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  1. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER drink 151 in the bath in your underwear till you shit yourself. Cut to you waking up in the bath, stewing in shit. Under your breath you say GODDAMNIT NOT AGAIN. You begin to sob unconteollably.

    *curb your enthusiasm song*

    I'm going back through this thread and that's fucking hilarious. I really don't want to shit my self and am not going to. A special mix I put in a bag where I move and it squirts out? Goddam it. This thread is a fucking gold mine.
  2. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead So you call me multiple times a night calling me a pussy for not editing your already released video? If that's you *not* trying to piss me off, God fucking damn, I'd hate to see you try.

    I never called you a pussy. I'm not roaming the streets drunk to get some of that footage. Which you said, in the video *I recorded* *I got a bunch of people to leave me voice mails* and *I* cut it all up*, that it was 90% recycled Reno videos. I'm sorry man. Show me up by proving how wrong I am by getting an idea and doing it. It wasn't fun until I thought I was done.

    Show me up. I think competition is great for motivational inspiration. Any one else in THE LONGEST THREAD ON THE INTERNET is welcome. I'm willing to help anyway I can, I'm sure Casper is down and Poast is bored as fuck too but he sleeps till noon.
  3. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead Reading my commentary with that in mind makes it so much funnier. I'm legit exasperated trying to help him stop being so self destructive towards himself. If I wasn't so fucked up the asshole with stress from all ends, I'd probably appreciate how funny me and OMG are more often. Thanks for pointing it out, it legit made me lulz.

    I think you were seriously pissed off so it legitimately comes off as something someone would say. Sorry you felt that way but I was laughing. And trying not to piss you off.
  4. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy How much farther till it is the longest?

    We're pretty close.
  5. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN Sounds hilarious. But since no one lives near me I'm wondering how to get the audio to synch up with video. I'll sit on the idea for a couple days and see if anything pops up. Those scripts sound awesomely bad.

    Even funnier! Stealing really shitty scripts that no body even wants so the guy feels validated. "You see?! I'm having my work stolen! The same work you passed up on! I'm telling this homogeneous baby cyborg is where it's at!"

    I'm getting an idea of how to work out the audio of me pitching the script with out cuts so it feels natural.

    It's gonna take some work but I'm game. I can only get better. Or far worse right?
  6. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead And not to give OMG an ego stroke, but I don't see YOU creating longest threads on the internet. Fucking fight me, motherfucker.

    That might be that one dude who was the managers son from that one place. You know the place. I showed him the thread and he said he'd look into it.
  7. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER I want to hear cage say WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CAT?

    It's pretty close. Only 10 minutes in so far. Been super busy trying to fanangle stuff. I don't know how to upload straight audio so I just used some extra footage I have laying around.
  8. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Fuck it. I just dropped $250 on an actual camera. Let's see if I win the bid I guess. Brand new they're around $600.

    Me and my stupid ideas.
  9. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER I want to hear cage say WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CAT?

    I'm watching it right meow. Taking Cage notes. Goddam that would be funny if he says that. The trailer made it look like the jaguar escapes on the boat. So hopefully a, "Where's the cat? Have you seen it?"
  10. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by G Yeah it's fun mindless action, think Con-Air meets Snakes On A Plane & I suspect Cage was actually drunk on set whilest playing a drunk, natural poetry.

    I downloaded it. Sounds like classic Cage.
  11. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Page 62 bitches!
  12. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER I should just copy the scripts the crazy old jedi guy keeps having me print at work.

    one was about like, a “woman scientist” (his words) who impregnates herself and is pregnant with a cyborg baby and the government sends agents to kill her so they can use the bab6 as a weapon.

    That ome was the least ridiculous of his scripts.


    not fucking joking.

    Sounds hilarious. But since no one lives near me I'm wondering how to get the audio to synch up with video. I'll sit on the idea for a couple days and see if anything pops up. Those scripts sound awesomely bad.

    Even funnier! Stealing really shitty scripts that no body even wants so the guy feels validated. "You see?! I'm having my work stolen! The same work you passed up on! I'm telling this homogeneous baby cyborg is where it's at!"
  13. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by A College Professor pity bump for a shit thread by shitheads

    As promised, everyone who posts in THE LONGEST THREAD ON THE INTERNET get a free 100% custom LOLcat.

  14. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER I think the new bit is a fucking retard trying to pitch ideas for a TV show to a studio agent. And your natural back and forth is the whole shtick. Momdead is the agent.

    That could be funny. I'll think about it for a couple days. Like what retarded idea do I have for a show and just getting shut down. Maybe it builds stupider and stupider until I say something that's an awesome shamalonga Dingdong twist and the agent pauses, "That's perfect. Can you be here tomorrow around 5? I know you live in Atlanta but I'm sending you a ticket right now. One question, do you like steak? LINDA!! I need you in my office now!"

    If you want to write anything I'll check it out. It need a lot of work but I am building a studio in my spare room. Maybe I get an old landline conference phone and it's just me pitching the idea and putting other audio over it?
  15. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Back to fucking with Reno. I put him on blast on facebook:

    Reno Johnson is running around with other guys now so I'm done. He hasn't stopped by to pick up his crap. It's mostly garbage but I can donate some of it.

    More than I can say about Renos morals.
  16. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    And I was sober for all the street footage. I don't leave the house when I drink. I just watch movies or something and mess around on the computer.
  17. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead What in your god damn mind was going on to convince you that talking to that woman and trying to convince her to watch your "not creepy" video was a good idea? You've said multiple times you're pretty sure she called the cops the first time, and watching the uncut footage, I'm pretty sure you're right.

    If she HAD watched your "not creepy" video, do you think seeing you glaring at a camera while fully clothed and soaking wet in the shower is a good way to convince her you're not creepy? That video is like staring into the mind of a mental disorder. It's not even artistically disturbing, it's just straight mashed together like a psych ward patient's crayon drawings. If she had humored you and watched some of it, I can only imagine the creeping horror overcoming her as what little faith she had that you weren't a threat is shattered, all the while you're standing there proud and oblivious as fuck talking your incoherent and overconfident excited drunk ramblings over the clip so she can't even hear the comedy in the phone calls-just fragmented tones of people directing hatred at you. It sounds like you're actually LUCKY she wanted nothing to do with you. I've known you for like 2 decades, and even knowing the whole story, I think you're fucking creepy. I can't even imagine how you thought talking to her could have panned out in anything but raising her alarms further.

    I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not. What the hell, dude?

    That's hilarious. Can I quote that to save for later? You're not wrong. I'm just stupid. I've never acknowledged I wasn't a fucking driveling retard. If you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but *edited*, why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan. I just don't want you to do some crazy shit. I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick. Some dude was drunk and sucked a dick under a bridge. And had his boyfriend in the trunk, and he was sucking off some kid. And in the car they found a post, but they didn't say who it was to. Come to think about, his name was, it was *edited*(Just a joke buddy. I'm really not trying to piss you off)

    For everyone else I'm getting a set up in my room. Right now it only has a chair and desk in it. If I can make it look professional by putting a large print behind it I'm up for ideas. I'm thinking of putting an american flag in front of the desk, and something that covers the wall behind me.

    Still hitting people up for good camera options. I actually have a deep bench of people helping give advice but the ideas aspect is the hardest one.
  18. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    The idea is so funny. They should've called it veterinarian air or something.

    When all hell breaks loose, there's only one man to save the day. [The Cagester enters into shot] "Look like it's day of the cat."

    They should've used a dog he's transporting so they could use *edited*s line.
  19. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by G Primal is mad decent.

    No fucking way. That's legitimately what I want more from hollywood. That idea is stupid as fuck. I'm definitely down.

    Producers sitting in a phone meeting for the pitch. "I don't know. Sounds pretty stupid." 'We have Nicolas Cage starring in it.' "Good god..... That's right up his alley. We're going to make millions. And has anyone seen my chihuahua?"
  20. OMGPLZUNBAN Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace They're bitches but in their defense you look like a drunk rapey uncle.

    Just don't approach young looking girls with a camera u fuckin moron lol

    Ask Poast or *edited* about me. I'm a literal fucking retard.
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