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Thanked Posts by Donald Trump

  1. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Ramzan Kadyrov knocking out the pushups.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Donald Trump Black Hole
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  4. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Russian sausage tycoon Pavel Antov has been found dead at an Indian hotel, two days after a friend died during the same trip.

    They were visiting the eastern state of Odisha and the millionaire, who was also a local politician, had just celebrated his birthday at the hotel.

    Antov was a well known figure in the city of Vladimir, east of Moscow.

    Last summer he denied criticising Russia's war in Ukraine after a message appeared on his WhatsApp account.

    The millionaire's death is the latest in a series of unexplained deaths involving Russian tycoons since the start of the Russian invasion, many of whom have openly criticised the war.

    Reports in Russian media said Mr Antov, 65, had fallen from a window at the hotel in the city of Rayagada on Sunday. Another member of his four-strong Russian group, Vladimir Budanov, died at the hotel on Friday.

    Superintendent Vivekananda Sharma of Odisha police said Mr Budanov was found to have suffered a stroke while his friend "was depressed after his death and he too died". The Russian consul in Kolkata, Alexei Idamkin, told the Tass news agency that police did not see a "criminal element in these tragic events".

    Defenestration is the traditional execution method of the powers that be in Russia.
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  5. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Maybe they're right not teaching us about the troubles. Children/teens aren't ready for it.

    Maybe we aren't ready for jedis teaching us about how weird we used to be, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Happy Christmas from my fellow fat man Chechen leader Kadyrov
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  7. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Merry Christmas to all those people whose heads I still live in.
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  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra it was a strategic retreat

    It was a heroic retreat demonstrating resolve, capability and strength, just like the Russian retreat from Kyiv.
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  9. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Today was probably the worst. She was in a bad mood and we had a very weird shopping trip to the clothes shop, where she was complaining there were no shoes to buy despite being surrounded by shoes and insisted on trying on roller blades and buying knee pads (obvious joke har har). She's nearly 40 and can't ride a bike, she'd kill herself on roller blades.

    The we went to Tesco and she spend about 2 hours going around, and kept bringing stuff for me to put in the basket that she didn't know how much it was. Again and again I asked. She was getting stuff like goji berries, expensive brand green tea, and vitamin e pill and turmeric and pepper capsules. She spent about €70 on a small bag of stuff and like an idiot I paid on my card, just to make some sort of point.

    I was insanely angry, mostly at her acting like a retard and wasting my money, giving it to the english cunts in tesco for basically nothing. I told her that I wasn't happy about her grabbing stuff for me to buy without even knowing the price, and she said there were no prices. I told her there were prices on everything.

    Then just before we got back to my mom's house I told her that "if you were buying things with your own money you'd make sure to check the price, wouldn't you? Therefore its not a good idea for me to buy you stuff any more. You have your own money here in Ireland, you can buy with your own money. I won't pay for anything more again for you. Good night" and I timed it perfectly to hop out of the car and get to bed. She did some big act of crying in the car and is currently downstairs, probably acting melodramatic.
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  10. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The Romans tore it down out of construction Jealousy.

    Typical brits blaming everything on Johnny Foreigner.
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  11. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Interesting stuff about Bakhmut.

    TLDW it's a shitshow for everyone, and the Ukrainians are dug in trying to stop the advance of crazy Wagner group infantry, who just keep coming. The Russians are slowly taking territory, but it's irrelevant gains. The garbage dump is particularly heavily fought over.

    Its WW1 shit except with drones.

    Meanwhile the fighting everywhere else has slowed down, so Bakhmut is to Russia what Verdun was to Germany, the place where their offensive is concentrated, and they keep it going on and on despite it just not working out for them.
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  12. Donald Trump Black Hole
    $40 billion / 40 million people = $1,000

    Ukraine wants $1,000 per person in order to pay for their ruined economy, replace their destroyed infrastructure, feed their hungry population and also fight the entire Red Army on the behalf of the yanks.

    That's the greatest bargain in military history.

    America blew $2 trillion in Afghanistan and $2.5 trillion in Iraq. That's $50,000 per Afghani and $60,000 per Iraqi.
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  13. Donald Trump Black Hole
    He's asking why the non-black 87% of the US population tie themselves into conniption fits trying to please and pander to the ungrateful and uninterested 13% black population.
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  14. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Interesting stuff on what stuff is useful in war and what isn't, by one of the guys who volunteered to fight in Ukraine and actually made it past the first week.
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  15. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Had sex the night that this happened, which is rare with her. Then she had a pretty good day shopping today while I was in work, except I gave her cash and she pocketed it, then asked for my credit card. But she didn't spend anything on it besides a coffee, so it's OK. In the end she spent the day just looking around and then I bought her some hair oil she wanted. Then we got some groceries and things went OK.
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  16. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra

    Why did Napoleon disperse the monarchist Paris Uprising with "a whiff of grapeshot" in 1795, at the height of the French Revolution? Why did Napoleon's revolutionary infantary charge up the Pratzen Heights, engage in vicious hand to hand fighting, and throw the reactionary Russian and Austrian forces back during the exchange at Austerlitz?

    The answer to all these questions, to enable modern Europe to blink into existence, if even for a brief instance in historical time. A time when receptive gay men can freely declare themselves as such, and those who call them historical names, like "sodomite" might face the historical ditch, where they truly belong.

    I really don't see the problem here.

    Can you imagine the mentality it takes to describe this:

    As a quote unquote "giant faggot".


    I'd like to imagine that those who throw such evil insults will themselves be sodomised in European jails, but that might be a human rights violation, so I will imagine something else.
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  17. Donald Trump Black Hole
    If not for General Surovikin turning out the lights GG would probably never have come to Ireland. I was making fun of her about her refusal to come today, because she was saying how some of her friends don't want to leave Ukraine. Of course she has it easier than normal Ukrainians coming to the west, but I was really impressed with how easy it has been to come to Ireland, claim asylum at the airport, get paperwork sorted and get on the public dole.

    She's already gotten really lazy and used to life here already, like driving everywhere instead of walking, having a lot of indoor space, having a nice room and house, getting free money from the government, etc.
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  18. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Is this the true power of the F35?
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  19. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I want to kill myself but I don't want my suffering to end.
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  20. Donald Trump Black Hole

    War. War never changes.
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