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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe What is teleology and what does that have to do with how you define purpose, meaning and design?

    Google it then I'll tell you the second part.
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Thats a completely unreasonable and unrealistic ideal. Look at how poorly the drug war is going. Do you have any problem getting drugs? I don't. What makes you think kids won't just go back to smoking. And why would they stop using these products just because flavors now have to go through a process to be approved? You think motherfucking Altria won't get JUUL pushed through to have flavors? This doesn't solve any of the issue. It just puts more money in corporate pockets, and does a good job scaring gullible people like you in the meantime.

    It's not like these issues are attributed to flavors. Its attributed to pg and vg and other thickening agents which are in flavorless products anyway.

    Would you be fine with only 0 NIC juices except by prescription?
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice I'm out today. Good luck to you all. Its been real.

    Shut the fuck up faggot. Send me weedcoin.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Lmao are you new to this? Medical doctors say all kinds of shit. It doesn't mean shit when it comes from the media. A doctor =/= research and its honestly incredibly laughable you even bring up that some doctor said it was 'scary'

    Listen, it's your article. Vaping simply needs to be stopped, it is unhealthy and introducing a whole generation of Americans to nicotine addiction when we should have been free of this scourge.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal your fault you have poor taste, don't hate on me.

    Originally posted by Rear Naked Joke Shut the fuck up faggot.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Mo wonder your memory is shot.

    No, I was not "eating the cotton", I was inhaling it like every other vaper but not pretending like that is harmless.

    Again, §m£ÂgØL, why are there no vapes where it's just nicotine being vaped?

    Because the amount of nicotine in a cigarette is insanely tiny in volume, if you had enough to fill a vape cart it would be insanely difficult to vape a very small amount, and you'd be carrying enough to straight die of nicotine poisoning if you spilled any in your mouth, or at least heavy nicotine sickness if you spilled it on yourself. You need a carrier liquid to dilute it and make it valuable and safe.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM So you admit to the fact that you were wrong about us not knowing why people are getting sick? Or do you just want to soak up in scare tactic media wording? Because I'm more interested in the objective truth than what some dude interviewed by nbc has to say about it.

    Also lets ignore the fact that two of the deaths were from oil carts. Because fuck consistency yeah?

    No, that's one study about mice. And a medical doctor is saying that the results are scary.
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Ah, my host is having issues. Damn. Ultimate smeel. No amount of wam will fix this.
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Nope, crashed again. What the fuck. Alright, down for maintenance boys.
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Shit crashed. Just booted it up, it's giving error codes but it's running. Let me know if you guys lost anything.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal post your favorite music so I can judge whether or not that is truth

    Shut the fuck up faggot.
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Yo that female reporter is a SNACK.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Quote from first link:

    Your lungs were designed to inhale air, Kalhan said, not vapor. The idea that vaping could “enhance our susceptibility to viruses is really scary,” he added.

    Sounds like it's really scary and we should do everything we can to hit the brakes and study it more.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I'm playing too but I don't always have the time to hop on.

    At spawn, the tower farm and its connected basement is all made by me. That reminds me, I have to finish the branch mine.

    I'm also building a cabin in the woods with a small indoor pond. I'm not quite sure what to do with the place, to be fully honest.
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I'd hit that.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Lol what? Yeah we do. 6 deaths and 450 cases in all of America. They've been giving these people steroids and that works. Standard for respiratory infection. It causes lipid buildup in the lungs which make you more prone to infection. It's not a new phenomenon. We also see it in people who eat lots of essential oils.

    Meanwhile smoking kills about 480,000 Americans every year and 1,300 every day. Smoking just doesn't cause the oil buildup, it causes physical damage which lead to infection. And cancer, obviously.

    Also I don't really trust the FDA's assessments. They also said Crouton killed people but if you look at the actual medical reports some of them included things like gunshot wounds or multiple other drugs in the toxicology report, yet they somehow attributed it to Crouton. Even the DEA said it was bullshit. The FDA later rescinded some of these claims but not all. The only real risk with Crouton is heavy metal poisoning and salmonella, which has actually been proven.

    Not to mention Crouton literally does not cause respiratory depression due to lack of recruitment at beta-2-arrestin which is believed to be responsible for respiratory suppression in every other opioid.

    It's all just bullshit, and you are a sheep if you actually believe e-cigarettes are some danger that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. It is still a MUCH safer alternative to cigarettes.

  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Scronaldo, I am going to kill your cat, with no admin powers or gear involved. Only in world stuff, starting clean. You have 6 hours to secure your kitty. I will give up after trying for 1 hour.
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe What is purpose and meaning?

    However you define teleology. I'm really not interested in playing this game with you. However you define teleology, there is definitely something teleological in our evolutionary design: survival in the environment. Even our human meanings of teleology, and of design, are highly rooted in our evolutionary environment.

    Listen you are obviously having trouble with words so I'll put it really clearly: your brain is a bottom up system that produces any and all conceptions of design, meaning, purpose you can identify. You are not special you stupid snowflake retard.

    If the response you'll shit out again is "heh lol I think meaning, purpose are incoherent ideas that don't even mean anything, it's just particles doing what they do maaaaan" I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself you fucking shitwit mongtard, because I'm not going to try to teach you how words work again.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Lmao.

    Total of 6 recorded deaths. Ever.

    People die/suffer from respiratory infection due to cigarettes all the time… Which is what this is. Hydro multiple times has gotten pneumonia from smoking. Her father was a smoker and died from it at 50.

    Non smokers and vapers dont suffer from that. Not that the government literally ever cared about what is bad for you. Read my post and you'll see what its really about.

    Right. 6. And we don't actually know why those 6 died. You're claiming to know but AFAIK nobody has actually found a common cause so far. We have guesses but that's it.
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