2015-06-29 at 1:25 AM UTC
Judaism vs. Christianity
This thread greatly amuses me for some reason.
2015-06-28 at 10:36 PM UTC
Are museums are gay
I dislike and fear modern art.
That is sort of what he is saying, in a roundabout way. MM sticks to the old lefty standby that 'only whites can be racist, because they hold all the power'.
2015-06-28 at 6:02 PM UTC
ATTN: Niggas in Space.
Its just ratios. The numbers on the cardboard 'chits' are different values, depending on the game. Usually attack and defense or attack and armor value. The ratio of the aggressor's attack points to the defender's defense points is cross referenced with a d6 roll to arrive at combat results.
Also, those pictures didn't show 'stacking', where more than one unit is in a single space. As those hexes can mean a mile, ten miles, or fifty miles, it is unrealistic to restrict units to one per square.
2015-06-28 at 5:52 PM UTC
Judaism vs. Christianity
I'm not so inclined to believe all the 'jedis are evil and plotting to undermine western civilization' conspiracy theories, but with all the faggot and nigger shit being pushed in our culture, it's probably them attempting to destabilize America for some unknown jedi reason. I bet they are laughing their asses off at the idea of a christian pastor having to self-censor his sermons and straddle an impossible line of political correctness.
2015-06-28 at 5:49 PM UTC
ATTN: Crazy Mike
Hah I knew that would get to you.
I would scrape my face off with a paint scraper if I looked like skrillex.
How did you know I lost a bunch of weight?
I actually really have.
I lost 20lbs from a combination of drug abuse and lack of eating.
Since it's summer vacation, my kids don't come over a lot, and I have no reason to cook anything. Since I haven't been cooking, I haven't been eating. I have been surviving off of the odd can of spaghetti-O's and Taco Bell every now and again.
2015-06-28 at 5:26 PM UTC
ATTN: Crazy Mike
I came back to this thread to say that sophist probably looks just like skrillex in real life.
2015-06-28 at 5:16 PM UTC
ATTN: Crazy Mike
I was told that anonymous101 was Iam. Pretty much just took that at face value rather than confirming for myself. You actually did a good job of disguising your syntax and posting style.
The etymology of the word 'racism' reveals its origins as bolshevik propaganda to demonize their german enemies. It is only an unhappy accident of history that it was refined into a divide-and-conquer tactic and a thought-control mechanism. Also, it's a fucking racket.
My son hangs around 4chan all the time, he is probably there right now. I don't even know his username or anything, though. I could walk across the house and ask him, but I just don't care.
-edit- I forgot to add, he knows about these places, but thinks that they are for old people
Did millions of people die in the civil war? fuck, I don't know.
The 'swastika' was a symbol of goodness and holiness for like, thousands of years, and only recently has it meant something negative. Its sorta the same way with the confederate flag. It may have once meant something negative, but slavery has been over for a long, long time. Many generations have now grown up seeing that flag as a symbol of the south and dignity in defeat and pride in their citizenship. Millions of men fought and died for something they believed in, and whether you believe it or not, or whatever it says in your history books, the civil war was primarily fought over tarriffs and protectionism. When the north won, they didn't even properly Reconstruct the south, and that flag was the only thing that the southerners had left. The only reason the north won was because they were conscripting the Irish immigrants as fast as they landed on Ellis island, and yet the southerners accepted defeat like gentlemen, and rejoined the union, and now we have a country that could be great, but people like you won't even let them have a damn flag.