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Posts That Were Thanked by Donald Trump

  1. Originally posted by Kawkasian

    Um there is a reason dumbo.

    "During the First World War, millions of soldiers saw the poppies in Flanders fields on the Western Front. Some even sent pressed poppies home in letters. Over 100 years later, the poppy is still a world-recognised symbol of remembrance of the First World War."

    H1StOrY iS HaRd

    he meant fighting the german empire and dying for no reason.

    not using paper poppies to celebrate for no reason.
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I like your cow
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra israel hit a civilian town in Lebanon and killed several, so Hezbullah blasted the settlement at Kiryat Shmona then conducted some sort of small raid across the border, details aren't clear on the latter but this is a major escalation

    where previously they'd been hitting military facilities within 5km or so of the border, Hez are now flinging rockets all down the coast as far as Haifa, it's not clear what kind of targets they've chosen though.

    interesting note - RAFAEL, one of israel's biggest weapons manufacturers has its primary facilities just north of Haifa
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's been years since the original ban lol. As a number of folks have pointed out, you're not actually dumb and you can post some good stuff, and I never actually disagreed with that. The original issue related to what, per the site rules, constituted intentional disruption. I'm going to stop banning the alts, and won't ban the original account if you want to post on it again. The same rules as before are still in place, but at this point your alts haven't been breaking rules so I don't see any point in continuing to trash them given the original ban is long since expired (I'm also too lazy to re-implement the auto-ban script).

    I fully expect the next reply in this thread to be some homoerotic rape joke lol. But that's ok, being a weird aggressive gay angry dude was never the issue. So uh, welcome back, I hope we can find a way to make this work.
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  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    gett a QR code tattoo on the back of your head that opens goatse so you can laugh at people who scan it
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    lol, lmao
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  7. Kafka sweaty
    There's 28 units in this, this is how much I drank ln plus one shot or vodka. Was only bordering on paralysis for 10 mins.

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  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny floridans love judens

    no they dont...theres more anti-semetic incidents here per-capita than anywhere else. theres also one of the largest kike infestations here.

    everyone hates j­ews
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  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    the girls are talking about murdering everyone with glasses again

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  10. Originally posted by Donald Trump My mom was telling me about some Indian nurse colleague she has. She was too cool for the arranged marriage thing, met some Indian chad on facebook, married him, moved to Ireland.

    He beat her and fucked up her back. She divorced him, and he's still living in Ireland on welfare as an unemployed alcoholic indian ponce in Drogheda.

    I was surprised. Most Indians I know are very happy. Their parents pick out their partner for them young, someone from a good family, and by 25 they have 2 or 3 kids and a house and dual incomes.

    This is why giving people too much freedom is a bad thing. "What's wrong with the other 50% of people?" No one in an arranged marriage comes out with this stuff. Too much choice is a bad thing. It leads to overthinking and neurotic partner switching. Stick a girl and a boy together and they will tend to get along.

    happiness make bad marriage.

    good marriages are cemented with RESPONSIBILITY.
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    > heritage minister

    not sure why they have such a hate-on for Ireland lately
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    get it written into the marriage contract
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  13. Originally posted by aldra someone's trying to stir up animosity between the Palestinians and Egyptians

    first there was the story that they'd blocked Rafah, but the truth was that israel had blocked it from the other side so Egypt just officially reciprocated

    then that story about injured people dying in ambulances because Egypt hadn't allowed them to cross to the aid camps without proper identification, which turned out to be false

    now there's been an incident where Palis chimped out and flipped aid trucks because the supplies (specifically date + protein bars) were supposedly expired, but people have posted videos of the bars taken from the mess and shown that they're still a month or so away from expiring (I assume most Palis can't read or count)

    cant imagine who would do such a thing

    perhaps theres some precedence that would give some explanation.

    such as 'operation susannah' where the kikenj­ews set up false flag attacks via terrorist bombings in egypt to piss off everyone in the benefit of israel

    and the kikes wonder why no one likes them
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    someone's trying to stir up animosity between the Palestinians and Egyptians

    first there was the story that they'd blocked Rafah, but the truth was that israel had blocked it from the other side so Egypt just officially reciprocated

    then that story about injured people dying in ambulances because Egypt hadn't allowed them to cross to the aid camps without proper identification, which turned out to be false

    now there's been an incident where Palis chimped out and flipped aid trucks because the supplies (specifically date + protein bars) were supposedly expired, but people have posted videos of the bars taken from the mess and shown that they're still a month or so away from expiring (I assume most Palis can't read or count)
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Nah, I’d be involved in that party prep, setting up the celebratory paragliders
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  16. Originally posted by Fonaplats Holy capitalism,
    I went to Walmart and bought 2 50 foot strands for $20 each.
    Was going to put them on the house when I noticed the bulbs are not replaceable.
    So if a single bulb breaks or burns out the whole strand is trash.

    Ended up spending $130 on 2 50ft strands that use actual screw in lights which are replaceable.

    It's awful they even make garbage like that.

    thats what you get for buying christmas junk before christmas

    wait till the day after christmas and its all 50% off. by new years its 90% off

    a few years ago i bought several thousand dollars worth of christmas crap just before new years eve for about $100
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  17. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Tell me more about tunnel life.

    subterranean existence and the post WWIII outcome of "lucky" survivors.

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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    last I heard they'd killed almost 40 UNRWA relief workers, it's probably double that now. imagine the chimpout had anyone but God's Chosen People™ deliberately done that
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Nobody said it wasn't but that is war. Always has been…

    Good to know that you understand the original attack on Israel was not terrorism and is just how war is done.
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