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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    LOL starts at 0:51-- wait for it

  2. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I would much rather clean a meth lab than a dead body.

    That's the Morticians job. Her job is to clean up the yuck afterwards. I wonder if she will ever come across a suitcase full of drug cash left behind while everyone else had left. a CS not fully shook down.

    I'm sure she is honest enough to report it though.
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby idk.. all i know is i saw him live and it was one of the most boring shows I'd ever seen I walked away to go watch something else.

    Also note Bill Krozby. these were the forefathers of House, Electronica, Modern, Idustrial, Post Punk, Punk etc. Krout Rock is somewhat proto-house music dating back to the late 1960s.

    He's old now. He's not going to moon walk for your enlightenment.. much.
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Cars was one of the first 45s I bought.

    (our friends electric on the b side which I preferred)

    I like that other side as well. I like both songs but In Cars was radio played way to much. I wondered if Our/Are friends electric' based on the Phillip K Dick novel of ..Do Androids Dream electric sheep.
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost No lol plurals have nothing to do with swinging

    I thought that's what you meant by it. it is a phrase used. A multitude of one.
  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Has 2 be full hazmat or I ain't stepping inside. Although 99 percent my jobs right now is cleaning up bodily fluids and I still suit up. My cats scratch me randomly last thing I want I'd aids or hep c

    HIV dies in 2 seconds in air. HepC is more reasonable. though HepC is now curable as taking a series of pills. HIV just became curable for certain people (2 so far) but it's painful and requires bone marrow transplant from what I read. and AIDS isn't a disease. It's a number of 28 plus diseases I believe. most of them cancers or pneumonia related.

    But yeah. there are probably of unknown diseases you could develop outside of cancer that no one knows of yet by coming in contact.
  7. toz African Astronaut
    BTW Im not saying that as a bible thumper. I mean that is really how Demons would react to the name of Christ. they just break down and teret all over the place.
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs Your daddy should the Jesus up his asshole every Sunday, than shoved up your Mother's cunt, and your shoved down your throat to swallow all his and your parents cum. You enjoyed it. Than you took that cross and fucked all the mothers in church with it. Than the dog down your street grabbed off ya and fuck you again with it. Than the dead cat in the eyes with and he in turn killed the Ice cream pedo with it just for Lulz. Fuck your worthless cunt Jesus. He was and is only good for fucking…NOTHING.

    Why do people become so foul mouth and triggered by the simple type of the name Jesus? That sounds like an angry demon. one of Satan's followers. Are you a member of the SET or Church of Satan by chance?
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost No plural just means you are more than one person sharing one body

    that is probably another term for shitzo as u would say but it is in fact a group that "swings"

    In the 1970s, The Key Party people were plurals.
  10. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian You're all nonces and should go straight to the gas chambers.

    Sounds like fun.. I want to be stitched together with your hand and we both can take nice deep breaths in.

    Or make it funner and have a breath holding contest. maybe a staring contest too to see who laughs first. oh that expression on our faces. St Peter will have a field day mocking us at the pearly gate.
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs dude i like some of your knowledge/insights in music and movies BUT seriously FUCK OFF with everything else. Oh FUCK JESUS with a hunting knife while he is dying on the cross. He deserve(d)(s)worse FUCKSTAIN.

    BS And Jesus would of hung around all of you and preached far less.

    Not sure why you hate him.

    I thought a plural was like a Pagan or Wiccan types. where multiples marry one another and share each other. As adults that might be OK. a bit unorthodox or not (maybe it's still a thing somewhere in the world) but the harming of children both mentally and physically (Probably far more mentally) shouldn't be added into your Pluralist society

    let them grow up and decide. plus it's just fucked up.

    Thats not me being Preachy, that's just common sense. so don't bring Christ into this.
  12. toz African Astronaut
    I think I just went full on dyslexic. I had to reread Dregs and other peoples post a few times. they don't normally speak as if they're using a fucking babble translator to english.
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Is Beano Beeno the dude from tinybltc that is polish having a bit of trolling fun.

    if not

    Send beeno in as a special agent hit squad
  14. toz African Astronaut
    or you could say nostics and or pagans (pagans in the generic sense)
  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra to wash your face

    Washed you tool.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I expect he was trying to tell us "Buy my album so I can make more $$$"

    He was knowingly (to himself) dying of cancer. I suppose to give to Iman to have a good life for herself and the children but naw. I think he was telling us about the (generically speaking) Gnostics he roamed with and the culture of it.
  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat whats funny about the outdoor pool is I noticed this russian dude was there with his som talking russian to his son depsite probably raising him here in poland. he could have been ukrianian thiugh as there are two million of them here but looked more russian sicne he was tall and skinny and most ukrainians i know arent tall. anyway, its funny because i realized the reasons russians and ukrainians like poland ao much: it reminds them of home. it is so similar in many ways its like they never left. obviously the religious aspect and catholicism is the big deal or difference.


    Aren't you the pedophile guy in Santa Cruz? Did you split country? Now you're near children at a pool?

    or is this beeno having fun?
  17. toz African Astronaut
    My fear is if you're not full level hazmat gear (whatever number is proper) that you might come down with a nasty case of cancer of the liver or other various organs 10-20 years in time. I hope you get hazpay on top
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby idk don't think i ever listened to it

    it was his last album. fucking people not jumping in on this. they scared!
  19. toz African Astronaut
    2 coding

    PT (Me?) and CC credit card? you running a scheme op?
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung flogging field niggers.

    Going OT because of racist hate speech

    I don't think the Orthodox jedis or Hasidics are the "Faux or False" jedis.

    umm oh yeah

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