Is anyone getting weird connections to 4chan lately?
My ISP sends me to warning pages and when I click the ignore it sends me to a page with a reference to "token" in the url.
This happens when I try to go on the SFW boards, it doesn't seem to do it for /pol/.
Surely there is something beyond what humans understand as reality.
This should be the most important scientific pursuit right now, there should be daily documentaries on this and everyone should be focused on this, not the narratives that are fed them through the jewish media.
Furthermore, what is BEYOND this FUCKING BORING HUMAN EXISTENCE .... and I say that not to mean that I want the human condition to end, but that I want for human life to exist as it should and at the moment it is so warped.
Besides the basic human life, there is the real ability (if you can get to the point where you can create it) to achieve immortality and enable yourself to exist indefinitely and explore so many avenues to human consciousness.
Every moment you have throughout your life is a particular state of consciousness, such as going for a walk, listening to music, playing a video game, interacting with other humans and the nuances that come with that, everything and every experience is a state of consciousness, so with all that said besides space travel and uncovering the knowledge of reality, humans should also strive towards exploring all the depths of human reality (in a safe and wholesome manner of course).
I say this tonight, not with a sense of joy and pleasure, but as a heartfelt warning.
This planet, or at least our civilization, is being systematically destroyed .....
There is a very real possibility in the near future that a civil war or some sort of tension will unfold in the US and other European countries.
I know I have been here for a few years ranting about these things, up to now I was just trolling while high and putting on a persona.
This is real.
I can feel it, you can feel it .... something is happening.
It feels like being pulled by a singularity.
How are you all doing tonight?
How have you been since I have been gone, hopefully you did fine without me.
I want you to all post your thoughts about this, do you sense what I am sensing.
And before I wrap up the start of this thread, I want it to be known to the mechanisms of this reality .... I DEMAND AN END TO THIS PLOT TO DESTROY MY CIVILIZATION
All I want in this life is for western civilization to be safe and forever so I can enjoy my comfy hikikomori lifestyle
no matter what