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Posts by Skulltag

  1. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Solstice Democrats and Republicans are equally retarded just in different ways. Organized political parties are retarded. Allows the ignorant masses to not have to think and just vote for their color like it's a sports team they're blindly supporting despite an 0-100 record.

    That. Thankyou. THAT, exactly.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i thought this thread was about doom..

    The other one is. Though seeing at how §m£ÂgØL's debating is on the level of a 15 year old schoolgirl, I'm actually tempted to post Doom stuff here too. At this point he already got schooled and admitted defeat anyway.
  2. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM Lol holy shit. You are a living meme. What does Obama have to do with any of this? When are you going to back any of your earlier claims? Never?

    Are you fucking stupid? My claim all along has been that impeachment is a WASTE OF TIME because Trump isn't any worse than any of the presidents. My claim ALL ALONG has been that you're wasting your time, and my money, for Trump drama while it should be used to improve our communities and drive a liberal push to get Trump removed from office with POLICY. Check my fucking post history to several months back, I've ALWAYS held the same position.

    You're the retard who can't see anything beyond a three years old impeachment meme.

    EDIT: When did I say that I will vote republican? Oh, that's right, I didn't. And NOW you're making sense. Votes, that's already a bit better than "Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!". Now, second step, how do you get votes on the Democrat side? That's right, by actually doing good towards your community and ignoring the Trump drama queens. You win by being BETTER than Trump, not stooping down to his level, you fucking mongrel.

    Honestly, I feel like I'm debating a pre-schooler. Are you not capable of basic logic?

    (Nice of you to back off from your ignorant "But Obama didn't have a scandal!" claims btw. Nice of you to try and dodge your ignorance. Not going to fly by me buddy.)
  3. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM No sources.

    Didn't read.

    All I hear is "baaaaaa baaaaa!"

    FFS nigger, are you that incompetent?

    This is just one. Look, I know you're used to be a braindead fuckwit who needs to be told what to think, but you gotta do your own research sometime. You can't swallow MSNBC's cum for the rest of your life. And I can't be bothered to educate every single dumbfuck because you can't get your head out of Trump's ass for a minute. I'm too busy actually doing things that matter.

    Still, I suppose I accept your surrender. If you can't be bothered to factcheck and actually construct a decent argument, then we're done here. GG, you've been schooled, you can fuck off now.

    When you've wised up, done some research and some fact checking, and when you're actually ready to get off your lazy ass and do some work, meet you in San Francisco. Pack a shovel and a protective suit. 'till then, go back to your drama.

    And yeah. Don't call yourself a democrat. Or a liberal. You've done nothing for the community but bitch and moan for the past 3 years.
  4. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't know what you're talking about, can you explain?

    So first, PrBoom+ is a source-port engine designed to be as close as possible to the Classic games. Here:

    Now, PrBoom is the only source port engine which is accepted by compet-n and the community at large for classic doom speedruns.

    One category of those speedruns is UV-Max, which consists of finishing a level on Ultraviolence as fast as possible while killing every monster (aside from Lost Souls) at least once and getting every secret:

    Finally, JPCP, also known as the Japanese Community Project, is a 32 map megawad designed by the Japanese doom community:
  5. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby heard

    Also, if you're into it, get PrBoom+ and run some speedruns. I'm currently working on JPCP UV-Max runs.
  6. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Check out Skulltag (AKA, Zandronum) bruv. Also, brutal doom isn't really suited to chainsaw rampages. If you're using GZDoom, do this:

    summon dsweap

    That'll be a bit better for melee rampages.
  7. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM How about recently when he got court ordered to repay the 2 million he stole from his charity. That's just the most recent one too. He's stolen from his chairty multiple times.

    Then there's the extortion.

    Misappropriation of federal relief funds and military funds

    Theres the rape case that got dropped when the victims family got death threats from WH officials.

    I mean do I really need to lini to Trump's extensive laundry list of lawsuits? He's got 17 going on now.

    Obama had 8 years of no scandal, and the economy improved throughout his entire presidency. He brought us out of a recession.

    Yes, yes you do. First, for stealing money, let's look at what our friend G. W. Bush did by stealing government property and funding Al Quaeda. Let's look at what our government did during the cold war, diverting taxpayer money and funding proxy wars.

    And rape case ... Motherfucker, Bill Clinton. Trump is EXACTLY the same thing as every other president.

    And Obama had no scandals? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you telling me that executing US citizens via drone strike is all right and dandy in your book? Are you fucking retarded? What about Obama's deportation camps, which your dumb fucking ass claimed are Trump's? What about Obamacare?

    Where was the outrage then? Where were you, when I was pushing back against Obama using drone strikes on US citizens? Crawl back into your fucking hugbox and drown yourself in your kool-aid you piece of worthless shit.

    The ONLY reason your ignorant ass is standing against Trump is because media is spoon feeding you the CIA's propaganda campaign. Oh yeah, that's right, the "whistleblower" is Eric Ciaramella, a CIA operative. The CIA is poking the back of your throat with the head of their dick and you're obediently swallowing.

    And you're too fucking butthurt about it that when I actually tell you that I stand against Trump, same as I stood against Obama and Bush, you have the nerve to call me a Trump supporting. You're literally calling a classical liberal, a Republican supporter. Are you fucking insane?

    TL;DR: Me saying that I don't give a damn about Trump =/= Supporting Trump. I'm a proud classical liberal. Slightly left leaning centrist. And you're a piece of useless shit that took over my party and are using the resources we should be using to aid the working class and out states for your personal drama bullshit.
  8. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM Ah yeah. Trump is doing so great for the economy. That's why we're bordering on a recession and why countries like France are threatening sanctions on the US.

    Literally everything in your posts is false. You can't prove a lick of it. I've provided plenty of evidence for my arguments. You've had the wool pulled over your eyes and are happily slurping Trump's cock like a good little serf. It's obvious you get all your talking points directly from far right wing propaganda.

    Please, go ahead and prove this "false flag" conspiracy of yours. I'd love to see you fumble around. I've come to really enjoy the show of mental gymnastics the Republicans put on. You're all very athletic in that regard.

    Motherfucker are you retarded? Did you learn to read english when you came to this country? How is supporting cleanup of California sucking Trump's dick? You've proven literally nothing. Give me ONE example of what crime Trump committed that Obama and Bush didn't?

    Oh, that's right, you can't, because he's doing EXACTLY the same thing as every other president did, and that is, being a mouthpiece for the corrupted state powers. But instead of actually researching that same state which directs Trump's actions, you're dodging the question.

    Fuck off.

    I NEVER said that Trump does good. I'm saying the YOU are an ignorant piece of shit. "The economy's bad, how can we fix it?" - "Let's impeach the orange man." - "How is that going to bring my job back?" - "Let's impeach the orange man."

    You're not offering a SINGLE solution to the problems that the United States are facing. Not a single one. And you have so much of a hate boner that you're confusing a classical liberal for a Trump supporter. GG dumbfuck, keep your fun while I'm going to continue working on cleaning up California.

    You, are not a democrat. You, are not a liberal. Hell, you're not even a leftist. You're an elitist piece of shit who claims that your twisted desires will somehow solve the working class' issues. Well motherfucker, surprise, people who actually have jobs and people who don't live in an ivory tower see right through you.

    You're THE SAME THING as Trump. An elitist piece of shit trying to claim that your voice is my voice. Well I've got something for you bubba, you're not. You can fuck right off to your ivory tower, because if you're not willing to work, I have no use for you. I don't have use for Trump, and I don't have use for entitled assholes who profit off of my work and dare dictate to me what I should be offended by.
  9. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM Nope. They were allowed in from the start. But its nice to see you so brainwashed.

    So you're STILL going to ignore my main point? I rest my fucking case. Motherfucker keep bitching in your kitchen, but when the economy crashes because your ignorant ass doesn't realize that policy is more important than your sitcom drama, don't you fucking dare beg for help.

    Both you "Orange Man Bad" and the "Orange Man Good" clowns need to lose your United States citizenship and get sent off to a deserted fucking island so you can kill each other while the rest of us actually get some work done. Useless fucking piece of shit.

    Good job speaking about brainwashing while your mental process isn't even capable of thinking about anything outside your soapbox. "OMG YOU'RE BRAINWASHED BECAUSE YOU DARE THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE THAN TRUMP". Motherfucker you can't even justify why Trump is getting impeached.

    Where was the outrage when Obama did exactly the same things as Trump? Where was it when Bush did it? That's right, it was nowhere to be found because your corporate media overlords didn't give you the order to bark. Get the fuck outta here with that shit boi.

    Call me brainwashed all you like, but I get shit done while you sit on your offended ass. You're useless. You won't make a difference. You won't get anywhere. Congratulations I guess, you actually managed to waste some of my time which would've been better spent researching what I can do to help California out of the dump it's in right now.

    Go back to your zombie media, shove your head in that TV-box and don't ever take it out. And don't you fucking dare claim that you ever did anything for this country.
  10. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM God. I thought you were better than this. Didn't expect you to be this stupid.

    Republicans in the house WERE in the initial hearing. (but i guess they're secret democrats too eh?) Nevermind that they broke national security laws by recording the damn thing. It was secret as to not allow collusion of testimonies. That's normal for impeachment. They did it with Clinton too when Republicans had control of the house.

    Heres 12 of the 30 or so Republicans who bust in that were already allowed to attend:

    Paul Gosar of Arizona
    Mark Green of Tennessee
    Jody Hice of Georgia
    Jim Jordan of Ohio
    Fred Keller of Pennsylvania
    Carol Miller of West Virginia
    Ralph Norman of South Carolina
    Mark Meadows of North Carolina
    Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
    Steve Watkins of Kansas
    Ron Wright of Texas
    Lee Zeldin of New York

    Except they were allowed in retro-actively. You'll notice that they were granted access AFTER they had stormed the hearing.

    And while I appreciate your ad-hominem and everything, you're still failing to address my main point:

    The whole impeachment inquiry in the first place is pointless and you're wasting everybody's time. Why are you not fighting Trump with policy? Where were you when immigration has been castrated? Why are you not actively campaigning to support democratic candidates and get Trump out of office that way?

    So yeah. Call me stupid all you want, but motherfucker, unlike you, I actually get shit done. You've been bitching about a reality TV show star for the past three years. Even if you were a fucking genius, you're useless if you're going to sit in your fucking bubble your entire life.

    Grow the fuck up, get your head out of Trump's asshole and get something done for a change, 'cause I'm starting to get tired to pay taxes and support my local community while you clowns are waging civil war over the new iteration of The Apprentice. You're fired, buffoons.

    Originally posted by 6011UM Well Trump is a criminal so…

    Literally EVERY SINGLE US PRESIDENT is one. What's your boner with Trump? Obama murdered US citizens with drone strikes and deported more people than Trump. Bush crashed planes into the twin towers. It's always been this way and it always will be, but instead of solving the underlying problem, you're just changing Orange man bad.

    Trump's a fucking pawn, set down by the system so that the powers that be have a scapegoat. And YOU are flaming the scapegoat while letting the people in control get away with it. You're literally WORSE than useless because you're taking all the attention away from the issues which really DO matter. You're fighting the consequence while ignoring the cause. And you're zombifying everyone else to do the same. Trump is a fucking mouthpiece, nothing more.

    And the only reason you're bitching about it, because your corporate overlords are fucking telling you to through CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and ABC.

    Oh and just to drive the point home, even if you somehow do get Trump impeached, the senate isn't going to convict him. GG, you wasting everyone's time, AGAIN. So fuck off with your Trump bullshit, I don't give a damn about how offended you are about him grabbing his own daughter by the pussy, I'm busy trying to figure out what's the best for our foreign policy and how to better economics at my place. I'm busy donating to people cleaning up San Fran streets which are littered with needles and shit. I don't have time for your fabricated outrage, 'cause flash news, there's a real world outside of twitter and MSNBC. If you're not going to help, then at least don't stand in my way for caring more about real life than you fucking sitcom.
  11. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Lol you drunk nigga

    Aye bro. But then, all the Trump BS is really starting to get old. It's as if we don't even have Republicans and Democrats anymore. It's "Orange man good" and "Orange man bad" zombies. Like the fuck, did time stop at 2016 elections?
  12. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM OH lol. So that's what it is. Registered Republicans with a history of voting red are all just 'secret democrats'. And your proof for this is what exactly?

    This isn't under wraps. Its publicly televised. Here is them calling Trump to the stand.

    But I guess he was too busy telling Erdogan he was a "big fan"

    Did you pay attention? Not secret. False flag. False flag involves registering as your opposition. Of course they are registered republicans, how would they keep it under wraps otherwise? It's political misdirection 101. As for proof .. The article above. Republicans literally had to storm the hearing. Why? Because they weren't in the hearing in the first place. Or are you somehow suggesting that they left the room, then decided to storm it?

    And as mentioned, the whole affair is a waste of time. Of course it's televised. Because the powers that are want you Republican and Democrat pawns to pay attention to that. And you're doing exactly what they want.

    Impeachment literally will change nothing and won't matter. Trump doesn't get impeached? Nothing changes. Trump gets impeached? GG, you've just spent your entire campaigning on impeachment and Trump is getting re-elected 2020 because "Orange Man Bad" is more important to you than policy and legislation.

    And actual republicans are just as retarded as democrats. Instead of prosecuting Biden, instead of building a stronger republican base, everybody is watching the reality TV show that are the US politics, with Mr. Trump being the star of it.

    Trump is literally giving you a sitcom. And you're watching it. You're wasting your time and mine. When you talked about Bernie, you made more sense. But when I asked you to actually talk left and right positions and take a good hard analysis, what happened? You went right back into Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

    The vast majority of the United States right now doesn't know 99% of what's happening in the country. It's only Trump, 24/7. Nothing else. And meanwhile, behind your back, Trump has passed legislation complicating immigration. But did anyone document that? Of course not. Orange man is bad, I must talk more about Orange man.

    Y'all are seriously starting to piss me off with your Trump bullshit. It's time to stop and do something else.
  13. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cly Come to discord

    Nah thanks. I don't hangout with NIS peeps outside of NIS.
  14. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN I had a long day so it's not top quality but it is a free 100% custom LOLcat as promised. You're welcome.

    Thankyou! This one looks like a Cubanisto skull :3
  15. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 6011UM What the fuck are you talking about lol. You didnt watch this. There are are Republicans in the house, you know.

    Not really. Democrats are keeping the entire impeachment inquiry under wraps so that they can impeach without proof, without due trial and without calling anybody involved to the stand. The "republicans" in the house right now are false flag democrats.

    Mind you, not that I particularly support republicans. But democrats are just as (if not more) dirty. One's a creep, the other's a bitch, and they all deserve each other. The entire inquiry doesn't matter and is a show put on for pundits, to divide the people.

    If you're busy with impeachment, you're not busy with policy. You're not busy dismantling the two party system. You're not busy fighting against big tech. So both sides of the argument are retarded.
  16. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cly I'm high.

    Good on ya lad. I'm piss drunk at this moment, having some more Ballantine's. Here, have more music.

  17. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cly Hi

    'sup. You high/drunk too?
  18. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    It's a quote from a Democrat. Because Republicans aren't allowed in the impeachment trial to begin with. If they were, then the trial would be fair and impeachment wouldn't have stood a chance.

    Though Republicans back then DID say stupid shit like that too. Tide goes in tide goes out, anyone?
  19. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    I identify as The Game. And you have just lost me.
  20. Skulltag Tuskegee Airman
    Having Ballantine's whiskey tonight. Already warm and fuzzy.
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