well each sex has its own characteristics you can have masculine males and females and feminine males and females not all men have to look like the stereotypical western image of maleness
I'm going to try some sometime just out of curiosity
it doesn't stimulate you like caffeine does it, I can't stand the way caffeine makes me feel. I just want something that will make me feel buzzed/altered in a good way.
Originally posted by Sophie
Whatever the case he or she is now 50 something. Also, i don't understand something. If you like boys why would you want them to look feminine? I don't get it.
he doesn't look feminine, it's just the bunny suit.
I used to think Pamperchu was just weird and fringe, now I realize he's legit mentally ill. He said he was abused as a young child and fed alcohol, I bet he's way more fucked up than I imagined.