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Posts by EasyDoesIt

  1. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Pedo mommies are awesome, i'll have you know, but only if they're into loli, it's just a sub catagory of cp actually i do believe.

    I actually know a girl who's into loli, much pedo, lots rare(IME), wow.

    It was in the search warrant. I keep trying to find it but I can't. It's a .pdf floating around on the internet. It's the original search warrant to bust the original dude from Nebraska.

    I guess it was a bunch of women having sex with kids or something. Like I said, I'm not interested in the site as I am in what this means for American citizens and those of us who want to use anonymous services.
  2. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    You know you did =) ^^

    In all seriousness though, I'm glad you ended up fucking that girl.
  3. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Holy shit, Zanick is back? I missed you muh nigga.

    Anyway, I've saved a lot of things. Every animal I ever owned was a rescue. This is probably the most intense story though...

    Back when I was in the army, my friend was cruising down this desert highway with me in the passenger's seat. We were at a gun show and headed back to the base. We had a conversation that lasted maybe five seconds.

    Soldier: Hey, I'ma hit that box in the road. Starts veering towards box

    Me: Eh, maybe you shouldn't, it might have something in it that'll fuck up your car.

    Soldier: Yeah. I guess you're right. Veers away

    We passed the box. Immediately a fucking kid crawled out of it.
  4. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    If i were an American you'd have my vote sir.

    I wouldn't go that far.

    I'd probably break my own fucking fingers before I voted for Hilary, so Trump gets my vote if it's those two, but people here are really getting sick of having to pick between which shitty candidate is the least shitty
  5. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    So the first thing you have to ask yourself is what is my threat model

    This is the step almost everyone forgets and then they dive right in with over 9000 layers of encryption and 40 VPNs + Tor + proxychains etc.

    Most people don't need anything beyond a few browser extensions and a lesson in how not to be an idiot online

    It sounds like your wireless network is secure enough, and if you want to demo a MITM attack, look into ettercap

    The Tor browser is still the gold standard for anonymous web browsing, but make sure you're running it on linux with scripts disabled

    Freenet is a pile of shit with major security problems, and if you're using it for anything shady, the only reason you haven't been caught yet is because nobody cares about the ~10,000 pedos that make up its entire userbase. Seriously, using freenet is like waving a giant flag to your ISP saying "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M DOWNLOADING CP COME AND GET ME"

    Good to know.

    I just started using TOR right whenever the browser bundle was compromised. I was always hesitant about doing so though because I was always certain your ISP could see all your data was encrypted and it would give them a reason to start focusing on you.

    I just want my shit private.
  6. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    You are the world's biggest fucking faggot.
  7. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    When i said i wasn't a member i wasn't lying i only heard about playpen after girlshub got busted, if it was like girlshub it was basically an image board for CP with threads that had video downloads. However at girlshub you couldn't stream, vids were hosted off site in password protected archives. Also the owner of playpen was a hurtcore loving sexual sadist type of pedo who actively and personally created said content so if he rots in jail for the rest of his life i couldn't give two shits, lolis are for loving not hurting.

    Wasn't he the Australian dude who made the Daisies Destruction vid? IDK, real pedos will know what i'm talking about, that shit is fucked up even by my standards.

    The stuff I was reading about in the search warrant made no mention of hurtcore, but did talk about "Pedo Mommies" and some other weird stuff. And no, that Australian dude got arrested a while ago. He's never getting out of prison and will probably die there. I'm sure his videos are still around though. I mean, once it's out there it's out there. He was interviewed on 60 minutes I believe it was.

    If what you're saying is true though, then my guess is that the videos were probably flash, in which case it seems like the malware was injected by people who downloaded the videos and opened them.

    That's just my guess.

  8. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    My default level has always been mellow as a mushroom, but when people take themselves too seriously, I can't help but abuse that. I'm like a kind of cross between a sponge and a mirror, I love to match their escalation pound for pound till the other person is boiling, and their pot is about to boil over, then I pull out and reveal I don't really care, and then they troll themselves for me, no more effort on my part. Look at what I did to Unstable, lol.

    Yeah but then he leaked your PI and everyone was too pissed off at you to do anything about it so it stayed up for like six and a half hours.

    That is, if I remember that correctly.
  9. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I guess I'm failing to understand what you plan to accomplish with a network of forums that couldn't just be accomplished with a single forum.
  10. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I like Captain Falcon and I'm glad he's back.
  11. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Also, Mephistopheles did appear as a dog (a poodle) in many versions of the story.

    I like this version because the Goetic Rituals are almost perfectly done. Someone did their homework.
  12. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Hmm.. I haven't read Faust in English so I just looked up some quotes and stuff in case I wanted to post here. Fuck languages.
    ​"So this then was the kernel of the brute". I have no idea what that' supposed to mean but in the German version it says "So das also war des Pudels Kern" which describes Mephisto's deceptive nature by comparing it to a poodle. That's one of the most quoted lines here. A kernel isn't a poodle, though, right? Isn't it a big dog? That would totally miss the point. Is it even a dog? Wut?

    It depends on which version you read because the earliest renditions of the text are not very palpable unless you have a budding interest in magic and the history of western grimoires. Basically, the reason that I mention the story is that the oldest versions of Faust dictate that his motivation to sell his soul to the devil is that he will be given infinite pleasure and knowledge. He is heartbroken to find that human beings have very limited ability to obtain knowledge (due to Cartesian principles) and his life of vice is plagued by his knowledge that it's merely a distraction.

    Believe it or not, Dr. Faustus was a real person who appears in the late 1500s. The legend was based off a real guy. In fact, I would be so bold as to say there are more reliable records for Faustus than there are for Jesus.

    I fucking love tucker max / Charlie bukowski

    You really shouldn't compare those two. Bukowski is light-years ahead of Tucker Max. Tucker Max is just a swollen middle-class egomaniac who rode on the coattails of his father's money into Duke. He got kicked out of some lousy high school for failing History, so his dad put him in a stuffy boarding school where he was fast tracked to Duke with all the other rich bitches. He never grew out of the middle school mentality until after law school (which is debatable if he ever really did), at which point he marketed it to the glee of middle school kids and retarded adults everywhere.

    I've actually met this guy and basically he' still a really immature prick who thinks going to a good school, having lots of money after being born into lots of money, and getting good grades justifies the fact that he has the mind of a child. If this fucking idiot died in a fire the world would genuinely be a better place.

    how old are you now? your past sounds exactly like where im at now, except im there later in my 20s. also i got the hpv vaccine and most the girls i know use the pill. but yea i dont really think im accomplishing more or less than anyone else, its just what gives me enjoyment at the moment

    Old enough.

    Good god I hope you're still wearing a condom. Not only does birth control fail, but you're basically trusting 18 years of your life and countless money to a college girl's ability to remember something (not a very good fucking wager from my experience in teaching). You also run a risk of HIV / AIDs, so you should stay celibate for at least a month and then be tested immediately. Remember, a lot of people who have HIV don't know they have it. Have a really bad flu recently? Not to freak you out, but there's responsibility that comes with sex.

    Also, the HPV vaccine was not designed for men but they're encouraged to get it. There's no real evidence that it works in men and, moreover, it only protects you from about 4 - 7 strains of it if I remember correctly. There are way more strains of it that you can get, several of which are resistant to treatment.

    It's not to say that sex ever stops being fun. I actually fucked a stranger I met online that I only knew for a few hours just today. It was awesome. But the thing is that I drilled her about how many partners she had, if she practices safe sex, and the usual. Even then, I fucked her with a condom on. Sex just isn't as important to me as when I was younger.

    also, what is your ideal life now that you have outgrown that phase?

    That's the question I'm still trying to answer. I think that part of that answer (for me) is to always be striving for something. Furthermore, as I get older, I find that I'm striving for things that are less temporal. Money and sex are great, but they don't make a good life in and of themselves. In my case, I'm always striving for more knowledge and wisdom. At this point, I feel like I have more knowledge than wisdom, and it leads me to execute my knowledge in ways that are perhaps not the most wise. For this reason, I've been recently working on making wisdom a key goal.

    And the end of the day though I can say with full confidence that, if I died right after sending this message, I would die a happy man. I've done and experienced so many wonderful things in my short life that I really can't be more thankful. I take this as a good sign I did it right. There are some things I'd like to change about myself, but that's part of the always striving thing.
  13. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    All the time man.

    I literally lolled at this.

    This fucking site, man....
  14. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Who ever wrote this really has the voice down pat.

    Also I volunteered to statistical work for your campaign in exchange for money you fucking sleaze bag. Why didn't you offer me a job?
  15. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    "Hey dad, I'm nervous for my second date. What was your second date with mom like?"
  16. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Here's the inside scoop. Playpen, had different levels, free access for general content, paid area for premium content, and an inner circle of content creators that were in direct contact with the admin, word on the grapevine is the people affected were in the inner circle of content creators and possibly some paying members, when they got control of the server they acted as the admin and it's possible that through interaction with other "high ranking" members the malware was spread. That it were only about 1000 people if the FBI can be believed is good because to my recollection playpen had several tens of thousands of members. (Luckily i wasn't among them) But it did suck when when girlshub got vanned, but that's ok CP sites are like hydras, kill one, three new ones appear.

    This is kind of what I'm confused about. The way it's reported seems to insinuate that if just anyone visited the site got the malware. So the way the information is presented is that everyone who visited is is most likely going to jail at least while the investigation gets worked out. This being said, the FBI is infamous for presenting bullshit as fact in order to make it appear as if they have more control and influence than they really do, but it's not too far fetched that anyone who visited the site (not just members) are in trouble.

    I'm not familiar with the site so I don't know how it worked, but if the code was flash based and it streamed videos through flash (like youporn or xvideos), then anyone who watched a video is potentially screwed. I'm also reading that it was kind of like a BBS where flash based stuff is downloaded so I'm not really sure wtf the deal is here. I'm not asking anyone to admit that they've been there, but I really have no clue what the actual scope is of this bust is.

    From what I read in the New Yorker article, there was like ten thousand unique users on the reg, about two thousand registered users, one thousand they got information on, and something like 158 that they were pressing charges on.

    Most software authors build hidden backdoors directly into the product. The feds have access to those. Even the backdoors themselves have hidden backdoors coded into their own executable.

    This is true, which is why I happily use Linux.

    There are some huge implications with this story that are going to be overlooked. Not to mention that it is basically entrapment which is illegal. I cant believe that our FEDERAL government thinks its okay to host child porn with our tax dollars. Imma go write my congressman

    Yeah this is my point. We might not all be pedophiles here but I think they're greater goal is to deter people from using hidden services like TOR or I2P. Think about it - what if I want to read about unpopular ideas like why pedophiles justify their crimes, what isis or extreme right wing nationalists think? Are the police going to come to my house and throw me in jail for looking at unpopular ideas? This is a pretty fucked up situation that involves all the rights of all Americans being violated to beat up on the least popular ones.

    You must protect unpopular speech in order to truly protect free speech.

    You call me a dummy, but it's you who apparently doesn't know that the feds are above the law, and that the Constitution isn't worth the paper its written on to them, and they will do what they please whenever they please, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. When it comes to online activities, the laws are "murky", and that's straight from the jackasses' own mouths.

    Speaking of unpopular speech, I actually agree with -Spectral here. If we can't get enough people to speak out about the government hosting a fucking kiddie porn website with tax payer dollars, then I think his point is well proven. Unless all of these guys get their cases dismissed, I don't foresee any positive legal precedents getting established.

    I hope we're ready for our police state.
  17. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    There's no laws against the feds hacking computers. They can do anything they like. Feed you a trojan, install a virus on your machine, kill your device, basically anything. They use 0-days just like all the other hackers, and they usually have the 0-days in hand well before anyone else.

    That's fucked up though because those services carry our whole lives in them. What's the point of needing a warrant to enter somebody's house when you can see everything way more personal about them (who they call, what they visit, what they like, all their pictures, their legal documents, tax information, who their dating, whatever) without one?
  18. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    So I just wanted to say I was really happy to see Capt. Falcon come back.

    That is, if it is the real captain falcon.
  19. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Here's a link to the code. Apparently it was a NIT.

  20. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman

    So this kind of old news, but I haven't seen any niggasinspace talking about it so I figured I'd mention it.

    I first read about it in The New Yorker about a week ago or so, and have been trying to follow the story. As usual, the media is pretty unreliable when it comes to tech stuff, but basically what happened was FBI took down a darknet Child Porn website called "The Playpen," moved the servers to Washington DC, and then continued hosting the website (and all the content) for like two weeks. In the process of hosting this huge CP site, the FBI managed to create malware that would circumvent all of TOR's methods of anonymity by loading itself on the user's computer through the browser, getting the computer's MAC address, real IP address, username, system information, OS, a bunch of other identifying information, mailing it to another FBI server, and then silently deleting itself afterwards.

    So, apparently, if anyone visited that site within the time period that the FBI was running it, you're going to get a visit from a cop sometime or at least be put under surveillance. There's no telling how long this surveillance will be. Sometimes warrants are issued in a matter of days, sometimes weeks, months, or sometimes up to a year after the investigation. I think overall the FBI claimed it got information from over 1,000 people (depending on your source).

    So there's a lot to talk about here. Namely, the FBI's tactic has come under heavy criticism by those of us who aren't sleeping or blinded by paedophile hate due to the following reasons:

    1. This is a clear and gross violation of the 4th amendment. What's terrifying is that judges are already immediately dismissing appeals that the searches and seizures were unconstitutional.

    2. It's an oppressive tactic that basically allows FBI agents to be above the law for the sake of prosecuting people. I mean, ironically, the people that they're arresting are in less violation of the law (viewing CP) than the police (hosting CP). I can't help but wonder if the people who work in these departments are actually pedos themselves because they basically have unrestricted access to child pornography that other departments don't. In case you didn't know, when police officers come across child pornography, they're expected to destroy it (with fire) after it's used as evidence and never have access to it when they're alone. If the FBI is literally running the servers for two weeks and literally just has techs hanging out on the site, it basically makes them immune to the law.

    3. People are going to have their lives destroyed for potentially just visiting a site. For those of you who use or have used TOR, websites don't have catchy or descriptive names like on clearnet. The website url is basically gibberish, and it's uncommon for people to troll each other and give misleading links. Furthermore, the FBI is trying to set a legal precedent that just visiting a CP website is enough for a conviction as opposed to actually possessing child pornography. The reason that this is dangerous is because there's a shift from "innocent until proven guilty" to "having to prove your innocence once you're under suspicion." There's also the slippery slope as to whether or not an IP address is a person, which has come under scrutiny. I know not everybody is from the US here but, even if you just get accused or investigated or something like this, your name and photo are printed in the newspaper and you have reporters banging on your door. If found guilty, you're put on a public registry that anybody can look up at any time, you'll never get a job, and if you're ever around children they can arrest you. This registry is usually indefinite.

    Then there's the technical aspect that I'm confused about. The FBI used malware, but how did it get injected? Was it everyone who visited the site? Was it everyone who logged in? I read that it was flash based, so does that mean you had to of downloaded or played videos?

    Just curious if anyone else wanted to weigh in on this. There's a legal side and a tech side to discuss, so I figured I'd post it here. I'll try to post up the flash code if I can find it.
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