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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL When I was growing up, it was always "camel jockey", which basically grouped the entire region into one basket.

    India is not in the middle east. Pakistan isn't even in the middle east. it's Asian as is India. I don't know if Pakistan has camels.. does it?
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks There is no physical world, folks.

    It's all an illusion.

    they why do I have an ear infection from hell?
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    I'm talking about encouragement of a future natioin of potential wealth for it's majority while you two fight like infantile wiggen-wiggers.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Nostalgic in a way.
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by theshroomguy Who cares? That place is a primitive sewage filled hellhole anyway. Ever seen the Indian poop divers documentary?

    Was that an indian dude? I think panny played it on tiny drink-night (or whatever they call it)

    I came in and was like "WTF---" then had real urges to vomit.

    How can so many people with bright minds not simple make a temporary clay pipe drainage system with an earth water treatment field to get rid of sanitation waste? or run it in a giant grid to the ocean

    I hear the major cities are growing but the outskirts are really primitive. build a sewer system; nation wide .. hell the brits had the Irish and other grunt workers build theirs in the early 1800s? after a outbreak of cholera and other diseases occurred. I just have a hard time understanding why the Government doesn't have some kind of "Everyone volunteer" employment. must serve in the sewage building project for at least 18 months of their youth. others can start on cell towers or even lan lines and a power grid.
    then start on roads and major interstate highway system
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash Fonaplats is retarded, Krow.

    I'm Sorry

    Or he wants you to believe this with his awesome ability to train your mind that this is who he is.

    I detect master at hacking of networks
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Turban head might be accurate but still offensive to them? it's a pejorative slang meant to offend them or suggest they're less human or inferior to whatever it is you may be.

    (fuck, my mental ability to pull up words is getting worst. I had to play 6 degree of seperation to find the word pejorative.)
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Fona I just messn with ya, Pal!
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun No! I don't dox myself you crazy?

    ask Luigi how to set up a provider free phone number and run it off the net. use a proxy to set it up. use pen name as your name of for service contract.

    He'll probably figure it out anyways because this is just a character front for him. he's like CIA or some shit. or NSA.
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Transgender Mountain Dew Guzzling Fortnite Slut yeah I read that you can cook out the bacteria which is what I was gonna do, cook it at a really high temp but if the bacteria sit too long they produce toxins which can't be cooked out so it's a loss.

    Grrr… bought onions and carrots and everything and now I have no meat!

    What should I cook instead lol

    Well they're like nano-size parasites and your stomach's body temperature is like breeding temperature to them. like hanging out at spring break in Florida. giant microbial fuckfest and dividing. they get into the bloodstream and cause staph infections.

    or summin like dis
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Just keep the Fona Fone active and dreams will come tru.

    Has he called and spoken with you?
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian That level of awareness for something irrelevent is somewhat Autistic.

    My friend's brother had us watching this conspiracy video. It was about hidden explicit messages inserted in The Simpsons, narrated by some faggot with an annoying voice.

    I honestly wanted to bash his fucking head in for wasting my time watching it. As painful as it was to watch, it did have a point. Or it could have been a strange coincidence. Who actually has that amount of time on their hands or is it some heightened observation skills?

    I think perhaps Disney was trying to originally test out hidden 1/8th to 1/24th fps of product endorsement. Probably some psychiatrist told him about it at some party. and it went from that to suggestible sex scenes or human genitalia shapes.

    It was also known that in those days, Men drew the scenes out. just sketched them and in another department Women colored them in.

    it must have been just guys laughing and seeing if they could draw a suggestive penis part out and have it colored in.. perhaps one and then it was obvious "Sex Sells" and the parents will see it as well but the children wont understand it (without knowing it would slowly hatch in young minds without knowing it)

    or maybe Hollywood is and always has been ran by a secret society that does weird fucking rituals?
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby also a lot of young boys, but trump conveniently left that out for some reason a few weeks ago while talking about trafficking.. hmmmm who'd of thunk considering what his friend mike pensive has been up to..

    Yeah, that's heart breaking. there is links to Nebraska as well. Omaha and "Boys Town". even George Carlin was in George Town for being a bad kid. it's where they sent repeated offenders who were juvinials in the old days or of course orphans. to make better and active future adults. I mean for the most part, I think the place was good. yet there is always some corrupt person(s) in the church.

    Notice George Carlin often spoke of priest fucking kids in some weird pitch. I wonder if he was embarrassed to say he was victimized?
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    i said 1980s but I meant 1880s or even 1840s-50s during gold rush.

    The Men needed women for the towns the wealth had created.
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    People want to prove their research as tangible and not just on paper or as notes.

    yet, is there a moral obligation to not fuck with this? and at what point will someone in a lab in some country break this international law, if ever passed, to not create such things. Wasn't Human cloning banned by some international law giver? (like the UN?)
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Fona .. you could learn to sing like David Bowie and be a total effeminate, indrogynous Rock Star. You could be the next Ziggy.
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Dad?

    I Laughed!
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Correction. Her name was Natalie Wood (not woods)

    James Woods and Robert Wagner to this day are suspects in her falling off the boat to her death. I mean it would be sad if true. I like James Woods and Robert Wagner was OK for tv. but the Hollywood rumor mill said James and Robert (Who Natalie was married to Mr Wagner) had a gay affair. or some shit.

    EDITED: I feel soooo bad. It wasn't James Wood(s?) it was Christopher Wakens. Man I should of factcheck that. My Bad!
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    i didn't listen to the whole thing. All I hear is tiny background crackle and a chair moving, soundling like a fart.

    but at 2:26 you hear an electrical hum or buzz
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I’m in Ohio. WTH are you talking about? Trafficking?

    Read up on it. there have been multiple incidents where they find women taken hostage for prostitution. one recently in the past year or so, these ladies were held for 10 years or more. and they're not from Asia or Mexico. they were American Women kidnapped.
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