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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Try getting hit by an 18 wheeler, flying 100s of feet through the windshield, having your arm reconstructed, waking up brain damaged and finding out your kids are also brain damaged and your brother is dead, then having to live with the damage for the rest of your life, only to see your loved ones destroyed one by one afterwards unfairly.

    Ha, what have you really got to be depressed about?
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    If it's your wife or girlfriend, well, not so weird I guess. It is quite close to the vagina anyway
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'd go with the explosives

    Always thought it'd be cool if someone tripping on LSD strapped themselves to a rocket, got blasted into space, and the explosives detonated as they left earths atmosphere. Course they'd probably die first if they're actually strapped to the outside of a rocket
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Not necessarily, douchebag. Read some stories about all the people who thought that and then got maimed for life. idiot.

    I can instruct you on how to make some quality plastique explosives and blasting caps, that'll do the job without fail, if you want. Completely painless. The shockwave is quite a bit faster and more complete than any gun. Just strap it to your head and flip the switch.

    EDIT: you can take a good dose of your drug of choice first. I know a guy who tried to OD on opiates, said it was quite painful when they revived him. Should've used C4
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    And if I'd cooperated with the government, I would either be dissected or in a military prison at the moment. Hmm

    EDIT: maybe stuck in a lab somewhere being injected with god knows what. APD runs in my family, now that I think about it.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    She confides in Peter that she has lived in the Company's holding facility for 16 years. She also admits to being diagnosed as a sociopath; she explains at age six, she accidentally set her grandmother's house on fire and, at age eight, caused a major blackout in Ohio. She also says that she spent her ninth birthday in a glass room with an IV of lithium in her arm.

    Everyone I've met with definite, repeatable paranormal abilities, seems to be a sociopath or psychopath, or very close to it, strangely.

    lies bring attention? lol it's not like anyone would believe me so if I was lying, don't you think I'd go for something believable?
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Trollin', trollin', trollin', Keep that motorboat goin…
    Not trolling. Although I'm sure people would assume that when I say that I've been able to control electricity similar to the girl in the video, although not nearly as well. Fire and water, too.

    And a bunch of other crazy shit. Although a lot of it is gnosis. Gotta love heroes though. I know a guy who is most definitely a sociopath, but kinda sorta has morals in some way. He has some of the same abilities. Possibly a serial killer. That wouldn't be the only one I've known though.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Admin What city?
    San Antonio TX. I've personally known a shitload of people that were sociopaths or psychopaths, and an awful lot of people that've killed more than one person. Contrary to what a lot of people think psychopaths and sociopaths aren't automatically violent. I suspect the military has figured out how to induce these "disorders" and certain forms of autism, bipolar and schizophrenia are related to APD

  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Gotta pull a kr0z and post another video
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Step too far I've never liked the fucker, EVER. I can tolerate Sophie for other reasons but I absolutely hate Vinny with a passion. At least on Zoklet there was a limit to this shit.

    Have you ever had an IQ test?
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    You should ask them whether pedophiles would prefer real CP or computer generated CP that looks completely real.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I like my city, it's just so damn hot in the summer.
    One day I saw two guys get hit in the head with a steel pipe, one ended up in a pool of blood. Next day I got into a fight with a guy on his wedding day and he gashed his hand real bad on my teeth. I was completely unphased. I had a slight split in my lip but it healed in about two days. No visible bruising either. I shook his hand afterwards... That was in the same park this old black dude I knew got stabbed. It's been described as having a tendency to turn into the USA network. Very accurate description

    His name was David Jones. That's an article about him being stabbed to death. I kinda think they let the guy get away with it because the victim was black and the perp was a mexican(from mexico also)

    But, the guy had a lot of rowdy friends in the skater community, and they would beat the tranny's ass whenever they found him. There's a heart statue where he was stabbed(supposedly on the statue) and ironically he was dying of a heart condition anyways. He'd just gotten out of the hospital, too, so he was weak at the time, really unable to defend himself. Normally he'd easily kick some ass. Anyway this old black guy told me Jones had a history of beating up white* and hispanic women. I just shrugged. It's quite common for that sort of thing to happen here. I'd just talked to him minutes before he got stabbed. Strange day. Live by the sword die by the sword I guess because he'd stabbed someone to death with a bayonette before, and called the cops on himself aftwards. He worked in a law library in prison, he was incredibly knowledgeable about a lot of stuff, also ex army. Rapid deployment forces.

    EDIT: army people make very loyal friends often-times, and they can be incredibly smart, but they have a tendency to get into all sorts of crazy shit
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I see similar shit every single day. Just the other day, right off the side of a busy road was a dude shitting in the grass and he took a huge wad of grass to wipe with.

    Just another day in hell…
    One time I was going to the store and I saw this mexican guy, in broad daylight, not even trying to hide it, in front of a very busy road, pull his pants down, and kinda bend over, dropped about 3 giant turds. Solid ones. I mean, I'm using to seeing all sorts of weird things but that was kinda odd, almost as if I was hallucinating... Like I can't even imagine how people so petite can build up so much shit in their bodies. These turds were like as thick as a softball. He pulled his pants up and went into the same store I was going into, unfortunately, I guess to get beer or toilet paper.

    This other time, I was walking to the store late at night and it's quiet, ominously so, seems as if nobody is around, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a fat sweaty, bald mexican guy pops up out of the bushes at this church rubbing his nipples and says to me "Have you seeeeen herrrr??" and I said, umm, no, I don't think so...

    What's weird is I'm pretty sure it was this mexican tranny I'd normally see getting fucked in the butt on the front steps of the church by his half black half mexican boyfriend, but looked totally different without the makeup and wig.

    At one point, she left him. And he was going crazy, so I helped him find her. We tracked her down, but I had to go into a gay club in order to do so. He paid the cover charge for me (I was the only one with a valid ID) and I went into the place.... There was a dim blue light if I remember correctly, and shirtless body builders dancing next to a fan, where rubbing alcohol was slowly dripping, so you'd get misted with it if you walked past.

    Didn't find her there. We eventually tracked her down at some kind of shelter for battered and abused women (and disabled old people)

    He was nearly speechless when I got her to come out of the building. She seemed upset that he'd found her.

    Never really saw them again after that.

  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Haha, you have black relatives.

    They're pretty cool though, not like the ones you'd get on a site like this. But, they've all been to prison and jail numerous times. I have mexican and asian relatives, too.
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Where in the fuck do you live dude
    The land of steers and queers
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Because they were originally human, rather than starting out reptilian the way psychopaths do. Not trying to bash reptilians though. A large percentage of my city's population is sociopaths and psychopaths, perhaps higher than any other modern city in the US.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's still corrupting minors, same as pedo.

    I watched a documentary about the history of porn in the US. It goes way back, back to when it was just printed in newspapers. Any kids could get ahold of it, porn and erotica and advertisements about group sex meetups, homosexual sex positions, bestiality, you name it, it was there.

    Point is they're going to find a way to corrupt minors, regardless of whether or not they have access to information about how nukes are built or how to synthesize meth. I think the worse corruption would be what the media does to kids, far worse than any how-to on weapons or drugs. We really can't get any worse as a society as far as corruption goes, but that doesn't mean they won't try.

    EDIT: Fuck the law
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Pedos don't care whether it's real or not, only that it does the "trick".

    There should be a poll. Only they would know the truth about that
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Nobody cares you autistic pedo faggot

    kill yourself
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Absolute rubbish. Fake news as you Yanks like to say.

    He was ticketed for verbal abuse to a Police Officer, as confirmed by Cressida Dick and various other Met sources - not for covering his face.
    They still physically grabbed him for covering his face. Absolute faggotry. And "verbal abuse" LOL
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