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Posts by Japan-Is-Eternal

  1. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    What if the Chinese or jews figured a way to unlock portals, such as being able to receive information from the future or other dimensions or summon beings from other realities.
    Say they were able to receive information from the future that would allow them to carry out certain events that would set things into place, or what if some rogue being/A.I. from another timeline/reality infected ours and traps us in an eternal prison.

    I know everything I just said sounds so autistic, or schizo, or impossible but you have got to realize this reality isn't as safe and secure as people would like to believe.
    There are probably many ways to modify or destroy our reality.

    Are there any projects in the military/intelligence community to protect the US from such threats?

    Just thinking about all the possibilities of ongoing events in this reality is mindboggling.
  2. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Clinton seems like a patzee/lemming, the (((media))) uses him as a distraction for the public so they won't focus on the real enemies.
    His entire presidency was probably just a psyop to get him to sign a bunch of anti-american bills and then quickly become impeached and replaced with a figure like bush that would please and woe the right wing public.
  3. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 I'm sure Clinton is not staying there for a good time.

    Spill the beans, fed.
  4. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    You don't heal the world through murdering European and Eurasian people

    What can be done to solve the US's issues is to return to a pro-American and family oriented way of living.
    Men do the work, women stay at home and take care of the children and the children aren't brainwashed into LGBT dogma by demonic looking "drag queens".
    Once the left feels ostracized they'll have to go back into hiding again and eventually the majority of them will return to a normal way of life while the ones too deep into it will die out from drug abuse or suicide.
    Once all the gibs are gone and the jewish media is destroyed all the shitskins and other foreigners will leave for some hell-hole like China where they can continue their industrialized consumerist lifestyles.
  5. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 That's the answer to this and basically what ted kazinksy and timothy mcveigh were fighting for.

    So dead bodies are the answer?
    They were trying to skurge away the disease that surrounded them

    They most likely DID NOT feel that way and that was just lies made up by the CIA.
    If they weren't enabled into violence by the corrupt IC they probably would have gone on to be like this guy:
    https://www. youtube .com/user/ChuckE2009
  6. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    https://www. foxnews .com/politics/former-president-bill-clinton-vacations-in-dminican-republic-as-country-truies-to-recover-from-slew-of-tourist-deaths

    How was he able to get there in the first place?
    Who let someone in his situation fly outside of the country.
  7. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Are you trying to say he has a Hebrew name?

    Listen Mr. FBI/DHS, can you not see how creepy it is that some guy who's creating DEWs and mind hacking tech has a name that's a reference to some mystical deity.

    We should have at least lived in the age of reason for a thousand years before this kind of technology goes into use
  8. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    So then what is his real name and why did he choose to create the name "Elon Musk".
  9. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    The mechanisms of reality operate in a state of duality.
    If there was no push, something to drive evolution forward, then reality would cease to be.
    That is why jews exist, they are an entity constructed in this plane to drive good forward, because it requires the contrast of evil.
    As a living and conscious being, you all owe it to this timeline and ultimately yourselves and myself most important, to fight this spiritual battle against evil.

    Every day
    Every moment
    Humans are battling out against each other
    There are so many happenings that are never written about in the news
    Countless warriors of light snuffing out forces of evil
    But unfortunately it would seem that more often it's the forces of good that are held back by evil

    This entire planet is being devoured by evil and it grows by the day

    Something must be done

    You know, if everyone were to quit their job, cancel their bank account, get their friends together and drive out into the country and start their own farming communities then the parasitic system that leeches off humanity would die.
    That's the answer to this and basically what ted kazinksy and timothy mcveigh were fighting for.
    The industrialization and technological apparatus are destroying humanity.

    This is like a video game where at the end you have multiple endings

    Ending A - People realize what industrialization and technocracy are doing to them so they choose to abandon high technology (computers, the internet) for a more humanistic way of living.
    This will come in the form of agricultural communities that will be mini ethnostates and nations where people of likemind will live amongst each other.
    There could also be small cities and towns that might resemble architecture from the late 20th century (70s to 90s).
    This would essentially be a dark age, however considering the knowledge and tools humanity has now compared to what they were left with after the collapse of Rome, this won't necessarily be a time of pain and trial considering it'll basically resemble a midwestern American way of life circa 1950.

    I won't even write down any other potential endings because what I wrote above is absolutely what must happen.
  10. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Area 51 invasion is a psyop

    are you sure you want to attract that (((kind)))) of attention to this place?
  11. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    It's no coincidence that the best posters on this site also happen to be the only ones that like me
  12. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm canceling my internet service soon.
    I've decided the web of today is pure shit and there is no reason to continue using it once I have downloaded enough media to last me the rest of my life.
  13. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    lol OP is a wage slave
  14. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged

    what's so special about new zealand?
  15. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Or is that just another misleading direction they cooked up and it's the jews afterall
  16. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    When I started thinking about the future of humanity all I could think of was space exploration which ultimately has a short limit before it's completely discovered and understood, so that would only last humanity around 50 to 100 years until the universe was completely mapped out and understood.
    That leaves one other option, virtual reality (brain to computer interfaces) and exploring innerspace.
    Outerspace is not the future for the human/conscious ego based being, it's the innerverse.
    Ultimately the next stage is for humans (not necessarily all of them) to use BCI tech to become immaterial conscious beings exploring reality through BCI technology and the unlimited potential of electronic computers.
    Those are the only two paths there are left to take, space and innerspace.
  17. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    One of the possibilities for A.I. that isn't evil or threatening to humanity is the ability to use the A.I. to create music.

    Just think, I could take the multitrack files Trent Reznor has handed out for a few of the Nine Inch Nails albums, feed that into an A.I. and have it analyze the music and then be able to create a new Nine Inch Nails album for me ..... I could create an infinite number of new NIN albums, Trent doesn't even need to be alive anymore!
    Someday I'll be able to create an A.I. replica of Trent Reznor that will fulfill my dream of what he should be, complete with brand new music videos and live shows.
  18. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Why am I asking, you're all pre-programmed to give a certain response so as to make this all seem natural and real

    For real though doesn't Neuralink freak everyone here out?
    I just realized that if that tech gets into the wrong hands humanity could forever be trapped in a virtual prison.
  19. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Say I wanted to take a break from technology what are some activities I could do?
  20. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Mentally ill people need to stay the fuck away from transagism, it really belittles the struggle of people who actually are transaged.
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