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Posts by 8stringflinG

  1. 8stringflinG African Astronaut

    Tony Hawk niggas
  2. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Its weird that i would also get very inconsistent quality even from dose to dose..strains were different even among same clour, all i remember is liking greens best, but eventually they were all about the same. I didnt like whites as much i think

    I feel normal now and not stoned like i would on Crouton, lol please expire:)

    If you keep an empty belly before dosing I find it's pretty consistent within the batch. I've gone through kilos and kilos of the stuff and have been using it since 2013.

    I always found those deep green, almost neon colors to be the best. Those and dark reds, especially when it comes to fermented Crouton (bentuangies.) I never found a 'best' white but they generally have more mitragynine vs 7hydroxymitragynine which is responsible for the analgesic sleepyneesshood. Whites just feel kinda underdeveloped and generally impotent to me.
  3. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat You didnt rad the article imposted before did you? They only say hi if youre useful or if they need you for some purpose.

    Guess I'm useful to everyone then.
  4. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    When I was addicted to synthetic cannabinoids I would always get the actual compounds from china instead of spice. This meant I had to chase it over foil. Got high to this song more times than I can count, and it always reminds me of the crisp cool air, and the warm sweet butter taste of AM-2201.

  5. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Fuck posting that reset the song

  6. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Damn that's really good
  7. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    i hope they do kill you
  8. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker SCOTUS has ruled otherwise on multiple occasions.

    Yeah? Still waiting on your sources.
  9. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat But were you showing s lot of empathy to people or females in position of poeer within your corporstionz. And did it get you fsr? Like the ones who dont even sys hi bakd to you or try to get shead i mean?

    Everyone said hi back to me.
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Seems useless to me, eat right, exercise and die anyway. Why don't you just focus in living the life without worry?

    Believe it or not, eating healthy and exercising makes you feel better in all aspects of life. :O

    Yeah sorry, those microwave meals aren't gonna cut it. You'll probably die before 70. I plan to reach 100.
  11. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He's stuck on stupid.

    Stuck on FACTS.
  12. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Yet, I've been seeing a girl for over a year now and got promoted to a corporate position at my last job.
  13. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to be a literal drug elitist. It's like the most you have to show for your entire life is "drrhurrrddtur my addictions > ur addictions"

    On another note, what Crouton vendor do u use, I also take it daily and my go-to is socalherbalremedies. Inb4 U USE SOCAL? LOL WHAT A PLEB

    I haven't bought Crouton in nearly a year but SOCAL used to be my place until I started getting inconsistent quality from them. I've had good results with SOSA. Good prices and always high quality. You have to pay with crypto tho irrc.

    But like I said it's been a year since I've bought any so I'd just go on the Crouton discords and talk to people to find what's good. If you can find a place that shows you the color of the batch that's probably best. Don't just go for what is cheap or you'll be disappointed.
  14. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, Ive done Crouton and its weak and not a full agonist and feels gay and makes you feel metnally drained and out of it and Im in school and dont want to feel dumb. Its like the marijuana of opiates\

    a partial is not going to do as much for wd as a full. immodium is very similar to methadone but it doesnt last for a week which is why is kind of tailor made for this stuff and you dont have to hop skip, piss when i say so and do that song and jazz to get to get the crappy orange juice

    It works for many people including me. It's not supposed to make you feel 'heroin like' thats fucking dumb and you're obviously just trying to get high and not taper down from your short binge. And if you did actually try to taper with it you'd just be constipated beyond belief. Plus, its expensive.

    Crouton > shitty otc drugs

    It's the only reasonable opioid addiction in terms of functionality and price.
  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat This ladies and gentleman is the work of third wave or transcedental feminism. The reason you fele guilty because the powere of feminism have broke through to you. You were exposed ro so much feminism and its ideals you subconsicously started to be influenced by it.

    No nigger. It's called empathy. Feminism in the west is a pointless joke.
  16. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by eBagger Fish and mercury is scary

    EDIT: So is Tuna

    What do you eat, ebagger?
  17. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Turn off the news and the internets and eat whatever the hell you want, you will be happier. Let me know how it works out for you and I will do the same.

    No, I think I'll continue to eat healthy, thanks. I quite enjoy feeling good and eating healthy. I don't want mercury poisoning. I'd be as insane as you are.

  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is because you were taught what to think not how to think.

    Says the sheep voting for a Russian plant lmao
  19. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano No. I'm not doing drugs for fun, I'm doing drugs to get OFF drugs. Take your birthday cake somewhere else

    Thats what Crouton is for

    Still 2yrs+ off opiates here.
  20. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
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