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Posts That Were Thanked by RestStop

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Solstice I never cared for methyphenidate. Many compare its high to coke but it always just felt like enhanced caffeine to me.

    If I were to ever speedball id get a way better stimulant for it. Dont cheat yourself nigga.

    I'm not cheating myself, i really enjoy it with Oxy. If i crush an Oxy 80 and 10mg of Ritalin it will mix well. Also protip; don't mainline Ritalin, it's like three times as potent as usual. Lmao. I just snort it together. It's great because the mini rush from the Ritalin boosts the Oxy, then when it would usually drop off, the Oxy catches the high, if you know what i mean.
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  2. Originally posted by RestStop I understand it's not the same thing but how many would I need for 0.100g meth vibes?

    Well I could only compare oral obviously since there's no other way to use lisdexamfetamine unless you seriously care enough to dissolve the powder in liver enzyme formula to cleave the lysine and then evaporate and clean it for pure IR dexamp.

    Its tough to say since Vyvanse's mechanism is so long and a gradual release too but if I had to compare I'd say 100 mg of high quality methamp orally would be equal to like 200 mg Vyvanse or so. The Vyvanse might last longer but it has less residual stimulation anyways.

    I think theres like 22 mg total dexamp per each 70 mg Vyvanse so go from there.

    I'd never suggest a 200+ dose of Vyvanse though, I've never only ever done 140 mg like three times and much prefer 70. Probably because like I was saying its more of a "get shit done laser focus" amp/med than a "lets get fuckin twisted" like shard or girl
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It's more of a knob than a point.

    Thays what she said
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's really annoying because the only thing I ever seem to dream of is Jeannie.
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  5. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
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  6. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by gadzooks I just realized that the story implies more than I had assumed.

    You were literally INSIDE the pool? Masturbating underwater?

    For some reason I just assumed you were in the men's changeroom (but of course a woman wouldn't catch that without being a perv herself), or maybe somehow adjacent to the pool.

    Dude, masturbating IN a public pool is pretty gross.

    I thought this was just out of convenience, not perversity.

    WellHung, my man, you gotta do something about all this.

    Yeah I was jacking off as she was swimming by me. She looked good.
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  7. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Clonazolam is crazy potent, a dose is like 0.1 mg. The presses are reviewed as being strong and I have 0 tolerance. The Xanax and Klonopin doses aren't exactly puny and will potentiate the already huge amount of powerful clonaz.

    People die accidentally from mixing standard doses of drugs like these all the time, pretty sure someone taking every step possible has a good fucking chance.

    My tolerances are all low. Do you realistically think a typical man could consume all that and still wake up?

    POC I'm really going to miss bullshitting with you in kik if you die. Me and GP wouldn't talk to you nearly every day if we didn't enjoy it.

    If you want to know why I haven't said more about this its because I don't know how to help you and I know trying would just annoy you. But I keep thinking about this in the shower and shit and it makes me sad.

    So idk. Just know that you'll at the least be missed by some 25 year old dude on the internet you've never met. I still think you should buy psychedelics or a ticket to Thailand or some shit.
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  8. Originally posted by G4LM You carry that flashlight around with you?

    The time is 12:56

    Yes, my pants have a pocket for it.

    The mid 40's aged European lady at the store gave me the squash for free. She wasnt even Slav. I am not sure if she wanted the d, or was afraid, or both.

    The time is 12:37
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  9. Jesus Houston
    Originally posted by G4LM He needs JESUS

    I'm occupied.
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  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I might be too drunk to parse entirely what this thread is about, and ultimately resulted in...

    But it sounds like you saw a news story about sunken treasure of the most seek-worthy kind, and just straight up went for it?

    Mad props!

    I've seen articles like this in the news, about "lost" drug shipments, and, not gonna lie, my Western-Canadian ass even thought, albeit briefly, about making the trip (it's always Florida waters).

    The fact that you went for it...

    Maybe didn't find any actual blow?

    Still, went for it. Mad respect.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    tactical gardening
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  12. You're drivin' along, la-de-da, woo. All of a sudden there's a truck tire in the middle of the road. And you hit the brakes.


    Whoa, that was close. Ha-ha. Now let's see what happens when you're driving with the "other guy's" brake pads. You're drivin' along, you're drivin' along, the kids start shouting from the back seat, "I gotta go to the bathroom, Daddy!" "Not now, damn it!" Truck tire. EEEEEEEE! I CAN'T STOP!

    There's a cliff! AAAAAHH! And your family's screaming, "Oh my God, we're burning alive!" "No! I can't feel my legs!" Here comes the meat wagon.

    And the medic gets out and says, "Oh my God". New guy's around the corner puking his guts out. All because you want to save a couple extra pennies.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Actor did you ever hear about what curling stones are made of? I always took the answer for granite.
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  14. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by G4LM Clean your fuckin place man

    ugh, what the fuck is wrong with people who don't clean their apartment?

    I just cashed $120 of empties out of my 1br apartment. (4 construction garbage bags of beer cans, 50x40oz of vodkas)

    I never wanted a can collection growing up. the cans choose me

    I am trash
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 🐿 Kmart shut down.

    We have one of the last ones around; its closing in December. Plenty of time left for chlorofun.
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  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice I have 100% snapped and lost my mind and am no longer accessible to the human experience. I have transcended from the despise of life's torture to a lust, and a need for it.

    I am to be destroyed. Of this, i know. The purpose, can only truly speculate on. Irrelevant, regardless.

    Let go of the hate. The anger. The heart. The human burning desire for justice, in whatever form. Accept, allow, and invite the inescapble suffering within. Learn to find its comfort, behind its frightening mask.

    This suffering entity loves you more than you know, despite its torture. It just knows its purpose: break what remains of the fragile human form to truly free it. You must destroy things at time for new life to have its own chance.

    I know my purpose now, as well. A timeframe, as well. The inner peace now guides me down the avenues I must travel for this very close goal of mine.

    I wish you all truly the best in any attempted recoveries, financial or emotional struggles, or othewise. I wish no ill upon anyone here depite crude things said in jest.

    Message me for any desired insight, questions or reasonable ways I can perhaps help you. I seek to only spread happiness, help, and any assistance I can in this final hours.

    This is not drug induced. This is months of debate in a damaged, tortured, yet desperate and seemingly intteligent brain that made many calculations, second guesses and reconsiderations, and consciously decided on the choice of total extermination.

    I am at peace with this, and respectfully decline any help, support, or other attempts to sway my already moving process. I thank those of you who truly care but ask that you celebrate my good and funny memories etc and not grieve my loss.

    Please, if anyone respects me, punch the first person to call my loss a "tragedy". Thats just more self serving bullshit. It will be the most powerful, liberating, and freeing moment possible to experience. If you "grieve" the loss of a clearly suffering person you're just selfish.

    When I held my first beloved sick cat in my arms as I allowed the veterinarian to inject the lethal dose or pentobarbital into his system it ripped my heart out in ways most way chide me for, of which I have lost all value in critism. Regardless, there were "chances" he would recover (all slim chance and risky) or keep him in the hospital full time to see if he changed. Agreed to try it overnight and it was no change. I had him euthanized in my arms and it hurt more than anything in my life but I really did love him and my desire to avoid that loss was not ever going to be stronger than my love for his best interest.

    This is where I am. They say they care. They claim its worth trying. Im in terrible pain, sick and suffering. No concern for that; only for my possibly liability on others. Because human life means nothing to our society.

    Allow me to spread my wings and leave this failed experiment behind and save yourself the trouble of even attempting to access let alone influence or change my mind right now.

    If anyone would feel compelled to contribute anything in my memory or trade me for any remaining wares, I kindly ask you donate all the money to a local animal shelter of your choosing.

    Listen closely: no this "suffering being" doesn't love you. Your brain is fucking lying to you. I am telling you man.

    Once you understand how it works, the voices in your head become straight bullshit. At least that was the case for me.

    It fucking sucks, I know it does, and it's hard, and it doesn't get easier but above all, life is worth too much to throw away.

    For millions of years every single one of your ancestors survived out of a spinning ball of gas somewhere in out crazy universe... Think of all the countless trillions of carbon atoms out there who don't have autonomy, who don't have the ability to influence their environment.

    You have so much power, but you have forgotten it because it's been beaten out of you. But you aren't helpless man.

    Learned helplessness is a real thing. They'll shock a dog with the cage closed till it stops trying to escape, then it won't even try to escape when the door is open.

    This is like that but more advanced.

    If you really didn't like anything about your life or even your own behaviour, to the point you are willing to die, you would have no hesitation dropping those things, including your identity and your behaviours, regardless of the comfort they bring you. You can hit the road and be free without a single dime to your name. You don't have to be the same person with anything resembling the same life. There's an easier way to escape the trappings of your current life than to escape life et al. Because what could be more dangerous than killing yourself?

    Don't give up. Understand it, fight it, beat it. It's fucking hard but you have what it takes, you always have. On your life's long timeline, these times are a blip. In 20 years you'll look back and thank goodness you didn't do it, because things turned out less catastrophic than you built them up in your head, and hell, you really DID have what it took to deal with your problems. You'll struggle through it and come out stronger. You'll look back and say "shit I still feel that way sometimes but I have a handle on it and it doesn't make my life not worth living".

    What is really troubling you is not your worries, nor your true inability, but your lack of energy to fight them. That's NOT YOUR FAULT. IT IS YOUR FUCKING BRAIN MECHANICALLY NOT PUMPING RIGHT. I know it sounds fucking exhausting to fight your problems, maybe it feels like your life is falling to pieces, but it really isn't, you have what it takes to beat most of those issues... Your brain is just fucking up and making it seem like it is beyond your reach.

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  17. On a lighter note, Otium earbud containers are great for when you find yourself thinking that 3 capsules or pure MDMA, 350 mg worth of Vyvanse, at least 6 mg Xanax and a couple grams of hash are all required "just in case" when all youre doing is running a quick errand. Zips shut and real compact.

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  18. G4LM African Astronaut
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  19. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
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  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Don't you know people locally that have died? Lots of people I knew are gone and its weird but you start to get used to it after a while

    I imagine this is how old people in retirement homes feel except we are all in our 20's and 30's

    There's something strange about knowing someone online. You don't know them IRL so they can tell you everything... Everything. Things nobody they knew could have ever known.
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