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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor yeah thats pretty rich some fatfuck slav thought he could flex on a competitive surfer. in reality he perved on a 12 year old girl and she got creeped out and told her parents, who handed her myspace account off to the coppers who then chris-hansoned him. he got sentanced to prison followed by deportation. i think his momma still lives here tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    She like sexy-beans look'n? some dem slav women have dark-latin like skin. probably some history to that like a black-irish.

    You gots her PI. No threats.. just maybe find out where things went wrong with her demon child and then maybe pull a train of loven on that sweet slavic woman.

    But serious Wariat. Get some help. Everyone can become a good spirited person. I would say join a Youth-Mentor group and coach baseball or European Football that you might be good at but you have to stay the fuck away from kids so.. Go become a wetnurse for elderly at a convalescent hospital or something and be kind, unwind, rewind and be a loving natured person. but stay away from kids.. k?
  2. toz African Astronaut
    British street voice

    Eh wut u on about, eh?

  3. toz African Astronaut
    Do you think they played this a lot in the trenches of the Korean War or in Vietnam for nostalgia for the Soldiers who would play cowboys and indians (Native Americans to be PC)

    I wonder if the Vietkong were the "Indians" and all of the cowboys considered their bullets as arrows. I bet Arrows is used a lot in code.

    What was the name of the vietnam lady doing radio propaganda and demoralizations? Saigon Sally?

    Good song, BTW

    Originally posted by stl1
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat I simply put a stop or had the cops not gone after me or thwt single cop who recognized my voice not been inclined to seek me out so well and had they actually read me my rights which they didnt as they fuked an interview and put me in handcuffs after maybe i would have put a srop to him spreading his filthy lgtb propaganda to kids and his propaganda of a quasi religious cult.

    Dude, I am a local to this area. You're from where.. Poland?

    I am a fifth generation Californian.. but that doesn't mean shit. Mexicans before us and Native Americans before them. You're not a Californian. Who the fuck are you to say you're preserving south of the bay?

    Do you surf? are you one of them surfers who thinks the waters is theirs?

    Plus, Maybe I'm stereo-typing this a bit. Luciano? You're lucky this isn't the 80s or some shit. Even though he's from Montana.. my guess he is linked to The Family. Italians aren't Gypsies. Gypsies come from Eastern Europe.

    I wouldn't be posting on BBS and showing my PI like you are doing so freely. You might piss off some mexicans or a club of others not liking what you have to say. California isn't a place for someone who thinks like you.

    Why are you in Poland.. were you forced to leave and go back home or are you visiting that place because it might be easier to fuck children as you seem to think is OK.

    You're sick. Please find help. talk to a doctor. get chemically castrated. you probably wont have urges to do more harm.
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs your so called jesus had a easy end to his life. fucking ppl i've known suffered more in life and death. hell look into serial killers and their victims they even suffered worse than your worth absentes cuntstain nigger jesus. he should have burned at the cross too AT LEAST..such an easy life and you niggers worship him like he meant something. HOW ABOUT ALL THE ACTUAL VICTIMS IN LIFE THAT ARE KILLED OUT OF POWER, REVENGE, PLEASURE…etc

    that nigger had the easiest life and end of them all. not even up for debate bro.

    You really have a hate for this Man Jesus. The Flesh of Jesus was Man. The Spirit was of G-d.

    I won't go into it now. But Jesus suffered greatly. He had to carry a cross on his back which was probably 300 pounds or more. and people punched him in the face and threw stones at him. knocking him to the ground. brutaly bashing his face in. He didn't look anything like Jeffry Hunter (Yes the Actor portraying Jesus-- and apart of the Jeff Hunter walks on water meme in the day). Didn't look like Jeffery Hunter the actor in the film -King of Kings. Jesus got beat down hard. and then had a spike plowed in both hands and one for both feet. Imagine what that would feel like.

    And people said "Jesus, Have the father save you and take you away" but he couldn't. He had to suffer like anyone else. then a Roman Soldier stripped him and jamed a spear into him a few times. so he would bleed out on the cross. and of course to add insult and more injury.. a crown of thorns.

    He may of went fairly fast in your opinion, but he didn't have it easy.
  6. toz African Astronaut
    weird it blocked it at first.. so I had to go in and edit it. I'v never seen that on here before.

    We are all leaders and we accept each others inputs for leadership and yet we must not look outside of ourselves for leadership. your path is there for you. Let Go.
  7. toz African Astronaut
    this song may comfort you.

    It speaks of the "Sun's coming out" and "You're in the tidal river together"

    The Hopi Prophet.

    We're all in it together.. so hold hands, push out and then let go.. we will allow the river to take us to our final destination.

    Mark Burgess is a British guy who sang for the post punk band Chameleons UK but is part Native American apparently. Or so I was told by his friends on a website. this song brings peace to the heart and piece of mind.
  8. toz African Astronaut
    I'm sitting in a dark room. looking at the gate not so golden today. a train of foggy-rail-cars slamming into its front at me; head on.
    shades drawn closed as it feels almost like nighttime all day long.

    and it is the longest of days this day.

    Happy Summer Solstice today to all of the Northern Hemisphere people.

    Merry Winter Solstice to those coming out of the fall.
  9. toz African Astronaut
    and 2 citrucel tablets.
  10. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo the antichrist is a genderfluid child rapist white whore from california

    You're supposed to spell California with a capital C.
  11. toz African Astronaut
    The Object was to post some quirky place (Though Bangkok might fall into that category) and look to see if people posted funny shit about the place on and then copy and paste
  12. toz African Astronaut
    I was starting to like Gov Nusom and then the Gav decided to pull the bullet train project.

    I mean they have been laying track now for over a decade and this dude says "Naw.. waste of time and resources" and pulls it.

    Here is the trick to making it happen. hire the hispanics out of work coming up to california and lets just speed up the track laying time period from the expected 2030 down to say 2023. The Chinese did it. If this was China, I bet that track would of been finished years ago.
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I changed my mind

    I’m gonna smoke some broccoli and cheese rice instead

    there, fixt ;)
  14. toz African Astronaut
    There is nothing wrong with frampton.

    He's not Leif Garrett (Considered a tween sell out in the 70s) even though Leif wasn't that bad of a performer, considering he was a tween idol. LOL im kidding.. he's a corporate made whore just like those boy-bands in the 80s and 90s.

    But he's also a funny actor. So he's a pretty ok guy regardless of how hollywood fucked any true potential out of him.

    But Frampton wasn't half bad. so tell me the reason again. Was Peter Frampton too plastic?

    ignore me. I need to go take a big greasy caca right about now.
  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Admin The area is pretty cool. Lots of hiking areas, mountain biking trails, brewerys, fun stuff. Plus the fruit from my activities is sweet and full. I made like $1k+ last weekend there…

    like collecting shrooms lol

    kidding. or maybe not. I been to it once I think. Like in my young teen years. I used to go to Eugene/Springfield a lot as a kid. maybe like 4-5 times in my pre-teen years.

    Who knew that is where The Simpson's "Springfield" would end up being. some guessed it because I think the creator went to college in Eugene?

    I met that Matt guy once. I was looking at some comics in Longs Drugs in my home town and he started a conversation with me around 1988 and he said he was the creator of the cartoon on the Tracy Ullman show.

    I mean it looked like him. I asked him what he was doing in the East Bay and he said visiting a friend (A musician)

  16. toz African Astronaut
    I always liked this song. it's not just nostalgic but is pretty creative.

    In High Fidelity John Cusack and Jack Black beat the living fucking shit out of this L7 40 year old.

    I had a hard time following that film. Also, "Grunge" wasn't all that great. some of it was good but sup with this flick. Just watched it a few weeks ago.

  17. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Probably all the sugary drinks and alcohol they consume

    I didn't think about that. empty carb syndrome. confuses the fuck out of the body.

    A real methhead doesn't usually drink though. they're just into meth and bike riding and looking for shit to steal. LOL
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Your mother is an astronaut because she agreed when I suggested we "explore Uranus"

    Uranus & 'Moons'
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl I would no sense in keeping it I'm paid well enough already. I dont like dishonesty.

    that's good. it would also possibly solve a case and even go as far as not accusing an innocent person.

    I too am against dishonesty and see lots of it. I was being sarcastic or sardonic or prolly some other sar
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Texan marries a working class brit and haz child. that child's name was Australia
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