Originally posted by Nile
My day was alright im just chilling at the isolation center. I'll be free tomorrow. Have some people to call and things to move forward.
Sounds like you have no control over your own life.
Hello everyone. It sure warmed up here today. Unfortunately that means I can not hide inside of my hoodie much longer. And unfortunately my beach body has not come in yet. Anyways, Im one hungry motherfucker and can't decide what to have for dinner. I keep telling Chell I need substantial meals because I work so hard and then she comes back with a bag of chips.... Im probably going to try and go out and pick up some KFC here soon. How was your day?
Im just doing the bills and look at this shit. 100,000 dollars for the 3 or 4 doctor appointments I had last year and a couple of blood draws. Fucking retarded. The system needs fixed.
Good morning. I have stayed up all night long playing video games. Chell is not happy that I will be asleep by lunch. Today I plan on relaxing and maybe relaxing some more. My bills are paid and I just wanna chill. Does anyone have anything going on today?
When Candyrein first came it was the moment she found out I was a white guy. I made the mistake of advertising the fona-fone and she blew it up. Back then I was on a pay as you go plan and I paid dearly. That bitch is not funny. She is not interesting. She is not special. The only thing she is, is easy.
Originally posted by pEEpEEpOOpOO
Standing desk are pretty nice, but cable management can be a nightmare. Especially when you need to do shit for work and then get lazy to deal with the cables after.
Honestly man/woman, after going through your video frame by frame let me just say that I think your money would have been better spent on getting a better chair... Did you steal that from an abandoned library?