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Posts by Big League Jew

  1. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo scotchsish

  2. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo You seem extremely upset and victimized. You're literally "u guiz are assholes leave me alown!!!!" and it's sad and makes me feel like a bully. I'm sorry ok, your stoner culture stuff is really cool and you're a good sport kid

    unrelated: I can't stop listening to this song and it should really be the theme song for this side

    ^ Lackey mentality.
  3. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo this was a snoopy post. Damn you're pathetic. Do you think you're funnier "on weed?"

    You relate to this disgusting j000ish caricature

    You are are a nutlicker and you and your gay boyfriend can jerk each other all you want, I'm not gonna stop you from being a pair of fools.
  4. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Ditto for dietpenis
  5. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo It's not a funny joke and you're not a funny person. The fact that you enjoyed it enough to share with people you thought were as cringey and unfunny as you is insulting and shows the weak, gay lens you use to view the world

    You're not the comedy police and you're a massively unfunny motherfucker so your authority is nonexistent. Eat shit faggot. God bless America.
  6. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo You posted it because you relate to it and figured others would as well but it misses anyone but 13 year olds who smoke weed in circles behind bleachers and talk about doing things "on weed"

    I didn't give it a 2 second thought either, these are just the empirical facts my gut reaction tells me in a millisecond. Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book about me called "blink (an you might miss the smartest most bigliest dick man in the universe)"

    You have to try hard not to appear stupid, whether or not you are "on the weed"

    Empirical facts from your gut, routed directly from your massively pained asshole.

    The joke is that April 2020 will be 4/20. That's as deep as it goes, with exception to how far it went up your ass.

    You are pathetic, and reek of desperation and buttfrustration. A guppy wouldn't take this bait.
  7. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo yes we kno you started smoking weed at a malice like age and feel cooler because of it but stop with the 13 year old super rad stoner memes. It doesn't even seem like irony it's just gay bro

    You sound pretty mad about a meme bro. I didn't give it 2 seconds thought before posting it.

    In fact you routinely try to read too much into random shit by other posters in an attempt to generate some ineffectual putdown.

    It's pathetic and desperate. Don't do it, you look like a bitch.
  8. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Anyone who doesn't like curry is mentally stunted and probably can't even jack off to tranny porn.
  9. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
  10. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Do you believe the best path to learning is a technical school or should I just try to work at a machine shop for a few months or something?
  11. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Pretty worth it tbh.

    I do not really buy many AAA single player games any more because they absolutely do not hold my interest long enough to warrant more than $5. If it is under $5 and I really want it, I'll get it otherwise I have like 200 Steam games I have never even touched or played only once or twice and I keep remembering that there is a 99% chance I just won't play it. Most of them are pretty good games too, I just don't have the patience nor interest to sit and just play one game any more at a stretch unless it really grabs my interest. And Steam disables automatic refunds after 2 hours.

    Gamepass, EA Access, Uplay+, are all a good way to try different shit with no restrictions, specially AAA games. For example I got EA Access to play ME Trilogy, didn't like it too much, but I fucking love Titanfall 2, which I tried next.
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G you play xbox?

    Gamepass is on PC. If you have both you can use it on both.
  13. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny unless its very light, like asbestos or gypsum or some other light minerals.

    and different layers in the atmosphere have different densities and wind directions.

    There is no amount of pressure or temperature difference not regular airflow that will accelerate a rock fast enough to lose FLIR autotracking. But even before that, it would burn up. But there is no ram pressure fireball observable either.
  14. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Al Bigdaddy
  15. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Gazdooks megavirgin turbofaggot get shit on homo
  16. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by bigthink the engineering would be fine if you planned for the axle to break

    It wouldn't break if it were metal. If the drive train can transmit the power it really shouldn't snap.
  17. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lets see your axle blueprint.

    It's a LEGO axle
  18. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny not every space debris have to have density of a rock. do you know assbestos, gypsum ? other planets have these low density minerals too and when they enter the earths atmosphere they get slowed down to subsonic speed and they just glide in the air.

    and one possible reason that it acclerated was because it went into a different layer of atmosphere that flowed in a different direction. or maybe the plane slowed down.

    No you're retarded, I don't know why the fuck every time we have a conversation it's you insisting on being a retard and resisting all evidence until I have to nail your asshole wide open.

    Space rocks don't just cruise, it would need to have a very low angle of entry and would burn up, this is a well defined non-burning (since we have FLIR image) object travelling at cruise speed then it massively accelerates off screen to lose the FLIR. Different layers of atmosphere don't do shit to impart huge velocity upon a rock supposedly aerodynamic enough to enter the lower atmosphere without disintegrating. You are fucking retarded if you believe a rock entering a different layer of gas can suddenly give it multiple times its existing velocity. Where is the energy coming from?

    their testimony means jack shit. remember "thats their fault for bringing their kids into battle" ?

    thats right. the US military is made up mostly of these type of people.

    Your prejudgement based off some other shit even means more jack shit. To watch the interview. If you think the dude is lying or mistaken,
    say what you take issue with.
  19. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Pay to download.
    Single payer first person shooter.

    It's on gamepass.
  20. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Started playing it this morning, the GamePass version doesn't jive well with my Steam Link so I'm playing it at my desk and it is pretty dank. Only problem is I'm having frame rate issues. I think it might be my drivers. But aside from that they have gotten a lot right so far. I like the movement and upgrade systems too. Once you get the forward dodge, the melee system goes from good to awesome. I am currently using the electric hammer to whip some faggot ass. I like the bullet time system too. The limb effects are fun. And the fact that non combat upgrades help in combat too somewhat is great so you don't just suck ass in combat if you spec stealth and conversation and stuff.
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