2015-07-01 at 8:48 PM UTC
The Way It Really Is
I swear to god I commented in this thread, but there is no proof that it actually happened. Who cares, though.
2015-07-01 at 8:46 PM UTC
How to make money
I always just shoplifted copper fittings and 'laundered' them by throwing them into a bonfire so they don't look brand new when I take them to the scrap dealer.
from my admittedly very brief flirtation with the 'darknet', I would say that there is a huge demand for quality domestic (USA domestic) #4 heroin, quality psilocybe mushrooms, MXE, and fuck I don't know what else because I am really dopesick and sort of distracted. Might come back to this thread later.
The best pickpocket I ever met was a 9 year old kid who chainsmoked. We would be at the Canfield fair, bitching about having no money, and this kid would leave and come back 10 minutes later with someone's wallet.
I will never understand your nonchalance re: opioids. I would have taken that oxy and been looking for more the whole time.
hear hear, faggots...get off our kids
2015-07-01 at 8:35 PM UTC
Juggalo Genocide
piss in their faygo, they will never notice
I've seen so many threads like this where he just never replies again hehe
I am disgusted by how you said 'gaping faggot'. I never thought of it like that, and now I hate life.
-edit- I guess that is what goatse is. Why do you make me think of this stuff? fuck.
Hey, I watched the whole thing, so.....that's something....
2015-07-01 at 12:04 AM UTC
Nig in denial
I feel like I was at the zoo
actually in this day and age, you will probably need two jobs just to survive.
Oh, that guy. He performed a much needed service, in my estimation. Much akin to putting a horse with a broken leg out of its misery, or prematurely ending a nightmare by waking the sleeper.
Ok fine you aren't a try hard
Who is burnish? And what talking points should I use to talk shit to him?
Yeah, but check this out sploo: if you made it through school you can make it through a job. Then you would have money for drugs and cigarettes, and you can get medication from the doctors and sell it and then no one can tell you anything because you will be your own man.
wait I just thought of something....you should send houghton-mifflin some of your tests and they will hire you instantly! (actually they will call the authorities) Anyway, get a job and move out so no one can tell you what to do.
I thought I posted this already, but sounds like a slight manic episode. I think that even people who aren't considered 'mentally ill' get this, because I have never had any sort of mental diagnosis, yet once in a while I will notice what you are describing...I get all these really good ideas and I feel all confident and shit...I never act on any of it, though, because I am a lazy fucking drug addict by nature.