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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    and it's 2:26-2:49 and it's background pulse and people talking.

    mics and fans are always removed from closed sets because even a direction shotgun or boom will pick it up as the loudest thing in the stage area.

    this is why it's frustrating to work in most sets .. the lights. you need shitloads of lights with different jells on them for different colors to create the right lighting.

    this plus up to 120 takes of the same bullshit (usually the worst case scenery) under lights that start making you sweat in 2 minutes or a little more.

    "you lose your cool" real fast.
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG K

    But do u hear the race cars

    I have really sensitive ears to pitches that not all people can hear. maybe it's these headphones but I hear a faint buzzing-motor sound but not race car sounds. Maybe the fridge or feedback the mic is getting because of electrical disturbances.

    have you ever tried to take a nap next to a highway and hear radio sounds from the tires? most people just hear Whoosh from the cars passing with wind drag.

    or in waterfalls (Babbling brook?) you hear people whispering none stop.. it gets louder. Not everyone hears this. other things like womp womp sounds in pulse or cycles.

    have your ears checked, then do an MRI
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm not sure, but I doubt it.

    He was primarily a science fiction author.

    He did have a doctorate in biochemistry, though.

    hmm something about using dna to store program code into. sort of human cells as a bio form of a hard-drive. and using a quantum processor will "change the world and computing forever"

    I mean I might be wrong about how biological forms of HDD are made or utilized. but it's something like this? this will be Human AI yet artificial in a way. existing humans born traditionally or parts and eventually an entire human created in a lab with super mind abilities. and possibly titanium skeleton. and perfect skin that is bullet proof and fire proof and skid proof.

    reality in 20-30 years? I mean at least the prototype?
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Yeah, Isaac Asimov was way ahead of his time, and I think he might have really been onto something about the dangers of AI.

    Was he also involved in the Stanford research on AI (I think started in the early 60s or late 50s?)
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Or maybe AI will go full biological

    MILF Julie Christie was hawt!
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Okay, maybe currently existing biological species are incomparable to humans in that regard.

    But, returning to the computer AI comparison…

    How do we know that the cutting edge AI we end up seeing 10+ years from now won't start posing questions like "what am I?" or "why do I simply do what humans tell me to do?", etc…?

    Once they start doing that, are they conscious like we are?

    That's when...

    What ever happened to that trailer narrator with the deep voice?? they don't use him anymore?

  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Indians (in India) don't particularly have a problem with white people but they're not the friendliest people in the world either, at least in cities. You don't get hassled unless you're being obnoxious, but most people don't care about you and merchants see you as a way to make money and not much else. People specifically in hospitality are nice, but that's like their job.

    I would think that is more true than the blogger making claims to "White people". And he didn't sound American. And honestly I thought he was Indian mixed with European. until I saw he didn't know any Hindi or Hindu language. but then again people from US or Europe or Australia or even Mexico etc.. who are Japanese may not know Japanese while visiting Japan.

    He should of just got on a got damn Rickshaw. Where are all the women at? Do they make them stay home? It seems like only the higher educated Indians I see on videos of India are in places like Hospitals or Business. but the streets are a giant cockfest. Like it's the western USA during the 1980s and the way they got women to come to the West when it was mostly forest and deserts was to bring hookers from Europe or the East Coast to come out and settle down with men.

    IS it possible that the families of the very original Californians and Oregonians great great great great Grandma's were sluts?

    (That's not gonna be very popular)

    Post Edit: Not a bash on Indian people. But really.. I don't see a lot of women outside
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm still crushing on Sailor Socialism.

    Anyone got her digits?

    Maybe a Twitter account or e-mail address?

    I was trying to remember who she looks like. Natalie Woods. If she knew how to do theater acting, she could portray her. she even sounds a bit like her

  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Transgender Mountain Dew Guzzling Fortnite Slut i put it back in the freezer, I will throw it out once its a nice solid brick instead of a goopy bacteria mess

    I was going to suggest that. take it out the night before the garbage is picked up and toss it in the tote or dumpster you have.
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    I am up to 2:36 and I actually felt frighten this exist. I knew it was happening out here in California but I believe Ohio is the hub of this. Who would expect this in Ohio because it's like the nice North Midwestern state (or once was seen as this)

    I have come to believe in some fucked up shit over the past few years. Now even though this was a different country, it shows our own Federal Agents here or abroad have done some messed up shit. A Prostitute who is an Adult most likely does it on her own, but not all. some might have family members threatened or tell the prositute they will kill her family and or friends if they don't work the streets or escort. Or that they are paying off debts to the ones holding them.

    If it was a Prostitute (or Escort as they would say) who chose this lifestyle and most likely doesn't use needles and is tested for HIV and HepC and other nasties. Then who gives a fuck. but it usually isn't that. they want something that is taboo
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Transgender Mountain Dew Guzzling Fortnite Slut I forgot I left it out :( do I have to throw it away now?

    It should be ok to eat...

    For maggots and roaches. Seriously throw it out into the trash
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    I wonder if GW Bush's daughters will continue the Bush Legacy of living in secret while projecting this "to serve for our best interest: while cashing in on wars purposely started and the guise of true reasons.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG

    They delayed in the obvious and then talk about it like 'misanthropic?

    like they're talking about it as if it's to be interpreted yet they're clearly existing in this culture and don't live in a tolerant society but that it's just "Their Culture" .. yet America has to adapts for all nations and it's people to accept things even if it is mildly offensive.
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    I was wrong. It just means "People"

    or maybe the "Thing" was more of a beatle

  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Folks from Volks. I think it means "Family" its an old pre- Nazi German slang for Fam, unrelated to NaZi's though Hitler had a VW-Thing like car.
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    WellHung. Are you Dumpster Slut's alt?
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Yeah it is. I'm not certain on how it's pronounced, though.

    There was a huge controversy over it after Trump's whole "grab her by the pussy" comment, because some most people are absolute ignoramuses.

    Everyone is sensitive these days. Trump ruined any chance of "Free Love" and now most white men (especially over 35 and blond hair or blue eyes or both) are hated more. including by White Women.

  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian The disgusted look on those rag heads at the side of him.

    these aren't "Rag Heads"


  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Clearly there is anger towards westerners or were they just annoyed by him? again, this can't be all of them acting like this. no one country of people could all hate specific races or classes of people. Unless they're brainwashed like NK, but there must be a large crowd of them or independent crowds that just think westerners are uppity?

    Clearly he isn't like well. they tried to ignore him. That's not good business.
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks

    Without searching.. is it a true spelling of his last name. I wonder how he pronounces it.
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