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  1. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost nobody has found any of my secret stashes so I don't care. I'll build wherever

    I wish I had taken Obbe's advice but I love above ground building so much. God. I need to upload pics of the stuff I've made in creative.
  2. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  3. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country That's awesome. Is tequila like Mexican moonshine/poteen?

    No it's legal and highly regulated in Jalisco, and my uncle was running a legal distillery, though he didn't actually have an agave farm it's just cows and horses and a bunch of fucking dogs.

    Olmeca is some legit shit as it comes from there. I mean I don't really like tequila but Olmeca is pretty good. Personally I prefer whiskey. I am drinking some whiskey now. Evan Williams. It's good. Thanks bye.
  4. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra There were a lot more people tied to it than just Hillary, and that whole retarded case was the basis for many of the subsequent attacks on Trump.

    If it's actually true (again, no idea) someone's intentionally kept it intact indicating that the information on there is valuable


    why don't you tell us about Australian politics
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano President Trump (PBUH) believes that exercise isn't important because "The body has a finite amount of energy, like a battery".

    I tend to agree because doesn't doing all that work put more strain on your body?

    Now, yes, having a lot of lean muscle and minimal fat is "healthier", but once you get to that point, isn't pushing your body to the limit all the time going to work the hell out of your organs so they get used up and die quicker?

    I don't think that exercise is unilaterally good for you, it has pros and cons, and let me use the heart as an example. Exercise raises your blood pressure, your heart rate, and puts strain on your cardiac muscle. There is a reason why people with certain heart conditions should not exercise, because it may kill them by straining their heart.

    Isn't a lifetime of straining your body going to be wear you out quicker in some ways?

    Some of this is true though, some of its not, but some of it is

    me and scron are jucing

    The heart thing is true. But I have a heart problem and my cardiologists always told me to do anerobic exercise over aerobic. So I walk an hour a day and lift weights 5/7 days. Has to do with not only heart attack risk, but thickening of the heart muscles. Something that happens to athletes or people who are too tall or fat (because their heart works harder)
  6. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    That's depressing lol. I'm getting a new laptop soon and was planning to start playing again. Can we go like 50k out or some shit fuck everyone else???
  7. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra seeing a lot of people saying the government's gotten its hands on Hillary's server from 2016, though I don't think it's been officially confirmed and I can't/won't watch linked videos to see if it's explicitly mentioned. was going to make a thread about it but it's not really worth discussing if it's just fantasy

    Who gives a flying fuck. Sounds like more right wing propaganda to me. I don't see any Democrats who give a shit about Hilary. Most didn't like her much to begin with.
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra you know once you do I'm going to withdraw a couple right

    no aldra no please dont
  9. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    when they actually did shit like take away the socialized railroads and mining industries of Germany

    They were way more Capitalist than the former government of Germany, who actually implemented those socialist ideals.
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Socialism 2020
  11. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost i dropped out of school and my science teacher told us how to make nitrous oxide once but nobody was listening or paying attention including me

    I thought he was trying to be edgy so I ignored him

  12. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, that's exactly what I mean when I say inner and outer penis.

    I clicked on this thread and was gonna skip over your post but this line made me stop and read.

    I am severely disappointed in myself.
  13. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Is gay town still unscathed? Are these redditors who are griefing
  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I want to bring my total thanks to 123 and no more. Right now it's at 117.
  15. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    "heyyy :)"
  16. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Hey faggot
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    That's clearly a curry spoon
  18. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks I bet her vagina tastes like cotton candy.

  19. GAAAAALM African Astronaut

    Look at me

    Marry me

    Fuck Shaye

    I mean not literally but FUCK her

    U got dis
  20. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
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