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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Torx Latest news from Washington legislation is being drawn up that says we cannot speak out against jedis. This is ridiculous…

  2. Krow African Astronaut
    13 is the pillar of satan
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no i don't… kinda weird that you'd ask.. i've met him before and would go on his show and say some stuff whens he's downtown again.

    Oh, did he move to Chicago? to run a bigger network of pod-castery?
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick Every generation wishes to cast blame on the later ones. I propose instead that we all recognize you as the sole problem.


    Fine! Will I be Christ like to accept all the worlds Sins? that's not disrespecting Jesus, I'ts glorifying him. giving my life up for everyone.

    I'd prolly throw it all away for a bag of silver to pay a single car payment. I'm such a piece of wretched shitwad.
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Ignore me bitch!

    What did you say on youtube?
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Do you have Alex's current address?

    I mean he's dodgy about taking letters. you send him a electronic message in his message box and it always says "something went wrong" or some 403 or 505 type message? without the HTML Error code number. just tells you it's not working.

    multiple times I tried. Maybe a "Go-Between" prevents me from getting through
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian I do wonder what actually happened to that Otto guy.

    Poor bastard.

    He was given a poisoness bacterial infection that was too late to cure when they allowed him to return home after realizing he was at deaths door. then they denied fully of this infection which I think the doctors stated hadn't been known for a while. maybe it was a virus. I mean remember the former KGB killing the Soviet Defector in London?

    And Kim Jun Il's half brother, right on video had two cute women shove a hankercheif in his face. I think it was ricin poisoning or something?

    look up the details. I mean we can't just nuke these guys. wouldn't look cool. could we drop vacuum bombs on them?

    They would storm the 48th and head south 35-40 miles into Seoul and Samsung and other Major HQ and manufacturing would cause huge panic on the worlds stock marker. with the companies being bombed and shot up?

    that would be crazy as fuck to watch. Something tells me it wouldn't look like a standard war but a crazy ass civil riot with serious weapons.

    beyond civil unrest. But lets be honest. Unless Kim dies and the next person say "Hey, open the border up. I'm tired of this shit. Lets do business"

    and Kim keeps secretly working on his nukes and missile program and his new submarine that can actually launch nukes. midrange nukes. this means if they can sneak those subs over to the us border just 500 miles off shore in Internation waters outside of California or Oregon or Washington (Alaska..etc) they could take out LA, San Diego and San Francisco and Sacramento and Portland and Seattle and Eugene and etc.. in minutes. 2 minutes perhaps
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yes. but i wont just yet. bitch

    Stop being so fucking vague. You're saying someone claiming to be a cop, called you because of your comments on Youtube?

    First off.. Remember that girl who went into Youtube's Video HQ (Where the workers basically overview content that is clearly flagged by software} went on a shooting spree

    You set off some kind of threat. What in the fuck did you actually say. Do you ever prntscrn something you felt You passionatly responded to.. in this case, this flag-triggered moment to be shut down and followed up with a Police calling your house?

    dude, did you threaten to fuck someone up. murder them? Burn the state capital mansion down? those 2 videos don't really follow each other.. do they? Bernie Sanders would get union workers way more money.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    I hate politics.

    It's become so wound and entangled into true spin doctor rhetoric. I'm sorry.. is spin doctor to ancient to use today?

    this was Satans game the bible says he would pull right before the reset button is pushed
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    I like that song. He hits some decent high registry.

    He's difficult to understand. Anyone can say he's Bullshitting. Is it possible that 1 attorney (or a group) found ex girlfriends or such, and embellished on truths that came from consensual to calling being reported as unconsensual and abusive. Don't get me wrong. The shit he did do was wrong. but he's vulnerable as fuck right now. it could be 100 women, but the lawyer looking to lighten his bank account and for the "Win" effect on their ego, is not completely impossible or even improbable.

    "Look how he's making no sense and going overboard with his emotions"

    "He looked like he was gonna punch the reporter"

    just triggering him. "He's triggered so easily"

    Sometimes it's knowing this might happen and you are innocent and falsely accused while they call you paranoid or a bullshitter by suggesting it's a conspiracy.

    We live in some really fucked up times. Yes, many men will be exposed and admit truths. but a large enough percent not in the majority but still significant will either be falsely accused, for money, for vengeance or to watch someone famous or well loved be broken down.

    the science of lie detection just isn't there yet. Or maybe he just did some more fucked up shit. Lets give him an unbiased ear.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed It has toxoplasmosis that it wants to communicate to a host.

    I wash my hands with bleach every time I touch one of those fuckers.

    Cat Scratch Fever?
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SHARK Faggot
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i have another one, but i liked that account because of my videos / backlash / comments.. the email i had tied to my phone ect..

    Write to them and curse them out about how they're bias or racist towards you. Usually they just give it back to you.. prolly
  14. Krow African Astronaut


  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby purrrrrty sure thats a a guy cat.

    Hey Bill Krozby

    read OP's original post

    "She was just gonna sit there the whole damn day!"
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 By my logic there is still 2 less cause the twin towers are a monument now without a skyscraper on top of them, wtc7 was built where one fell, so still 2 less than there would be.

    I see where you're going with this (not much) but there are shitloads of Skyscrapers in NYC already built. WTC 1 and WTC 2 (the new 7 isn't a skyscraper) and a ton of "Skinny Apartments" on 57th next to the park.
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Was WTC 7 considered a SKYSCRAPER?

    No. It was about as tall as the Bank of America building (Now Trump owns it.. forgot it's new name) in San Francisco. it is like 700 plus feet high and not 900 as needed.

    about 47 floors I believe.
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 America has 2 less skyscrapers

    No MoFo

    Building 1 replaced it and WTC 2 is almost finished (It's ugly as fuk.. doesn't match the Freedom Tower)
  19. Krow African Astronaut


    I used to watch this show every week and tried to dance like the people. Too white to get the rhythm down just right. Or Am I?.. >:[

  20. Krow African Astronaut

    Sam Seder busts fake IRS agent who is scamming live on his pod show.

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