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2020-06-07 at 2:37 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!My brother swung by to give me money he owes me. He told me Reno was starting to get pissed at how many many videos I made for him. I have a ton of unused footage so I posted it on facebook and tagged his friends. Made some dumb writing about how he's finally moving in and I need to get prepared:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8YlRx1AQaE&fbclid=IwAR3cNTV9lWuMwPP9H0rzJbrBhyaob-rAyZWcmEtgNWSUdGVJsx0DIoIiMns -
2020-06-06 at 10:33 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-06 at 9:47 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-06 at 4:01 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-06 at 3:34 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!Holy fuck. I just had the owners new guy watching the property come around and start trimming the 'tree'. The 'tree' that right against against the window. I was on the porch smoking and he asked if he could cut the smaller branches from the bedroom window I never open.
"Yeah! Sure!" He was still trimming hedges and said he'd be up after. Oh fuck. I have a fucking cat that will get me evicted.
"Do you just want me to do it? I'm a bit peculiar about my place." He agrees. And I end up leaning out a second story trying to saw off branches with a small hand saw. It sucked but I've assured this kitties life or one more night.
I guess the lesson I'm learning is put the cat in front of anything, money, drugs, almost being kicked out, You know. I'm giving a lot to that fucking cat and it all it does it take. -
2020-06-06 at 1:25 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!My wireless keyboard is going out. I have to re-read everything. I'm running this into the ground though because I just bought a bunch of money on stuff I don't need.
2020-06-05 at 11:41 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!Pge 74 faggots!
2020-06-05 at 11:33 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!I've been cutting off the booze off and on, here and there. Yesterday I figured it would be a good idea to go grab some of those single serve wines and a four pack of beer. I'm walking my bike home, and I just fall over. Completely sober for days. I'm trying to get up and I can't. My legs and feet are moving as I'm trying to stand up. They catch and I try to stand up. I'm trying to use my arm too. Fall the other way in some guys yard. I try it again. Same result but this time I'm back in the street. It must've taken four or five tries of me trying to stand up completely woozy in the head before I slowed down to recoup myself to stop, wait and then stand up. I fell over on my bike twice during this because I was trying to use it as a kinda guided supportable system.
i look up and there's a lady walking her dog crosswise to me on the next block and she's looking right at me. I don't know how much time had passed before I was back on my way home. 15 seconds maximum of me trying to stand up. I must've looked like the biggest drunk in the world to that women. I swear I was sober.
Since I was three days sober I didn't eat anything. Thought'd it'd be fine! And all the food at my house is garbage. Pretty sure I passed out. I'm assuming only a half pass out because I remember everything. My one goal was just to make it home now. I made it home and ate some food, drank some beer and watched some TV.
I don't have a 100% custom LOLcat for that. -
2020-06-05 at 11:16 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 11:07 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!This thread definitely takes some turns.
2020-06-05 at 10:43 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 7:54 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 7:20 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 6:35 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 5:54 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 5:53 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
Originally posted by CASPER lol was that you?
No. Never been to Orange County. Like the movie though. An old one where Jack Black is the loser brother of a guy about to graduate college and seeing if he should just keep writing instead.
Originally posted by Headspin I'm the squeegee killah mofuckas.
Worst birthday ever by the way. -
2020-06-05 at 4:46 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
2020-06-05 at 4:37 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
Originally posted by mmQ I got out of jail, like not the way where you get bailed out, the way where you literally finish your time and they buzz your little cell intercom and say "Wren?" and you say as you wake up from an afternoon snooze, "w..what? Yeah? What?"
And they say "pack up your shit you're getting released." And you get a smile and a bounce to your step and everyone else starts looking at you with a hint of disdain because you're getting out of jail and they arent.
You pack up all your shit willy nilly. Just kinda throw it all into a bag because who cares. Sling it over your shoulder and walk to the EXIT with a guard escorting you. You, the guy who is getting out of jail.
But rewind three minutes to where you're sitting in the cell with all your whatevers packed into the bag and ready to go and they buzz you one more time.
"Wren? You still there? Bad news dude.. they forgot to check you for warrants and it turns out you have a hold up in grand forks so, yeah, you're not going anywhere."
That might be one of the shittiest feelings in the world. -
2020-06-04 at 12:18 AM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!
Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead Meh, you're the one going on political rants in a lolcat thread.
This burn is so brutal. Pointing out the absurdity of what he was actually doing. Of all platforms to voice an opinion, a fucking LOLcat thread? I doubt there's a good come back to that. I wouldn't be surprised if he stops posting in this thread over that small sentence. -
2020-06-03 at 9:09 PM UTC in The longest thread on the internet! Free custom LOLcats inside! Ask within!