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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jesus Christ The fact that you think this is about skin color is proof that you're not very bright

    I'd say his IQ is around 105. Yours is probably around 120. Neither of you are smart though.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I love instrumental but I can't stand classical european music. Latin American classical is where it's at.

    Most european classical music is too uppity and faggy/cheerful sounding, like the kind of music an autistic homosexual would be dancing around the room to with herky jerky movements. I can't stand that shit. Can't sleep if that crap is playing.

    Techno is good too.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Those with a musical preference for Mozart and Bach may be more intelligent than people who prefer words in their music.

    That's according to scientists who say they've found a link between brain power and instrumental music, such as classical and jazz.

    More than four-hundred students were observed for the study, which took place in Croatia and was conducted by research scholars from Oxford Brookes University.

    Their results showed that people with lower intellect preferred music with lyrics, rather than complex orchestrations.

    It reaffirms the popular theory by Satoshi Kanazawa, known as the Savanna-IQ hypothesis, which links intellect with novel or uncommon stimuli.

    The study's author, Elena Racevska, surveyed 467 teenagers by asking them to perform an intelligence test.

    They were then asked to rank musical genres in order of preference.

    Those who earned the highest IQ scores displayed a clear preference for instrumental music, it found.

    'After reading Kanazawa's papers, one of which was on the relationship between intelligence and musical preferences, we decided to further test his hypothesis using a different set of predictors — namely, a different type of intelligence test (i.e. a nonverbal measure), and the uses of music questionnaire,' Ms Racevska said.

    'We also measured a number of variables likely to have an effect in this relationship, such as taking part in extra-curricular music education, its type and duration'.

    However, she also recognises that the study is limited and doesn't account for various other factors, such as age, level of education and class.

    'Future studies could focus on untangling the relationship between complexity and novelty in shaping preferences — complexity of vocalisation is preferred by many species, which could mean that it is evolutionarily familiar,' she adds.

    'A cross-cultural study could examine and control for influences of culturally specific ways of experiencing music, and other music-related behaviours.'

    The results were published in the journal Evolutionary Biological Sciences.

  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'm pretty sure they're the same species. If not then you couldn't create offspring between blacks and the rest of humans.

    Or there'd be something wrong with it. Look at ligers for example, a lion fucks a tiger, and the offspring have issues. They're not healthy, they're usually sterile.

    Most humans are stupid you have to remember, compared to the ruling class and people who run major companies. No race is really better than another one, every single one has whored its ass out to its governments and corporations.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    People that try to be contrarian all the time, but really they aren't. Even if you agree with them and make a comment about it, they say things like "it's not even that"

    In their speech they have to always act as if they're right and everyone else is wrong, even if people agree with them. They have to add their little touch to a situation, like a hairstylist. Which is probably what most of them should be.

    In reality they're not contrarians at all, because they go along with popular opinions and products and marketing/mind control. They're just putting on a front, feigning individuality when they're not actually doing at all. Aspiring to stand out like a cock on a hill crowing above the other chickens, trying to impress the females, but in reality they're just flashy but lacking in substance.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Afghani people I've met are generally good looking intelligent folks that seem to have good morals. But it's a big place with a long history and different tribes there have historically been into raiding other tribes, stealing women and camels etc

    But yeah it does sound like a nice place.

  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    ITT: Superior trolls trolling their inferiors
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    You won't ever know what JC's nose actually looks like and if you think you do you're an idiot.

    The guy has been posting pictures of other people and claiming it's him since before zoklet closed.
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Why do you always post a you tube video following a big post? I've noticed a few other suspected Autists do this.

    I don't normally do that. I just got bored yesterday and felt like being like kr0z
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'm going to make it look like you committed suicide.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Technologist just hates white males like most libtards. Can't be reasoned with. She really ought to be beaten to death with a baseball bat and dumped into a dumpster.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I think it may have been back on totse but someone linked to a research study where they had guys hooked up to computers, infrared scanning or whatever, and also checking their brainwaves, heart-rate, etc, when they saw certain girls, and found the majority were secretly attracted to underage girls. Not sure how young they were, but still

    I would imagine if you used something like infrared and T ray scanners, you'd notice at least a slight erection when most guys looked at certain underage girls.

    I normally don't, but, I was at my friends house once and we'd talked to his neighbor at some point, he asked me how old I thought she was, I said probably anywhere from 17 to 20 something

    He said she was 13, I said what the fuck

    He was like "dude that's what I said"

    Years later she looks about the same. Some girls do develop much faster than others. This girl was white, although I'd say white females tend to develop somewhat slower on average than say hispanics.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks

    That actually made me laugh out loud.
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc you forgetting korea? afganistan and iraq didn't exactly go to plan either, literally nothing achieved and shitloads of lives and trillions of tax dollars lost.

    also losing 'only because of psyops' is still losing. most wars are lost through being out thought.

    That's not really losing though. The banker j/ews still made their money and got what they wanted. Part of the reason for going to war constantly is that it's an occupation, a job. It creates jobs and if we didn't do that, well we'd be out of practice. Practice makes perfect.

    Anyway, the US only gained pseudo-independence from The Crown

    Watch the Da Vinci Code. Tom Hanks mentions the Khazars and how they've infiltrated every government, starting with the UK. So the you could say Britain really runs the show but even that isn't correct. the US is the UK's attack gerbil, but really it belongs to the illuminati khazars

    EDIT: also you gotta find someone to test weapons technology on for when there's a real war, just in case.
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone That is terrible, but just because you dont have something tragic like that occur doesnt mean you dont have a reason to be depressed, nor does it mean that you dont have overbearing negatives bearing down on you. Everyone is different. Some people would rise up from that, others would lay down and die or commit suicide. Same goes for other bad shit.

    Im fucking homeless and in chronic excruitating pain every single day of my existence. I can barely walk, and my knee gives out frequently which causes more pain. My back with my herniated disc kills me. Sometimes I cant even sleep due to the pain.

    I dont know what OP's problems are but I'm not about to compare and have a sick measuring contest on suffering. Suffering is suffering and it all sucks regardless of what it is. One thing that happens to you may be a cake walk to me, where as something that happened to me maybe unbearable to you.

    People are different, thus what they face and how it affects them is different.

    Hahaha, yeah or try being hydro

    Chances are WellHung hasn't suffered enough. It's likely a chemical imbalance in his brain, the same thing that makes him an autistic closet queer
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc except being owned by your own govt who repeatedly brainwashes you from kindergarten into believing you are free, forcing you to pledge allegiance to the flag and that constant 1st amendment mantra repetition among other things. what a fucking joke.
    lol the UK isn't any better. Both countries suck. The patriotism brainwashing is also used in the UK, just without a pledge of allegiance. Blind patriotism is everywhere.
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Blasting gelatin + ETN might be nice. Or methyl nitrate plastic, extremely brisant so your head shatters into extremely small pieces, sending a fine mist of brains, blood, skin, hair and bone all over the place.
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc how come they're always getting their ass kicked then?

    They aren't. They're warmongering, stealing shit and suppressing information. You can't really lose when the only people you go after are underfunded , under equipped and malnourished and your job is just to steal shit from them.

    Luis Elizondo admitted as an Army intel officer, a lot of what they do isn't what people think it is. A lot of it is like Indiana Jones shit, tracking down artifacts and esoteric information. Basically just dicking around and stealing shit.

    The only real wars they've ever been in was versus Japan and Germany. Vietnam too, but they only lost because of psyops. The north vietnamese were surprisingly sophisticated. No other military would have faired too well when faced with that kind of war. The draft also didn't help because they drafted a lot of underqualified people to fight in the war.
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I decided to go dynamite helmet if i ever wanna exit. But not really, because nitroglycerine is a pain. I'll probably make a stupid amount of TATP, put it in a PVC pipe and hold it to my throat. I know that's pretty ghetto but who cares as long as my head explodes off, i'll consider it a success. It will be too bad that i'd be dead, because i'd probably do it somewhere on some public field and i'd love to see the police puzzle that one out.

    There was this one guy who mixed AP with chewing gum, blew his face off and killed him. Actually I'm not sure that was on purpose.

    Anyway NG is a lot easier to make than you would imagine, you just have to do it really slowly. I made the same mistake Megalomania of Rogue Science did, that is, not doing it slowly.... A volcano of nitrating solution shot into the air, along with the glycerine, and a tiny bit of acid landed on my hand. I felt real dumb until I realized Mega did the same stupid shit when he was younger.

    Might as well use a more classy explosive. Something stable and reliable so you don't accidentally just end up maiming yourself and surviving.
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