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Posts by Skulltag

  1. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Giving the term "bug chaser" a new meaning, are we ...
  2. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych Yeah but that's not just with gays that's is anyone who tried to claim moral superiority regarding a trait or whatnot and just as annoying when someone tried to define themselves by the same …

    Never said the contrary. Commies are just as annoying. Nazis are just as annoying. Socialists are just as annoying. Extreme left is just as annoying. Extreme right is just as annoying. Except this thread is specifically about faggots. And while I can respect a good thread hijack, that wasn't it, so ... Meh.

    This is still a faggot thread.

  3. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    "Been a while I didn't play Pokemon ... How'd it go? Mary had a goat, she also had a duck, she locked them in the garden, to see if they would fuck. After the duck humped the goat's leg, the goat squatted and laid an egg, the egg was wider than it's head, the goat's asshole is now dead."
  4. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Because being "fabulous" is what it's all about. Personally I couldn't give a damn about it, or like Russians say:

    "Пидор пидора ебёт,
    Пидор пидору сосёт,
    Кого больше из них прёт,
    Меня это не ебёт."

    It's annoying when they start claiming moral superiority and shit. Or when they define their entire personality about it. But what you're seeing is a vocal minority. There are plenty faggots who are people first and just so happen to enjoy their prostate being poked.

    More importantly, as someone above pointed out, if you kill one, dozens will come out, so on, so forth, 'till you have killed 1/10th of the population (Or 99% if you're in San Francisco).
  5. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie She told me how she was raped, repeatedly, all of her holes violated violently. Verily. As she raised her razor to start cutting her wrist i grabbed hold of her hand looked her in the eyes and said "No". "This isn't the answer, this never works." As i gently moved her hands about. She looked at me with tearful eyes and simply nodded. Then she cut her wrists vertically. I felt mischievous, and was filled with the most curious feeling of sadistic glee. I wiped her eyes dry as she died. And it was beautiful.

    The End.

    Man, this shit is more powerful than Mac Beth ...
  6. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    What's the point? Canada already asks how high when the US says jump.
  7. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    You will be missed.

  8. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Ok, find me proof. I watched that video you posted in it’s entirety, that doesn’t point to WHO did it, just how it was done.

    And yes I’m well aware that our government has done some fucked up shit, I just absolutely DO NOT believe they did this. Prove me wrong and I’m happy to listen.

    Unfortunately, the only way we're going to know the concrete truth is if it gets declassified. Which it never will because a shitstorm will raise. But if you want circumstential ... There's simply no way Al Quaeda or an outside power could accomplish it without being noticed. Unless betabet Agencies are less competent than mall security.

    There's simply no way in hell Al-Quaeda can have enough people, explosives and material in the middle of a US metropolis, conduct the necessary construction work to get the explosives in all across the building and then get out, without a single one of them being so much as suspected for it. Especially knowing that betabet Agencies representatives were working at those towers.

    No way. Not unless security was so grossly negligent that they watched them do it and ignored it, and then failed to report it. Which would mean collaboration by proxy anyway.

    EDIT: Suspected, as in spotted by a witness.
  9. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Wait, what? Literally

    No, figuratively. But it's not far from being literal either tbh. You should've seen Hikki drunk off his ass a couple days ago ....
  10. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
  11. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
  12. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie I mean… Do you prefer it if the girl you're banging is as silent as the grave?

    Well, I'm not complaining. I actually like Japanese voices. Though I'd prefer them using their natural voice more. But then, finding "realistic" porn is like looking for a straight-edge hippie ...
  13. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG Do you suppose the Japanese will ever stop squealing in porn

    Nah, not happening. I seem to remember somewhere that it's a cultural thing, the squealing turns them on because the woman is supposed to be shy and inexperienced, and turning her around and teaching her the pleasures of sex is a turn on for them.
  14. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
  15. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    And that's why you mute the porn you watch.
  16. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat By whose standards? Yours? And if the garbage is a female than its ok to you?

    Pretty much everybody's. And to be honest, radical feminists are bitches, you're a creep, and you all deserve each other. You're an insane lunatic who doesn't even realize that you are the same identitarian piece of shit that you condemn. You're exactly what you claim you're fighting against, except on the other side.

    But then, tell me, why should I waste my time educating you? Why should it be my problem to educate a psychopath who's clearly happy being one? Not only are you garbage, but you're proud of being garbage. Why exactly should I bother, mhmm? With this, it's time to make your pointless threads a little bit more fun.

  17. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat Are you seriously trying to convince me those corporate whores or women who work in corporations in big cities like San Fran or Warsaw are food people? And I am supposed to bow down to them or something? All I am saying is the garbage should be ignored snd treated the same way as it treats others.

    No. I'm saying that you are correct. Garbage shouls be ignored and treated the same way as it treats others. Incidentally, you are garbage.
  18. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat How am Iinsane? I treat otehrs the way I want to be treated. I dont act like just because I was born with poon I should get special treatment. I dont put others down to make myself feel better. I basically do none of the things females that hang out in posh bars they dont belong in (not even live in the area) or go to stupid international events trying to land a quick meal ticket depsite not being international do. And even if Iw as insane id rather be a good person instead of a fem that bullies people and has an easy life at the expense of suckers and men. If a bunch of men started acting like russians and armenians and treating them how they deserve and how they behave maybe theyd quickly realized their poon dont make them special.

    So you want to be raped and slaughtered with a machette? That explains a lot.
  19. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
  20. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
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