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  1. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie If Wariat was more literate and less of a felon i'd have taken his side in this discussion. But whatcha gonna do? C'est la vie.

    It's funny that you try to put yourself above him when you yourself have openly admitted to fucking a tween and watching child porn.
  2. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I fixed that for you

    Yawn. The opinion of Brits makes no difference.
  3. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Sex is jsut fun if both people are attracted ro each other this is why I am against prostitution or human trafficing. But if somehow one finds a eprcerted teen girl or whatever age who somehow enjoys it like many do and it has been proven fact it is the parents and societies or countries laws who often stop something thst goes on out or their own will many times i really dont see a difference between it and doing a sport like playing basketball. It really is fun and the nastier it is the more crazy and itnense it gets the more fun it is. Hck i wouldnt even stop if i got slapped or my dick was bitten it would be jsut another experience. And in all reality i have regrets not fuking this 38 yr old when i was 15 and it can i am sure be one of the beste xperinces as during that age you are the horneist and it is msot intense.

    Oh and never in my life did i feel it snything emptional or want tos ee the perosn or date them after. I only did thta if ic ared for them and that wa sin my mind always seprate froms ex. Sex for me was always lust fun and sportman like with sweat and exercise involved as well.

    You know what? I hate Polish people now.
  4. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Peedy has mentioned several times that he goes out for mexican food but gets the cold shoulder from them (or he perceives) He's actually a huge racist to think that all mexicans think he is literally trump. They probably just think he's a nerdy whyte guy

    Lol @ speedy getting mexican food

    'yeah go back to your country but tacos are dank as fuck you can leave those here'

    Probably wants all his taco joints to be run by white people
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Fiest off zi am not in Cancun anymore. That was just the airport, secondly gangs run human trwfficing snd I am sure underaged prostitution so they deifnitley let it happen.

    We're talking about you getting stabbed.

    That doesn't happen in touristy areas because gangs make a killing off hotels and bars.

    So the fact that you're not in Cancun anymore makes me very happy.

    Anyway protip if you're trying to find drugs or prostitutes: A lot of this goes down at bars. You can usually tell who the gangsters are at a glance, as they usually hang around the same bar all day every day. Like I said, bar owners are in on this. Just approach them and say 'hey puto do you speak english by chance?' Puto is a casual term usually reserved for friends that lets them know you're down for something good. Sometimes people get mad if you assume they're a gang member when they're not (most Mexicans have a strong hate for the cartels) so if this happens just say 'sorry tonto i didnt mean anything by it' and they'll realize you're just a stupid tourist and leave you alone.

    Just don't fuck any underage girls.
  6. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    18 U.S. Code § 4 Pedophilia is totally ok

    its fine and you can rape children the law doesn't care and supports you in this issue, thankyou
  7. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Okay §m£ÂgØL, you've worked in an ER and shot .22 pistols with hollow points in your days as para military commando for the mexican cartel. You have over 300 ways of killing me and that's just with your bare hands. In fact you're so hardcore you just sew stab wounds shut, your internal organs can't bleed out because you've replaced all your blood with super fast coagulating salsa. I am sorry to have doubted you.

    Good. Now keep your fucking head down or I'll push it down for you.
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Im a fifth gen, I have no clue as to what this is.

    but then again, I don't drink alcohol as it sounds like.

    Lol it's just a Mexican soda. I don't really drink soda but I usually have one when I go out for tacos or menudo. Any grocery store in America with any sort of ethnic section will have the entire rainbow of their flavors.

    People who don't shop at these places are missing out imo. I go to the Asian and African mart by me all the time, and go to the carniceria on a weekly basis.
  9. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You just assumed the whistleblower was with the bad guys. Assume makes an ass out of you and me.

    Says the guy who denigrates a CIA agent by calling them a 'spy'
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Yeah go ahead and hide that face. Nobody wants to look at you. Especially not children. In fact, why don't you just go hang yourself? I'll send the money for rope and a stool. You just work on finding a nice high spot, pedo.
  11. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania I think petrol can be gasoline or diesel

    also Gasoline is apparently a copyright name from Mobile or Exxon Mobil. someone said this earlier.

    Right there. Gasoline. Not petrol.

    Can I call petroleum jelly 'petrol' as well? What about motor oil? It's petroleum based too.

    Just goes to show how stupid the English are. 1776 could not have come sooner if you ask me.
  12. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby No I drink them at the places I've worked for free. And I don't shop at walmart, I shop at HEB, thats a grocery store, you yank.

    Lmao of course you do. Man you really showed me.

    Fucking halfie
  13. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Facial hair is frowned upon in Japan, and even banned in some areas.

  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    its called gasoline not petrol

    get it right
  15. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The President is the head of, and responsible for, the entire Justice Department, therefore he can investigate anything he wants, anywhere he wants, and whoever he wants. It's his job. It's in his job description. You have no proof whatsoever that anything he did or said was politically predicated. Come back when you do.

    He pretty much openly admitted to breaking the law. Why do you think he lied about the call at first, and later admitted it on national television? Fucking lol.

    Just get the fuck out of here, Canadian. You're a joke who wishes they were American.
  16. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    It doesn't matter if it's legal.

    If you hurt children, you're still a sick fuck who deserves death by cheese grater.

    Though it's probably better you just go to prison, because every prison in the world hates chomos, and will take any opportunity to beat your ass.
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Yes. On multiple occasions.

    Are you kidding me, any decent sized knife is going to fuck you up. What are you shooting .22 hollow points? If so, ok, maybe. Otherwise, no.

    Sure they're fun to shoot, but i was under the impression we were talking about a "shoot to kill" scenario here.

    Lol on multiple occasions. That's a good way of saying 'yeah a few times'.

    Knife wounds are way easier to clean up than bullet wounds. Ask anyone who has worked in the ER. Knives cut cleanly and in one direction, making it easy to stitch up any organs or skin. Bullet wounds cause a circular wound, deform, tumble, and if they hit bone yes they will absolutely cause shrapnel. I don't know why you think hollow points are the only kind of round that do this. Normal .22 rounds are non jacketed and will fragment just fine.

    Plus your skull and ribcage can probably ward off a knife attack. You're not going to have any defense against a bullet. If someone shoots any round at you, even a .22, that shit is going to go deep and probably cause organ damage.
  18. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country It's not acceptable to be a pedo anywhere, in any country. No one will ever be like "hey you're a pedo? Why don't you come over and meet my 4 year old. She's single."

    Other pedos might

    There's also a surprising amount of pedophile enablers out there. Hydro was one of them but not to the extent you could fuck her child. I hope.
  19. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  20. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    What a hypocrite.

    You know who isn't a hypocrite? Bernie Sanders.
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