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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    "I'm going to shoot up dozens of them!"

  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Wait, what?

    "Ninja rocks" fucking noob
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Ok, but doesn't everything in the universe happen through a "bottom up process"? Wouldn't everything in the universe be designed in this sense? Doesn't the word become meaningless at that point?

    No, it becomes a spectrum. There is intentional design as we do it and unintentional design as nature does it. But our intentional design isn't magic or special.

    And everything in the universe is a bottom up selection process, no. But many things are.

    If you were to walk along the shoreline, one might naively think that since the beach is nearly ordered into sand, small pebbles, large pebbles, small stones, large stones, huge stones, small boulders, large boulders, slabs... It must have been ordered by someone. But really, the waves just push differentially on different sized particles the sand sized stuff goes farthest up the shore on the same energy of a wave. However I wouldn't call this design because there isn't really a selection orocesa, even though there is a sorting process.

    Also, read my edits.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe BTW, I started "From Bacteria to Bach and Back" and got to the part where he started talking about how design can exist without a designer, and it just didn't make sense to me and I lost interest. Feel free to use this thread to talk about that too.

    Evolution by natural selection designs without there being any intentionality.

    He gives an example of early Polynesian naval development. The Polynesians were not engineers, they didn't have some great grasp on buoyance, fluid dynamics, center of mass etc. They simply tried different designs and sent them out to sea. The boats that came back from sea were copied and iterated upon, similarly without knowledge and somewhat randomly, to try to go further. This is a selection algorithm. In a very real way, the sea herself designed those ships.

    He often gives the example of a termite castle versus the La Sagrada Familia. You can see clear parallels between their designs, but one was created by virtue of a bottom up process where no termite knows what it is doing, whereas the church is made by a top down designer who knew what he was doing. The fact that one designed it intentionally and one came about from a bottom up process where it is favoured, doesn't make one any more designed than the other.

    And in fact, even our concept of design emerges from a bottom up process, via our brain. There is no "grand general" in your brain, even though there seems to be in the form of "you". Your brain's neurons are active agents that compete for connections and your brain operates in the same bottom up manner.

    That bottom up process happening in your skull isn't special and it isn't privileged for what makes something design. That just happens everywhere in nature. It's just that human design itself has been focused to a pin point by natural selection, and we are very fast, potent agents of change by virtue of how many degrees of freedom we have evolved.

    Bottom up processes can create things with capabilities and competencies that none of their constituent parts could ever have or be able to understand, without someone making it so intentionally. You don't need a clockmaker to make an intricate, powerful clock. All you need is an active environment that selects for clocks.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I canceled my Netflix cuz it is real shit and I didn't want to re sign up for Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr's new specials alone, and I also remembered that I had ~$5 sitting on a DNM.

    So I purchased a 4K Netflix account for 90 cents, it works great. So then I went and got Hulu, HBO GO, Sling for ~$3.70 altogether

    They all work well.

    Thought I'd let you guys know, this is good shit.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Semi related: One time I was on tripsit talking to people and I met this dude on amphetamines who claimed he made a living writing hacking programs and selling them to Chinese and Russians, so I told him to ddos this site because it was full of racists and he did it almost immediately lol.

    Damn nigger.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    He's suffering the great rhabdo in the sky
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice I have 100% snapped and lost my mind and am no longer accessible to the human experience. I have transcended from the despise of life's torture to a lust, and a need for it.

    I am to be destroyed. Of this, i know. The purpose, can only truly speculate on. Irrelevant, regardless.

    Let go of the hate. The anger. The heart. The human burning desire for justice, in whatever form. Accept, allow, and invite the inescapble suffering within. Learn to find its comfort, behind its frightening mask.

    This suffering entity loves you more than you know, despite its torture. It just knows its purpose: break what remains of the fragile human form to truly free it. You must destroy things at time for new life to have its own chance.

    I know my purpose now, as well. A timeframe, as well. The inner peace now guides me down the avenues I must travel for this very close goal of mine.

    I wish you all truly the best in any attempted recoveries, financial or emotional struggles, or othewise. I wish no ill upon anyone here depite crude things said in jest.

    Message me for any desired insight, questions or reasonable ways I can perhaps help you. I seek to only spread happiness, help, and any assistance I can in this final hours.

    This is not drug induced. This is months of debate in a damaged, tortured, yet desperate and seemingly intteligent brain that made many calculations, second guesses and reconsiderations, and consciously decided on the choice of total extermination.

    I am at peace with this, and respectfully decline any help, support, or other attempts to sway my already moving process. I thank those of you who truly care but ask that you celebrate my good and funny memories etc and not grieve my loss.

    Please, if anyone respects me, punch the first person to call my loss a "tragedy". Thats just more self serving bullshit. It will be the most powerful, liberating, and freeing moment possible to experience. If you "grieve" the loss of a clearly suffering person you're just selfish.

    When I held my first beloved sick cat in my arms as I allowed the veterinarian to inject the lethal dose or pentobarbital into his system it ripped my heart out in ways most way chide me for, of which I have lost all value in critism. Regardless, there were "chances" he would recover (all slim chance and risky) or keep him in the hospital full time to see if he changed. Agreed to try it overnight and it was no change. I had him euthanized in my arms and it hurt more than anything in my life but I really did love him and my desire to avoid that loss was not ever going to be stronger than my love for his best interest.

    This is where I am. They say they care. They claim its worth trying. Im in terrible pain, sick and suffering. No concern for that; only for my possibly liability on others. Because human life means nothing to our society.

    Allow me to spread my wings and leave this failed experiment behind and save yourself the trouble of even attempting to access let alone influence or change my mind right now.

    If anyone would feel compelled to contribute anything in my memory or trade me for any remaining wares, I kindly ask you donate all the money to a local animal shelter of your choosing.

    Listen closely: no this "suffering being" doesn't love you. Your brain is fucking lying to you. I am telling you man.

    Once you understand how it works, the voices in your head become straight bullshit. At least that was the case for me.

    It fucking sucks, I know it does, and it's hard, and it doesn't get easier but above all, life is worth too much to throw away.

    For millions of years every single one of your ancestors survived out of a spinning ball of gas somewhere in out crazy universe... Think of all the countless trillions of carbon atoms out there who don't have autonomy, who don't have the ability to influence their environment.

    You have so much power, but you have forgotten it because it's been beaten out of you. But you aren't helpless man.

    Learned helplessness is a real thing. They'll shock a dog with the cage closed till it stops trying to escape, then it won't even try to escape when the door is open.

    This is like that but more advanced.

    If you really didn't like anything about your life or even your own behaviour, to the point you are willing to die, you would have no hesitation dropping those things, including your identity and your behaviours, regardless of the comfort they bring you. You can hit the road and be free without a single dime to your name. You don't have to be the same person with anything resembling the same life. There's an easier way to escape the trappings of your current life than to escape life et al. Because what could be more dangerous than killing yourself?

    Don't give up. Understand it, fight it, beat it. It's fucking hard but you have what it takes, you always have. On your life's long timeline, these times are a blip. In 20 years you'll look back and thank goodness you didn't do it, because things turned out less catastrophic than you built them up in your head, and hell, you really DID have what it took to deal with your problems. You'll struggle through it and come out stronger. You'll look back and say "shit I still feel that way sometimes but I have a handle on it and it doesn't make my life not worth living".

    What is really troubling you is not your worries, nor your true inability, but your lack of energy to fight them. That's NOT YOUR FAULT. IT IS YOUR FUCKING BRAIN MECHANICALLY NOT PUMPING RIGHT. I know it sounds fucking exhausting to fight your problems, maybe it feels like your life is falling to pieces, but it really isn't, you have what it takes to beat most of those issues... Your brain is just fucking up and making it seem like it is beyond your reach.

  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Also, there's a really interesting book out by Donald Hoffman called the Case Against Reality. I'm about 4/5th done with it and while I'm not 100% onboard, he does makes some very interesting points about our projection of reality vs reality itself.

  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Hong Kong protests are an optical illusion.

    Back to subject: Obbe, what does it mean to "objectively exist"?
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    No buttons and lacking RAM.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I have spent my life seeking all that's still unseen, bent my ear to hear the tune and closed my eyes to see.

    Shut up faggot.
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Btw the tower farm is my creative construction. The grey monolith is scron's tho.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal go jerk off to your queen and ABBA records, plebe.

    I'll rape your waifu pillow faggot.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Every subjective experience has an objective cause. Wavelengths of light do not become colour until they enter your eye and are interpreted by your brain. Or maybe I'm wrong and the world is full of tastes no tongue can know and lights no eye can see and when there was no ear to hear, you sang to me.

    Epistemically the means by which we know these things are ontologically true are by our experience of them. If for example you never tasted chocolate, you could do whatever scientific description you wanted but you would simply not be able to actually tell what chocolate tastes like until you eat it. Many things we know "in theory", we don't really know, such as the smell of hydrogen sulphide. And many things other people know for sure, you don't know at all, such as a known flavour you have never tasted.

    So, we only know light by looking at it. Sure there is a scientific description of it out in the world, but it's only a limited description of our observation.

    So in a very real way, that light is coloured whether you are currently looking it or not.
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Optical illusions aren't wholly subjective either.

    Yeah Ramachandran et al even managed to create a brand new, never been seen before "optical illusion" via neural stimulation based on the predictive power of neuroscience.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Shut the fuck up faggot I'll fucking kill you
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I literally can't find it, there are some around the water tower but that's it. I've hunted for this shit for tens of minutes. TENS. Point at the affected area and take a screenshot with coords.
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM They're not though. They vary based on who is actually pulling the score, and the way it is reported means you can miss a single payment of say, 5 dollars out of the 100 dollars you have left to pay, but end up having the entire 100 dollars counted against you even though you only missed one single payment and are not skipping out on the entire amount owed. Meanwhile, somebody else with debt to a different company may also owe 100 dollars, but they've skipped out on the last three 5 dollar payments and for whatever THEY'VE only got 15 counted against their score.

    It's not exactly standardized.

    Whatever you're talking about with regards to your personal credit score does not apply to corporate credit ratings, I'll tell you hwat
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Now that my server has defeated fano's, it shall now consume its corpse.
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