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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Period Blood Called it.

    Not sure what that means but it seems now we have three of these guys on here.

    PrettyHateMachine aka Hiki

    Not sure if Sophie and PHM are just trolling but they're very good at it while Wariat seems to be a confirmed.

    Of course Infinityshock is always in question. didn't he work at a youth center for deliquence as a Correctional Guard?

    and apparently there is a move to make relationships (rape) with young kids a legal thing in the USA? the far left would love to see this ut I'm gonna take a guess and say all political parties have these people embedded in the group.
  2. toz African Astronaut
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Got damn it.. whats that fucking UBB command
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby idk.. all i know is i saw him live and it was one of the most boring shows I'd ever seen I walked away to go watch something else.

    What did you expect him to do.. pull a fucking pumpkin from his ass :TROLL:
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Damn dude. you're the worst kind. I wouldnt say shit about a murderer on this site or someone who is a bit of a blown out drug attic but you harming a young child is just fucked up. I rarely judge people but this is something you need to ask yourself maybe "I should get chemically castrated as to not have these desires"

    so where does a person like you end up? It's fucked up you kind of live in the Bay Area. too close to the NAMBLA HQ.

    PS I didn't Ratax this guy. he is public about it

  6. toz African Astronaut
    Look a Triangle. He's looking at one

    I wonder what the acronym M.E. means
    He was in the British Royal Air I believe. flies jets these days just for shits and giggles? looks like a fun thing to do.Not puttig it down.

  7. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Trivago?

    I tried it.. there is often a list that shows all of the big companies. Trivago, Booking and the one William Shatner and his daughter are on (shit.. forgot the name)

    anyways they all fluxuate as who has the bext deal.. so they're all fairly even in the long run.

    but I think I figured out the game last night by calling up the hotel itself. These companies lease the rental agreements for a price, and they rent the lower or smaller rooms. certain floors are not liked. Now people might think the first floor up is the cheapest, but it's not. Many people have a fear of hights and the first floor (actually second over the Ground Floor) is a premium. Old people, People with fear of heights, people fearing a disaster will happen.. be the first ones rescued. etc:

    then the top floors are also a premium. middle floors with views of the buildings across the street usually have queen or doubles shoved into them.
    These are the rooms that Trivago rent and then re-rent out at a service cost to the Hotel.
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl The irony is he has a commie hat but a nazi flag…you know the nazis hated the commies right?

    They were different Parties but both socialist groups. communism is a forced type of Socialism and the state is your G-d.

    National Socialism (NaZi) had to be voted in. Hitlers party used fear tactics on the people. Not so much going around beating on people and telling them "You vote Hitler or else" but more of fear tactics that all jedis were evil and that Communism was mostly Russian jedi ran and one day Russia would invade. or some shit like that.

    But yeah, it is ironic or just a big whoopsie. maybe he's making a statement and or waiting to see if someone as bright as you to notice. I was just laughing my ass off thinking "That shirt says lanny"
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by playingindirt it shouldn't make any difference if someone is well off or poor. trump has no business treating human beings as badly as he does.

    the tax cuts were specifically designed to benefit and boost the income for the wealthy above all others. they knew they weren't paid for and they wouldn't pay for themselves due to their huge price tag. they knew they'd explode the deficit much much more too.

    expecting "the people" to pay the tab for the tax cuts the wealthy didn't need, pay for bailouts, corporate losses but they keep the profits and tariffs like the people are supposed to serve and kiss their butts cuz they're rich.
    the american people needs the tax cuts not people that are already loaded with wealth.

    trump is emptying budget programs and funds for cripples, old people, little kiddos with working parents barely getting by, workers benefits, workers protections, environmental protections and on and on. that's just for starters. people are going to die.

    americans will be paying for those tax cuts for long time to come. they're just going to expand the deficit more before they're paid off. there'll be a lot of damage before it's all over and done with. F trump. he's an ass.

    I know he's taking away from programs like Kidney Dialisis which My father had to do and ended up dying from kidney problems at age 50. Im prediabetic myself. My eyesite is starting to go. It's hard for me to read shit up close. I can read road signs just fine. but I don't know for how long. Maybe 5 more years. I can get glasses and or contacts but will I have health insurance in the future. I'm not lazy, never lived off of welfare. I might have to one day. In my mid 50s. But I want to work and make money. it's just a joke now. at first it was exciting to see all of the new money in the tech world. but us blue collars are told "tough shit.. get a higher education"

    so fine. No one can afford to live in these cities like San Francisco and soon Atlanta Ga or NYC ..etc. who's gonna make your food. Annoying AI bots with no souls. who's going to drive those fleet cars or bus if they don't get paid enough to pay for rent.. let alone ever own a home again.

    Both political sides have been fucking the middle class and making the gap that much larger. either we make it big or we will all be poor. no middle class left. it's dwindling fast.
  10. toz African Astronaut
    looks like an inkblot
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Job Title: "Pooper Insertionist"

    End times oh my garsh

    Frank "Rocky" Figeil
  12. toz African Astronaut
    Cage? like Nicholas?
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Me: Hey Mr President. What's it like never being poor

    Trump: I don't know.. what is a poor?
  14. toz African Astronaut
    Confirmed.. Lanny in her little hijab

  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby unfortunately that shit happens all the time here. I've seen it happen. I've had the cops follow me in unmarked vehicles thinking I was someone else.

    I dont wanna go into detail but I've literally watched the cops hide by the side of my door and send some average joe looking dude to knock on my door and no i wasn't fucked up. they do a lot of shennanagins but they are sometimes really obvious about i.

    I know someone well who ended up causing trouble for his drug habit. first his girlfriend told me how she got a free place that 'they' help set her up with (section 8?) and that My friend had to go back to the reprogramming" camp or something close to that.

    It's real here in the bay area a well.. it's not a bad concept if someone is committing crimes but these same informants can be used to set innocent people up with shit and often do.

    It used to be that an excon couldn't testify or even if they were allowed the special case to do so, their word was clearly not respected. it's being abused by corrupt law enforcers.. most likely for personal gain.
  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Admin Bend, Oregon

    Bend Over Region?

    all I got was photos and one of a dog on a surfboard on a lake or summin
  17. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blaster master fuck it, he should just be out there yelling "wieners, loud pack! i got weiners! i got loud packs!"

    and if the pigs ask what loudpack is tell them it's a kind of kimchi and give them free hot dogs.

    They're not gonna ask in uniform though.

    it will be some scruffy former con getting a free pad in exchange for informant.
  18. toz African Astronaut
    He could have a rolling kiosk for top end IceCream like Dove Bars and Brauts and Pretzles and have his girlfriend make snowcones in a Bikini with the cold ice and a breeze on her bikini top give an extra treat to dads.

    "sex sells" i feel so dirty now. shit.
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL No, it has to be pulled. It ruins the whole thing if it's pushed.

    every hotdog or pretzel vender would always be seen pushing the thing down the street. Kr0z could sell Pretzles too. and have a freezer built in for icecream. he should bring his girlfriend along to dish that stuff out with a bikini on in the summer time.

    dude would probably rake in close to 800-1000 bucks a night.
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Depends on how busy they are. I've usually had luck just going in and asking, or checking an aggregation site (even google maps) about 6pm. Empty rooms mean no money for them, so they're keen to get them let.

    this is true too. if you don't mind checking in after 6pm (or 7-8 by the time you reserve it), you can get a room that's usually over 200 for around 99 bucks or sometimes less.

    but they usually tell you the other nights will have a rate hike. some states may not allow this in the USA. Not sure about Ireland.
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