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Thanked Posts by Donald Trump

  1. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I fall asleep around 9am and leave my bed at 7pm. I wake up between 3-5pm but fully around 6pm.

    The regime fears the nocturnal neet
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra first-strike policy to quickly destroy the enemy's ability to respond, ie. to destroy all of their strategic control and major decision-making centres before they're able to start launching their own missiles

    When a single submarine carries dozens of missiles, each one with dozens of warheads, and you also have bunker based missiles as well as and air, rail and road mobile launch platforms, isn't this theory basically a crock of shit?
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  4. Donald Trump Black Hole
    It's beyond pathetic that some people expect professionalism at Christmas parties while people are drunk.

    If it was guys only I imagine these things would go better, guys will get sloppy drunk and fight and make fools of themselves and get over it, but once fish get involved it all goes to heck.

    Most guys can compartmentalise, understand, overlook and empathise. With girls everything is personal, nothing can be forgotten.
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  5. Donald Trump Black Hole
    It is unironically pretty chad to slap some 65 year old sluts bottom and make her cry though.

    You should tap that next.
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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I hacked Lanny's system and I view 500 posts per page cos I'm hardcore like that. 3,500 posts should be nothing, I am nearly at 16,000 posts on the thread about me, and it's just getting started. #MAGA
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  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Ikr. literary, how do you tip on a tab when it's different bartenders getting you're drinks

    Easy, give them both 0%
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  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I'm remembering now why I always just keep her as a restaurant friend while having fun with hookers and erotic massages in Kyiv.
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  9. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The electrical grid has been physically attacked at least six times in Oregon and Western Washington since mid-November, causing growing alarm for law enforcement as well as utilities responsible for parts of the region’s critical infrastructure.

    According to information obtained by Oregon Public Broadcasting and KUOW Public Radio, at least two of the incidents bear similarities to the attacks on substations in North Carolina on Saturday that left thousands of people without electricity for days.

    Portland General Electric, the Bonneville Power Administration, Cowlitz County Public Utility District and Puget Sound Energy have confirmed a total of six separate attacks on electrical substations they manage in Oregon and Washington. Attackers used firearms in at least some of the incidents in both states, and some power customers in Oregon and Washington experienced at least brief service disruption as a result of the attacks.

    All four utilities stated they were cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI declined to confirm whether it was investigating.

    After the attacks on substations in Oregon and Washington, the FBI and Oregon’s Titan Fusion Center issued a memo on Dec. 2 that warned utilities about the recent attacks. The fusion center gathers intelligence to investigate and prevent acts of terrorism.

    The next day, two substations in North Carolina were damaged by gunfire, cutting electricity for days to tens of thousands of people.

    Electrical substations are complicated and potentially dangerous parts of the electrical grid that keep the nation’s lights on. Substations convert high-voltage electricity that travels across long-distance transmission lines to the lower voltages used by businesses and residences.

    The Bonneville Power Administration, a federal agency that markets hydropower throughout the Pacific Northwest and owns 15,000 miles of transmission line and 200 substations, had confirmed at least one incident by Wednesday evening. The agency called it a “deliberate physical attack” that damaged a substation in Clackamas County, Oregon, early on Thanksgiving morning.

    Oregon Public Broadcasting and KUOW obtained an email written by a security specialist with the Bonneville Power Administration that details that attack. OPB is withholding the specialists’ name at the request of Bonneville Power due to their concerns about the specialist’s safety. Two people cut through the fence surrounding a high-voltage substation, then “used firearms to shoot up and disable numerous pieces of equipment and cause significant damage,” the security specialist wrote.

    The memo also referenced “several attacks on various substations,” recently, in Western Washington, “including setting the control houses on fire, forced entry and sabotage of intricate electrical control systems, causing short circuits by tossing chains across the overhead buswork, and ballistic attack with small caliber firearms.”

    (“Buswork” is a term for the maze of wires and switches that hum overhead at a substation.)

    The security specialist stated that online extremist groups are calling for the attacks and providing instructions on how to do it.

    “There has been a significant uptick in incidents of break-ins related to copper and tool or materials theft, but now we are dealing with quickly escalating incidents of sabotage,” the email reads.

    Interesting how they're downplaying this genuine domestic terrorism and basically keeping it to electrical industry news.
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  10. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I'm so proud of everyone in this thread for praying the gay away.
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  11. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The disgusting unwashed goyim are trying to destroy the progress we have made.

    Before the progress we have made is destroyed by fascists please remember what we have agreed upon:
    - Men can get pregnant
    - Biden got the most votes in history
    - Drag queens are child rolemodels
    - Vaccines have no negative side effects.
    - The border is secure
    - Nancy Pelosi has never done insider trading
    - Fauci never funded gain of function research
    - Iraq had WMDs
    - Jet fuel can melt steel beams
    - We are not in a recession
    - Amber heard is a hero
    - Jussie smollet was attacked
    - Epstien killed himself
    - Seed oils are healthy
    - BLM protests were peaceful
    - Climate change is real
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  12. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai If I'm somehow part abo I'll thank you kindly not to refer to me (with my noble M42a genes) using the same word you'd use for dirty E-M2 genetic descendants of West Africans, you goyslop swilling Amerilard.

    That's some weapons grade alt-right spergery right there.
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  13. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost I;ll be dead you idiot and no longer care for the affairs of mortals, in trianglist valhalla killing yourself with drugs is a warriors death

    I like how in all these old depictions the dogs always have a central place, like in this one from Ireland.
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  14. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Lanny does about 8 hours a day doing a spectrum of different drugs, rotating through his multiple personalities posting as each of us in turn. He generally starts off with the speed, and posts as Aldra, Kafka, and myself, then he switches to the pot, and does some Canada-posting. Then, mellowed by the pot he does some fent, and switches to yank posting. There are also various pills he will come across that add spice to his MPD posting. Sometimes he even posts as his alter ego, in which he is a successful salariman code-monkey. It's a pretty impressive artistic achievement, especially for a physically ruined and std addled drug addict who has been living on the streets of san francisco since 2014.
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  15. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra no it wasn't, and wagner used the hammer as their symbol long before that

    That explains why they chose the hammer as their tool of execution I guess.

    Hey Alder did you ever think about moving to Russia?
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  16. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra 2. their goals were clearly outlined as 'demilitarisation', 'denazification' and protection of the LDNR, not 'take kiev in 3 days'

    Is that why they sent poorly supported and lightly supplied armoured columns rushing down the chernobyl road towards Kyiv city centre?
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  17. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Some pics from Chernobyl from when I was there in December 2020 (Chernobyl was pretty much the only place in Europe that was still open due to the coof).

    Ukraine is full of Natsoc type graffiti and stickers.

    Wonder if this old APC survived the Russians driving past it.
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  18. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I’m going down south in a few weeks, what chemist?

    Any good one. You may find some of them don't know it's non-prescription however.
    They should be able to sell you Phenergan tablets
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  19. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian id hook up with a hot ukrainian girl for life as long as shes on the right side and not cucked to some whack ass secret society full of morons who think theyre being original

    by now ive accumulated so much traumatic and fucked up bullshit throughout life that i think that i just wouldnt even be able to fit in with someone who has not gone through a massively fucked up rift in life of some sort, like their country being invaded or some shit. i got two augmented reality 15's so it works

    Someone like Groceries Girl has had to deal with her dad fighting in Afghanistan, Chernobyl happening about 100km away, the collapse of communism, like 15% of the population dying due to despair, alcoholism, and jedis stealing the entire economy, a massive period of decline, emigration and stagnation, the 2014 colour revolution, a jedi con-man (zelensky) taking over (she hated him and knew exactly what he was at), covid and running up debt she couldn't repay, and then her country getting invaded by her Russian cousins.

    Not exactly life on easy mode.

    Happily at some stage in all this she met me. What the hell do you mean her life went from bad to worse?
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  20. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I feel unimportant because no one from here has ever stalked me.
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