2. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    The thing with depression is sploo... Think about your mind like "mental real estate".

    When you have little to nothing going on, your life becomes focused on nothing.

    You might have one bad conversation and it fucking kills you because it's the last time you spoke to a human being and it was the first time in 2 days or whatever. When it is 1/200 conversations you had that week, it doesn't matter.

    If you have a job, a relationship, maybe studies, a hobby. Then one of those things going wrong isn't the end of the world. Whereas if you have little going on, then having a bad turn in one thing doesn't seem devastating and world ending, because your world is bigger than that. You have other shit to occupy your mental real estate. Otherwise all you have is petty bullshit and your mind has only one boring ass thing to be happy about, mull and obsess over, and then be fucking devastated by when it goes away.

    The world ends with you. It's your job to make your world bigger and capable of bearing more. Understand what's going on with your mind, recognize it when it starts zooming in on some stupid shit, and do something else. Try to go for a walk.
  3. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    As for social anxiety, that's another matter of crash coursig yourself. Bars are useful for this. People are drunk and don't give a fuck if you're nice. They will chalk it up to you being drunk. Don't be a dickhead, when in doubt shut your mouth and smile at someone. Don't approach touchy subjects. Talk about normie shit. Even if you don't know, you can turn it into a question and get them to tell you about it. People love telling you about themselves and shit they know about. Questions are great. Don't ask dumb ones, stick to normie and nice shit. Like I said, this is just a matter of crash coursing it. You have to get used to being in social situations. There's no shortcut. But there are good ways to do it.

    Also, start weaning yourself off your technology. Make yourself like 2 hours a day to dick around on the internet until you have other shit going on.
  4. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Yo I super relate on the ickyness thing. Serious Pro tip: buy nitrile, latex or vinyl gloves. They are cheap as fuck and it is EASY. I am sort of a germaphobe myself, I use gloves while attending to my cats' litter, wiping up anything dirty, dusty, clumps of hair on the bathroom floor etc. Literally buy yourself a surgical mask if it makes you feel better about fumes and scents etc. It's mostly psychological but it helps if I have to clean up something worse, like my asshole cat will shit out of his box sometimes. Wear a set of dirty clothes from your hamper while cleaning if it makes you feel better about getting down on your knees and elbows etc.
  5. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Eh it's a little overrated. Being sober makes a day feel like 48 hours for me. I feel like I literally cannot fill my hours. But that's kind of a good problem to have... Finding shit to fill up your free time that you're interested in. Once you start bringing in money you can actually try out some shit. Go to a community college and sit in on a course you might enjoy or listen to a podcast while on an elliptical. You just need to start getting used to going out and being a normal dude.
  6. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CandyRein I Have 0 clue where this random anger is coming fromπŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    Why are you mad right now again seriously?

    Originally posted by CandyRein

    ^ Sure sounds upset about being called a sheboon 😘😘😘😘😘
  7. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Sploo gonna take exactly zero of this advice.

    No, I actually don't think so this time. Retardation is a state of mind. There's nothing wrong with him, he is in what is known as a "funk". His problem is that he got a particularly chronic case. And when it gets like that, it feeds on itself and grows. But recognizing it and acknowledging the path out is the first step.
  8. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Also don't listen to anything Sudo the retarded tryhard says. Fuck ego death. Fuck your hippie bullshit. Fuck all this shit. There is no easy way. There is no magic bullet that will make you want to do the shit you are supposed to do. There is no shortcut. A flip isn't just gonna switch. Nothing will make a shitty job less shitty. You have to grind through it.

    You just have to learn to be a person. There's no other way around it. You have to start from the very basics you are missing. There's no shame in that if you are working on it and recognize it. You are already self aware. You are a smart kid. The thing is you smarted yourself out of suffering, ever. It's ok to suffer. It's a part of getting everything you ever wanted.
  9. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Or actually, let's start even more basic.

    Try to make every day a +1 day. Get SOMETHING done every day. Cleaning your room. Making your bed. Dusting your desk. Clearing out the dishes in your sink. Laundry. It could be smaller even. Try to create as little mess as possible and get your house in order little by little.

    Try to get your personal hygiene in order. Write yourself a rough schedule like this on a piece of paper for a week. Literally allocate time to getting your basic shit together like an SRPG. Start building a routine. Wake up at a set time, take a shower every morning, brush your teeth every day, floss, keep adding these as +1s to your routine.

    Stop wearing fuck around clothes every morning, change into real clothes every day, put on real pants.

    Just start slowly getting your shit together. Stop thinking of all that bullshit about what your life was supposed to be in your head. Focus forward. Where are you? What can you do? It's hard but just Do a little bit positively every day.
  10. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Sploo, drop the drugs for literally a week, bust that whole week towards writing an absolutely basic resume, get a basic ass job, any job you can get, and hold it down. I fucking PROMISE you shit will improve.

    Don't buy drugs with your money, literally give it to your parents if you can't manage it and 5ou can trust them. Or better yet if you can get direct deposit, pipe it right into your parents' shit.

    You are a chick who never left the nest, never learnt to fly. Go, learn to make your own money. Go to a bar every once in a while, find a nerdy bar or something close to you, just go hang out and have a couple of overpriced drinks to hang out in a cool environment. Talk to the bartender, talk to people beside you. Just learn how to be a person, out yourself into position to talk to people normally and make friends. You will find then in unexpected places. A supermarket, a bus stop, an airplane, who knows?
  11. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frumbob πŸŽπŸ¦„πŸˆπŸ―πŸ·πŸ¦Š I have no friends and no life. I only leave the house to go to the store. Im bordering on being incapable of taking care of myself, and Im too tired to even move my body most of the time. I have no hobbies or passions, the only thing ive done for fun in years is get high enough to focus on video games. As a teenager this wasnt too abnormal, but now that Im in my 20s with no life skills, no experience, and total social isolation Im thinking im bound to just be forever alone and a non functioning human. I dont have opioids to brighten my mood so I now can analyze how hopeless and dead my situation really is. Ive already missed out on the important parts that would define my life, squandered all my social relationships. How the fuck I can bounce back from this and become someone who isnt a loser I have no idea. I am so lonely for years and I have nothing to look foward to but a computer screen and my body is weak and tired like an AIDS man

    I told you so, nigga. Remember, I made this prophecy when you were like 15.
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Long term alcoholics are the worst. Worse than every day wake and bake stoners.
  13. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CandyRein You’re pretty upset about that pic… as if it was a jabbb at you..let’s me know you have tiny pee pee

    I laughed at that pic and complimented your long nigger dick so clearly you are grasping at straws.

    Similar to how you grasp at cock.
  14. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Shut the fuck up faggot
  15. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
  16. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Greenspam Getting shanked by a homeless drugged out Zombie just before he makes it to his front door?

    Sounds like San Francisco
  17. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Get it, cuz you're an ape nigger?
  18. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    More like Donkey Kong
  19. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Congratulations HTS you are essentially a woman with all the benefits of a male body. Enjoy being der ubermann.
  20. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Actual video of Lanny coming home from the club:

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