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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG You barely even have to get a kid aroused. 13 year olds get boners at the slightest gust of wind.

    Why anybody would want to fuck someone that age is beyond me. Even if they look mature and it's somehow legal, they're still mentally 13. Do you really want to deal with 13 year olds. They're so annoying.

    I agree for that and that they're not fully developed and how much mental stress you put on them. But the post was being how Ironic (if thats the proper word to chose) that what was common fantasy for young men throughout time, of falling in love with teacher in the 1800s early 1900s and bringing and apple to the sexual revolutio of the 60s and 70s with the teachers kind of dressing in fashion showing a bit of more legs than kids were used to seeing. and being really hawt cause she's wearing makeup. today this is restricted and you would be chastised for doing so. but in the 70s.. no one thought much about it in most schools.

    thats kind of the Van Halen joke of "Sit down waldo-Hawt for teacher" it was just a great song and sung about a very common and humorous thing. no one expected it to happen. that's the funny part. "What if" and then it becomes a fucking epidemic. and the teachers aren;t looking like most of my teachers (old.. hairy mole on face) but rather like in the music video.

  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Bueno and once I saw beeno being spelled.

    I'm also dyslexic as fuck at times. even when I type (more recently) my spelling of words I simply know where first coming out with letters being switched to writing completly different words.

    I thought it was the gabapentin (or hoping) but I truly think something is wrong with me lately.

    I feel disconnected. If you ever seen Vannila Sky (Which is probably placed in there from patients experiences that the writer used to create a disconnected atmosphere?)

    I get that radio station changing stations, often faint. not sure if it's engish or gibber with fractions of seconds of constant audible changes from music to talking as you're changing an old analogue radio from station to station. some white static sound but just faint enough that you know you're hearing it but can't make it out. I used to wake up and it would fade off but lately it continues on. i can hear it in quiet environments now. every-once in a while a loud shout. like "Hey" Or "Ahh". I'v become used to it.

    I'm not ready to switch meds again or increase dose.

    I think the stress of not making enough money is not helping. Maybe I should invent the next pet rock.

    RIP Gary Dahl
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Maybe you're right. they need medical help. lots of people go to mental health (yes including me)

    people believe chemical castration is probably the best thing if it's a disease they're born with.

    it's really strange that rules of society (not nessisarely laws but common shared beliefs) have changed.. some 180 degrees. we're now supposed to do the opposite. I'm the bad guy for coming off Barbaric.

    Maybe you're right. at times I really don't want to get out of bed. the world is really too surreal for me at times. but I do like everyone else does. eventually get up and go through the same grind. when I'm doing my Job.. often it's fun and I get to talk to interesting people. aiding me in my once crippling social problem of being shy.

    but when I wake up.. I'm like "Fuck this shit.. and I think about nuclear war and or an asteroid or some pandemic coming and ending this failed cycle of life on this planet. and the meme photo of Da Vinci painting of what looks like a 1950s style TV with a restart button. maybe not that exactly.. but things like that. it's not me wanting to harm the world. it's me thinking this is what we probably deserve and it will happen naturally or mutual applied destruction (or whatever MAD stands for.. something like that)

    India and Pakistan are having a small battle right now.. all it takes is one big flare up.. exchange of nukes and it sets off a domino effect
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    It's weird. 40 years ago, if a Teacher turned heads everywhere she went and young men fantasising? this was "Normal" and Rock songs were made about it (Van Halen.. Sit Down Waldo)

    but it really is pedophilia or statutory rape. confusing the fuk out of the boy. it's worst if it's a man. men penetrate but women can get a boy natural erected with their hormones starting.. then just jump on them. it's kind of reverse penetration rape?

    it seems like there is a pandemic of this behavior by very attractive 20-30 year old teachers doing this. many blonde and look like they could be on beauty magazines. going after 13-14 year old kids.

    if these were shootings, they would be called "Copy Cat Crimes' but it's more of a bizarre epidemic.

    it's really fucked up thinking about it now.
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie He's probably just a victim of child abuse. And if not, then it doesn't really matter what he has to say because real human beings have empathy, clearly he does not.

    I don't often say this but yes. I really was. the beatings were brutal. and people didn't want to get involved in domestic upbringing". "Spare the rod" but yeah.. it was huge sticks, cane, not the leather strap of a belt, but the leather strap of the belt with the metal buckle. getting punched in the nose by a full grown man, breaking it and blood splattering on the wall like a fucking mob hit just occurred.

    Moms not calling 9-1-1. it's how it was dealt with. kicked into a closet or having your head slammed into a wall. sometimes in the garage with a nailhead sticking out. a closet with a sliding door.. no locks. "You pretend this is locked.. you come out you get to guess what will happen. then he leaves.
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Man, I like you and all, but I have to step in and say that this shit is pretty fucking over the top.

    I agree with age of consent laws. They exist for a reason.

    But when people get all sadistic about this shit I find myself sympathizing a lot more for the pedos than the so-called "good guys".

    These people are damaging the trust built into children and creates a fucking horrific phobia of some type. often it is said they themselves will do the same thing. maybe out of anger. creating monsters of people who may have been kind of loving and volunteering. I mean everyone is different growing up regardless if they were pampered or tormented

    but the majority will turn to harsh lifestyles. the girls might turn to porn or prostitution. not in a way that they would of chose to do so with using protection and say having a 401k and working in Vegas with a union of adult escorting. Im not saying this is a good lifestyle but many chose this seeing they make more money than stay in college and probably love sex and the company of people

    while some girl raped at a young age might live on the edge.. hoping it takes her life .. going out hardcore because that's how this fucked up world is (to them)

    and with boys.. they may just start killing shitloads of people or run sex trade.

    it in no way is acceptable. Ever. it is the one crime that if you go to prison for. You're marked for dead. you will always be getting stabbed or beaten down.

    It's the worst possible thing to do to a kid. You fucking insensitive mother fuckers. I have seen sardonic like humor online before. but clearly some of you aren't fucking kidding.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    No, Sorry. Not "Fucking Hell" but rather "Bloody Fucking Hell" with a snarky brit accent.
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    I guess it's a form of "Right of Passage" (not a popular saying with Liberals) of turning 16 (or 18 in some states) and getting your license and be able to just drive without anyone in the car if you chose (but yourself or you and a significant other or best friends)

    that driving right or privalage is gone with people in the latter part of MOON PERSONs and post MOON PERSONs. they want uber or take a bus. driving to them is too much work and concentration they feel is a waste of mental work and perhaps they get bored. taking a long trip is becoming a rare thing. Not all over the USA. I mean if you live in North Dakota or Nebraska. you need a fucking car. or a Motorcycle. usually a Truck 4x4

    But in crowded cities?? "That's too much to deal with' car insurance for the youth now is fucking insane. almost 3 times than an middle age driver with 0 points.

    The cost now to find parking. maintanance (once done by the owners) too much money

    but you'll spend days coding or going to a video cafe to play games with people all over the world.. or sit at home and play for days until Thrombosis kicks in. which usually only happened to 80 year old people. it's in all ages now. Dropping dead from a blood clot in the leg at age 14. fucking hell.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist 0.40 is just about death for non drinkers.

    they told me I was close to death levels. I was pretty ashamed. I got a second one but I was barely at .05 but I peaked when they did a second one at the station to .08

    the lawyer was a nub. 5 times I went to court and I just said to hell with this. The judge said, Next time you don't come prepared he goes to trial. I just took the DUI (DWI In Cali)

    kind of dumb of me to do so. 3 DUI is lose your licence forever.. and though the DMV wont print your DUI after 10 years, the Court sees it. they don't care. 3 is "Start taking ubers from now on"
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    I forgot all a bout Sophie. Really, you fucking guys need to be placed in a room where the walls keep getting closer to each other while they shock your testicals showing underage. then chemically castrate you and surgically install SSRI inside your brain in a packett device that releases small doses every day

    then keep you in a room with legos for you to entertain your time for some years.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Anybody still doubt he's not benny?

    You think Vinny is Beeno?
  12. Krow African Astronaut

    I've now triggered several algorithms and you'll be arrested shortly OP, you disgusting sack of shit.

    Moar.. do moar
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    when I was 19-20 I heard this tapping while I was asleep. He kept saying "Come on.. time to wake up" and when I woke up, I was parked in the middle of an intersection going "Why am I here?" it was surreal.

    BAC was .34 which was like 4 times the legal amount

    or is it 0.34? is it .08 or .008?
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    ^ paraphrased from 9/11's 21 year ago comment
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Torx jedis in the past were not so good

    THEY, the jediS, declared WAR AGAINST Germany! International jediry DECLARED WAR AGAINST Germany and started a boycott of German goods – sabotaging Germany in the war effort. The jedis in Germany became enemies of the state and were placed in concentration camps to work in the factories to build war materials.

    "That was 21 years ago.. time to move on"
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm No vehicle inspections in florida, just registration.
    I would hate for u fuckheads to search my drivers license info tho… oh wait☺️

    You have none after 5 DWI?
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks TFW you realize you're guilty of serial bestiality.

    I want to have an affair with a hawt jedi milf
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT back n the day 37 cents could get 2 candy bars dude

    That's Awesome
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Tell us how u got manhandled up by a couple girls pussy

    That's Hawt!
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT actually i'm buying a used toyota Yarus this spring,, the're pretty basic and they get 40 mpg,, i'm drivin a trailblazer that gets 10 right now plus it wants 50 to 200 in repairs every 1000 miles,, its a cunt.

    if I ever get rich'esq

    I'm gonna buy a Ford 350 AWD 'used' and beat the shit out of it offroading and camping but make sure it has a protector plate on the transmission parts and a brand new motor placed in it and lift-kit installed with huge monster tires that are street legal.
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