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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    'Seriously. Is he alive and hanging out with enter? Im being seriously
  2. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country All that matters is muh economie.

    I think the british knew that they had to pass a law for English Parliament only? they feared the French taking over and passed this law centuries ago when Napoleon was in power. maybe even prior. There no doubt is a law still on the books.
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat This dude is a real genuine uktra. legia warsaw hooligan type 100%

    Wariat.. Thug Representation isn't cool.

    Stop just spitting out lyrics and learn to break-dance (that should be a thing again.. always fun to watch on street corners)

    I drive through parts of Oakland that are look fucked up (Wood street, North West side-- Gentrifying with homeless encampment on the side of the railroad tracks going into Emeryville where all the hip hipsters be liven.).

    But the people are just expressing their interest. the crime comes with or without that bubble graffiti. Tags are different than urban art muros.

    Why do you talk about this all the time. are you still a teen?
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra cr'ocodile dundee was trained to silence noisy fuckin kookaburras like you

    I read o that ChrocDundee (Paul Hogan) would get shit for saying "Shrimp on the barbie" and started Americans using it as an annoying catchphrase like "Whats Uppppp" (though the second one is funny for a short time)

    What is that old guy doing these days. He was funny in the film. I think well loved by Americans (obviously). Why isn't he doing other films. He could be the Australian 007 if Aussies created their own version of one.

    Australia has a large film industry. Why isn't Paul Hogan working these days?
  5. toz African Astronaut
    If Matchew isn't Dumpsterslut, please tell me what happen to dumpsterslut

    maybe an alt of infinity?
  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by playingindirt trump already has and breaks more laws than anybody he's claims is breaking the law or claims has broken the law.
    you should do your homework.

    the criminal activity he personally is responsible for, the dude is a poster boy for crimes.
    I don't mean hearsay. I mean things he's been convinced of and is paying for. he belongs in prison.

    illegal immigrants have probably paid more taxes then trump has.

    Do you also feel Hillary should be in prison as well? please answer.
  7. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor wrong, he already bragged how getting deported was way better then having to do parole or probation here.

    ACP are you alt'ing Wariat and forgot to change names?

    GG bra.. GG
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III I remember back in like January/February (and many months before that) I would be always feeling like shit from Crouton and have so little energy I'd need to just space out and stare at nothing so that I could concentrate at all afterwards and I'd always be irritated or pissed off. It took a shitload of effort to do anything physical. I didn't even have the energy to crave sex or food at all and it was like my dick just wouldn't really work. Now I've been off the shit since March 12th (and two weeks taper before that), spent the time going through a terrible breakup and working out and eating well despite having a few little slipups with stims.

    But today, I just crushed a decent workout for like the 3rd day in a row after sleeping 8 hours and I still have an above average amount of energy with my dick randomly getting hard from time to time. Got a haircut so I look clean cut, my eyes are bright again and my skin is clear. The ego that my mind built out of necessity to justify the meth and the opiates and the drugs and the shitty relationship is falling off hard, like every 12 hours I feel like a new person damn near. ANNDDDD I found out the financial constraints that I thought were keeping me here are actually manageable in such a way that it's not holding me back anymore.

    I'm gonna stick around here for a few more months while I tie up the last few loose ends, probably fuck some girl from work or two (the rest of the faggots there judge because I've done this before but they're really all just bitter cafe dipshits so I'll do it to spite them, fuck them let them die hating) then go start a new life.

    OG, please get help. stop shooting up. Opioids cramps up the poop chute and makes you miserable. get methadone and smoke some buds with it. come off of it. I hate the heroin and not you. I hope we become friends. I don't know what I can offer for advice since I never been a drug addict (other then maybe alcohol in the day) but you seem pretty cool.
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat

    β€žBan degenerate propaganda like Putin has. No more brainwashing of people especially kids that lgbt is normal, no more destruction of traditional family values, no more punishing pride in your culture, religion, etc., no more allowing a foreign people to replace the native population, no more encouraging young women to go to college to be ****** by as many guys as possible and then waste their lives in some cubicle and before she knows it she's too old to have kids - starting with that would make a drastic change.

    Or at least encourage debate, don't cover up facts and statistics and sweep problems under the rug, and certainly don't throw people in jail for social media posts.”

    I care about poland. I have a relative (by marriage and a father of family member) from there. I joke about the world ending cause shit is so fucked up by I care for the world.

    I just think this guy Wariat needs medication and chemically castrated so he wont have these fucked up urges. plus he wont have to go to prison again. Because I'm sure the Police in Poland hook up with the records in USA. Interpol has him most likely.
  10. toz African Astronaut
    I will vote for trump if he starts a new investigation in 9/11 and doesn't hold back on his buddies like Silverstein.

    I just want Silverstein to tell the truth. His lawyers will get him out of trouble. or hold off a court hearing for years. Silverstein is probably in his 90s by now. so he doesn't have to worry about legal troubles. I say this to offer a way to expose the real truth. People knew 9/11 was going to go down and instead of warning they decided "hey how can we profit from this" Gold moved, Monies wired, Put Options placed, 25 different 'million dollar each' insurance plans that would protect the WTC buildings in the event of a terrorist attack or accidental plane crashing into buildings. shit!!

    Then there is the investigations on Hillary and Bill? probably never going to happen. Is it possible our president is too close of friends with them, the politics is just a sideshow. they hookup and at parties and laugh their asses off?
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Prostate is in butthole, so butthole is sex organ/sex organ adjacent.

    It's a gland wrapped around the side of the bladder. it is close to the outerwall of the colon track region. I kind of hated mine in my 20s. Always had bad prostititus for years. sometimes in my 30s. less of it over the years.

    I was about to request they remove it in my 20s but the surgery they said wasn't worth the risk. I always had pain around the apendix area and said while you're in there remove that so I never have an attack and die.

    the problem is if you pull out your prostate gland, you might stop future cancer cells moving around and become aggressive (since all men have cancer cells floating in their prostate probably from birth?) that it might cause drippy urine or seaman in your shorts. feeling like having a case of the clap (If you removed your prostate gland)? Yet I'm sure your body would adjust and you wouldn't have to worry about prostate cancer spreading.

    and what the fuck does the appendix do anyways? enhancement poison out with the liver?
  12. toz African Astronaut (I believe it was org not com or net) had this funny chat box (the entire page) and you could post html codes and bring up photos, video and sounds.. it was weird because you would have a conversation and then someone would just start making sounds and soundbites relating to the conversation.. ti was funny as fuck. hours of this.

    miss that place. the fucker shut it down, but archive has it still

    LOL it's still on archive

    try it. I think it works .

    Lanny code this in somehow and make a sticky forum with this encoded into it if you can. it's kind of annoying and funny as shit
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet 2004ish. Right before the server went down for like 3 months. I've always had the same username. I posted mainly in Spurious and S&A, never Half Baked. Sometimes BLTC or Bad Ideas.

    why did the server go down in 04?

    Do you remember Lokil? I'm curious where he lives now.

    I was looking for forums after I got booted from Totse.. I had some weird addiction thing with the internet (still do obviously) and I literally felt a cold turkey withdrawl. Nothing to do with totse or it's people, but breaking off so fast?

    I went on different places. or net.. and (There was some hippy Jesus who would sell his videos of speaking to you personally? and offered to allow women to come bathe with him for a service fee. I think he was holding out for a Christian group to buy his website. They did. I think it was like a MIllion dollars or some shit.

    then for kicks I typed in and found the 'hatsters'?

    some are crossover from totse. it changed url to

    that's where I met the guy who runs 4gifs and jjam

  14. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung πŸ˜‚πŸ€˜πŸ€ŸπŸ‘ŒπŸ€˜πŸ––πŸ€ž

    I don't know what the fuck is going on, but for some reason, I can no longer view the DH'rs little emojis. All I get are boxes.
  15. toz African Astronaut
    I think they want to be called Escorts

    this is one of 5 stories I have branded in my head.Fictionalized story and location spot that doesn't exist anymore. it didn't fit the premise of the story line in either outcome. An eastern-block suitcases given to the protagonist back in the 1980s by a fellow supporting (co-protag?)

    it's a good and bad version outcome. two stories of the same character and same situation with different outcomes.

    I don't know how to write the outline very well. I mean I could just make it story A outcome followed by Story B outcome or stagger the story back and forth.
  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil I should look for an oilpatch job if conflict is on the horizon. dat $100 a barrel 100k a year monay.

    you're a chain-rotate roughneck ?

    do they pay that much a year? I hear that the shop-steward encourages plenty of meth influence overtime. like literally.
  17. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet I only posted there because Totse went down and that's where all my Totse friends were posting. I don't even think any of them are still around, and most of the people from Totse that ARE still around I either don't remember because we posted in different sections, or I do remember and recall not much caring for. With a community as large as Totse was we absolutely had cliques. There were the big names that everyone knew like Gustave, and Metaphysicist, and ones you knew because of certain sections like Hated One, and Bloodydiaperman.

    I don't think I saw your name on totse. when did you Join? did you use this user name? of course I was booted off near end of 2001 and I got my username shared by pieces of shit. That's pretty bad that enigma would allow it. but it seemed he didn't post much after 9/11 how odd is that? because the feds raided his site?
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Your goy

    Me? I don't own a Goy
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lanny lost his virginity to a fat homeless nigger in a dumpster behind his elementary school lower case 'k' for kommifornia, tovarisch

    and according to SpectraL K for Koffers as well.
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Is wellhung Matt or "Enter"?

    Matt as in our Mr Matt aka "Dumpsterslut"

    too many fucking Matts around here. ghettotize that shit like Mattropolis or sum cool sounding nick.
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