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Posts That Were Thanked by Donald Trump

  1. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

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  2. like stink bugs, its a defense mechanism.

    too bad they dont stink enough to keep white peepuh from buying them amd deploying them as farm machinery,
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    viral vector that disables the genes that fight cancer may have escaped a Chinese lab (Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital).

    the virus is used to disable the INI1 gene sequence in rats so that researchers can study cancerous growth and test therapies without having to consider the immune response as a factor.

    three men who worked in the breast cancer research facility over the last year have developed extremely aggressive cancers, with another six who aren't definitively linked.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I like how everyone blurs out terrain now when they release combat videos, we all learned from REDDIT BATTALION
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  5. Originally posted by infinityshock

    Man there’s just so much here to comment on. From the first shot of him walking into frame from behind a flag like the fuckin hero of a Clint Eastwood movie during the climactic scene. To the irony of the ambulance probably not being able to get there in time because these morons were blocking all the roads.

    And the fact that the poisonous rhetoric of environmental extremism has reached even this far-flung shithole, whose people are apparently unaware how the modern resource exploitation techniques they’re protesting against actually serve to enrich their horrible lives.

    I also couldn’t help but think these people appear to be bizarrely indistinguishable from animals, and no not because of race or any of that shit. The shooter is like a wolf with no regard for human life and seemingly no emotional register whatsoever even as he sinks his teeth into his quarry.

    And then there’s the docile beasts of burden which he preys upon, wandering around with apparently no sense of self preservation or immediacy even as the first shots ring out. I liken the scene to cows in a pasture, I imagine they behave in a similar way when a farmer walks over and knocks one of them in the head with a hammer and takes it away for processing. There’s the one guy just walks by doesn’t even try to run until a couple moments AFTER the second guy gets shot.

    Then the dude just goes back to moving the shit out of the road lol. Like an old dad who just sits down to quietly continue eating his meal after savaging his spouse during an argument.

    Everything about the whole situation is just insane
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  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The guy did the right thing and behaved appropriately throughout the confrontation. He didn't do anything wrong, and deserves our praise and study.

    agreed. and a medal...
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Fox I don’t care enough to hate you but if you’re that upset about it then I’ll back off. Mostly I just think you need very serious intervention and help before you end up on the news, Stephen Paddock style

    the fbi sends someone dressed as Jeff Hunter to give him a 'special mission'
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  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fox Who tf is that

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  9. infinityshock Black Hole

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  10. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    I get these people are annoying and unbelievable, I really do.

    Guys with their brains splattered all over the place lying on the floor, and the thing they film is themselves jumping around like drama students and screeching about allah.

    "look at meee look at meee"

    staging their pain

    taking time to selfie and teaching it to the kids. everyone not just palestinaians are doing this though

    its always best to just videotape shit old school and post production a narrative over it instead of speaking live on the camera or if you use live on the camera to do voiceover later on as long as you're not staring into the camera but have it on the subject matter.

    unless of course its your deathbed or suicide and want to say your finals. but it just looks questionable. its weird because long ago they taught this in basic film 1.01 class.

    people have to hype up their own experiences because your brain is doing two things at once.

    showboating and narrative andd trying to operate a camera on your own. always have a camera guy aka D.P. at all times
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  11. That’s interesting I hadn’t really thought of that. It’s not just genocide it’s a “holocaust”. It’s not a lynching it’s a “pogrom”. I mean supposedly those words are used for other things too but you don’t really hear it used except for when it’s about jews. They have to use special words because their suffering isn’t just suffering, it’s exceptional suffering
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    "they gassed millions of people using nazi space magic, then buried them, then when they thought they were going to lose the war they dug all those people up and incinerated all of them (again using nazi space magic as well of the last of their dwindling fuel supply), crushed up their bones and hid them somewhere you'll never find them"
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    > this is festive
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  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I've heard that Nafris and Middle Easterners all love butt secks.

    Their women are supposed to be really slutty too.


    Bacha bazi

    As soon as a haji female is away from her father her ankles automatically form into reverse quantum singularies and repel each other with the force of a million nuclear warheads
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  15. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    MMA fighter Jake Shields has revealed his power level.

    I’m sure he has no problem with this, since apparently he understands the importance of making jokes even now
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Meikai

    love from kazakhstan
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  17. Is anyone else into fucking chicks just wearing sneakers? Idk if thats a thing i got from porn, but ive never been a “foot” guy. Or watching a girl eat ur cum out of another girl? I feel that ones more universally hot but the sneakers thing has me perplexed
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  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    isn't that the trailer for one of the dead island games
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Feeling a lot more secure since my 8th vaccine, IDK why
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