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Posts That Were Thanked by Donald Trump

  1. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

    While my wife cleaned the entire house I fixed the sign.
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  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by One Word Expression Thats Bidens Fault. he left this shit behind. isn't that an American helicopter they're getting out of? one left behind in Afghanistan? or is it Russian?

    no...its a soviet-built MI-17 HIP utility helicopter

    its about equivalent to a US H-60 blackhawk
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  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Islamic terrorism didn't exist until the kikes created it in the late '40s

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  4. CandyRein Black Hole

    The “We was just watching movies” Bratz Doll 💘
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  5. Originally posted by infinityshock Pointing…

    Right there…and there…and there

    apologies accepted.

    German. Russian. Irish.

    If I need to point out the accomplishments of my species which are common knowledge…I'm wasting my time.

    mongrels are no better than negroes.

    your cultural achievements will be determined by the lowest common denominator you inherited.

    what did irishmen invented.
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra

    they're really going after israel's C4ISR advantage this time around; both Hamas and Hez have been specifically attacking radar, communication and surveillance equipment

    it appears as though israel is almost completely blind in the north now; Hez is attacking 20+ targets a day with 'rockets' that are basically just a big 8 tonne tube of explosives and the IDF has not been able to step up counter battery fire. apparently the israeli Health Authority reported almost 1500 wounded soldiers being treated up at Haifa 10 days ago.

    Originally posted by aldra also, WSJ ran an article claiming that Russia is transferring PANTSIRs to Hezbullah through Wagner (as a sort of proxy). I wouldn't normally put much stock in anonymous intelligence sources but Hez just reposted it with missile emojis

    Hez have started using anti-air and shooting down israeli drones over the last week or so, which further exacerbates the problem. I don't know what specific complexes they're using for this, but PANTSIRs are specifically designed to counter drones and lower-cost weapons that the bigger SAMs don't want to waste expensive munitions on.

    as a testament to the confusion, the IDF managed to shoot down one of its own drones patrolling the northern border.
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  7. Rabbi T. Weed Yung Blood
    What an offensively stupid question. Why do you think, you shmendrik? It is in the name. Do you think "ultra orthodox" is a cartoon pokeman? Those words have meaning! It means our faith in G-d is unshakeable. We uphold the covenant more strictly than anyone else. All you had to do was read a dictionary to clear up this confusion, goy. This forum is nothing but ignorant ameratsim. Do not pester my people with your inanity in this difficult time.
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    turns out a lot of a GP's job can be automated
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  9. Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by infinityshock Remember, kids, who runs hollywood…

    Keep that in mind when you're watching any media reports frome judenkikeistan about hamass or hellsballza.

    You're like the third Self Loathing Jew I've met in the last 10 years.

    are you Ashkanazi? guilt ridden much?
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Like God would approve of people dropping bombs on one another.

    God co-signed this shit when he made us
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra

    Hez using bigger unguided rockets now since there's not much chance of them being intercepted

    BURKAN type levels the radar station at Jal Al-Alam on the border

    BURKAN hit the barracks at Branit
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  14. Originally posted by infinityshock Kikes have nothing to do with my view on the chinee. My first observations of those slant-eyed kikes were in the 80s/90s when they would buy western goods in multiple lots at a massive volume discount…take delivery of a few lots…reverse engineer the item…then cancel the remaining orders without paying.

    this allegashun is both retarded and defies logic.

    if they really wanted to reverse engineer "american" product they can just fly to the US and purchase small quantity of whatever "american" shit they wanted to reverse engineer and be done with it.

    its less hassle and much quicker that way.

    Additionally they'd sell the copies to third parties, undercutting the original designer/seller.

    theres no "undercutting" for a market that doesnt exist, maybe its true if china tries to sell copied product in the west and "america", but they are not. they mostly sell their copied stuff in the 3rd world, which couldnt afford genuine "american" made product anyway. but even if china do sell their "copied" product in the US, it's a something that can, and has been remedied with laws and regulations.

    i live in south east asia and before china's mass manufacturing came online everything made in the west was costly and we made do without pretty much.

    simple hand tools like wrenches and screwdrivers that that people in the "west" take for granted were expensive and they were usually inherited from generation to generation. mass consumer products from the US or UK and europe were normally out of ordinary peoples ability to purchase.

    its exactly thanks to china's copying and mass producing that people in the developing world managed to have a chance to live and experience their "american" dream and quality of life at the price that 3rd worlders with wages of a dollar a day could afford.

    not too long ago for example i bought an impact wrench for something like 50 USD. a straiht copy of makita design with some lower quality internals suspected but it was powerful enough to get all the job i needed to get done done.

    impact wrenches from genuine brands like makita or milwauki are simply out of my budget and affordability and i would rather do with a pair of wrench and a hammer than paying the price they command. makita lost nothing because i'm a market that doesnt exist for them anyway.

    thanks to china i, and many people in the 3rd world too can now live with the kind of ease that "americans" can.

    sure china steals and copies in the early phase of their opening up and industrialization, but what it does benefited the world and humanity more than it harms. and its not permanent. the west stole technologies from china a long time ago and it will again soon.

    we are now begining to see the wests attempt to steal china's technology and intellectual properties. on top of my head, tiktok foe example, there are many more.

    I have countless examples I can provide…but kikes and chinee do the same parasitical bullshit.

    sure, but what are you anyway. whats you're herritage, if you have one.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra the media is muddying the details of whether or not the ship was actually israeli, but it appears it's owned by a British company which is, in turn, owned by an israeli named Abraham Ungar.

    Ungar has a lot of political clout inside israel and has been involved in several bribery and corruption scandals, so it stands to reason the Houthis weren't just snatching up israeli ships, they targeted that one in particular (it wasn't flying an israeli flag, so they would've had to have known who owned it or just got lucky).

    given the way they've been behaving, they're probably dumping millions of dollars worth of luxury cars into the ocean right now.

    I dug into this a bit more and the ship is actually owned by the israeli UNGAR company. it owns several car carriers (worth $50 million each) which it leases out to other companies. the confusion in ownership seems to be that some maritime tracking sites have the GALAXY LEADER leased to RAY CAR CARRIERS out of the UK, but that company was dissolved in 2018 so any information listing them as an operator is likely out of date. some registration information seems to indicate that RAY was just a shell company for UNGAR anyway, but that's not totally clear.

    short version: the GALAXY LEADER is an israeli owned and most likely operated ship flying a Bahamas flag.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, after they cleared the Al Shifa hospital they posted videos of them 'finding' guns hidden behind MRI machines and stuff

    they invited the BBC and CNN to come see, who found the rooms in the exact same state as the initial IDF videos but now there were more guns in the same places. 'we found more lol'

    IDF is now laying siege to a different hospital, the 'Indonesian' hospital
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  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump They use branding and lexical sleight of hand to stop people associating Israel with jedis in their minds.

    Like 90% of jedis support Israel, jedi power, Mossad, the whole thing.

    If people wanted to hurt Israel they'd stop calling Israel, Israel. Call it the "jedi State". Call Israelis "jedis".

    I've seen boomers come along and be like "I know Israel has nothing to do with jedis", even lately.

    Happily the game seems to be breaking down.

    theyve been doing this for thousands of years. TLDR: the kikes do stupid shit to piss people off, the pissed off people get tired of it, then the pissed off people spank the kikes, whereupon the kikes settle down and chill for a few years.

    in the 1920s it was the kikes in europe/germany that caused social, political, financial, and cultural upheaval that literally gave rise to the nazi party. the kike-controlled MINITRU so conveniently leave that out of the history books. in the early 1900s henry ford wrote volumes about the j­ew bullshit yet modern kikes have it censored

    theyre doing what they do every time the goy get tired of the kike bullshit and seize their assets: the juden divest themselves of visible assets, hiding it in places that are more difficult to find, then follow their playbook of torah shenanigans. they are why corporations were invented.

    another interesting tidbit ive noticed is everything that happens is prefaced by 'iranian-backed...' or 'iranian...' or some sort of direct blame to iran. anyone that doesnt realize the psychology of this, its purpose is to vilify the persians to justify a gaza-strip-esque attack.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    or the Iranian-Venezuelan tankers that got jacked for violating unilateral sanctions
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  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I was in a jail dorm of roughly 60 people when one daya new inmate showed up.
    He didn't say anything and went straight to his bunk and laid in it.
    That night on the news we watched as a story of a pedophile who was arrested for sexually abusing an underage girl who was mentally handicapped and stuck in a wheelchair.
    Low and behold it was the same son of a bitch who walked into the dorm earlier that day.
    As soon as the nighly news was over at 11:30 it was lights out and everyone was sent to their bunks.
    There was a lot of whispers of disgust.
    I had a good view of this pedo as his bunk was directly in front of mine. His bunk was on top and mine was on the bottom. so I was looking out above my feet at the top of his head.
    Laying awake reading a book I noticed someone moving quickly and down low toward the pedo's bunk.
    Suddenly that someone got to the pedo's bunk and punched him in the side of the head and went back to his own bunk.
    The pedo was hiding under his covered the whole night and the whole night every 30 minutes or so, someone would run up and punch this guy in the head.
    The next morning at breakfast we all had to line up for count and the pedo was visibly scared as fuck.
    When he went to get his breakfast tray the guy's serving the trays already knew and gave him a gross ass looking tray covered in salt and all fucked up looking food.
    No one allowed the pedo to sit and he ended up sitting in a corner in a plastic chair.
    By the time breakfast was over all the pedo's stuff back at his bunk had been stolen and his sheets were fucked and filthy.
    I watched this pedo be fucked with for a few days (probably 4) before he was rescued by the gaurds but before that every day and night people were punching and kicking him. He never got any sleep the entire time he was in the dorm and he never got anything to eat as all his food was poisoned with salt and who knows what else.
    I watched him get attacked every day at least a few times.
    No one seemed to want to outright beat the living piss out of him but it was very obvious all his attackers wanted to make his life hell by prolonging his torture by only hitting him enough to make it impossible for him to manage to do anything.
    In the shower he was beat. On the toilet he was beat. In his bed he was beat. Walking around he was beat.
    It was an eye opening experience and only after a few days of beatings and starving did the guards pull him our after the pedo snitched to the jail doctor.
    Needless to say they quit letting us watch the news after than.
    I'm sure he wound up murdered in prison but only after a long long time being abused himself.
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  20. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian can i be admin

    this site works by right of conquest, the rightful ruler is the one strong enough to seize all the data and host it themselves. this Lanny is the 15th Lanny we've had.
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