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Posts That Were Thanked by GGG

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Captain Morgan Sex Organ.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. lol i did mxe on thanksgiving
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  3. RestStop Space Nigga
    If I can't have Tana I want no one.
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    4:09 i'm not waiting 11 minutes to get high fuck that shit

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  5. I work with this one mexican guy and I've seen the stereotype before, these motherfuckers run around acting like total jackasses and poking people and doing whatever they want and just generally be annoying as fuck then they're like IT'S NOT MY FAULT ALL MEXICANS ARE LIKE THIS IT'S JUST MY MEXICAN CULTURE US MEXICANS WE ALWAYS EAT CACTUS AND DRINK BEER AND ANNOY THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYONE BY GETTING ALL YUP IN THEIR BUSINESS (AND ALSO I DONT APPROVE OF DRUG USE, SPECIFICALLY YOURS)

    But I can see through the mist, I know and hung out with plenty of mexicans who didn't act like total jackasses so your point is FUCKING DEAD
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  6. candy, merry x-mass/holiday,

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  7. RisiR † 29 Autism

    Today is Black Friday. FIFA Ultimate Team has special promos where they offer a variety of special packs (loot boxes). I prepared way too much money for this day. Usually the market crashes on during this promo because everyone opens packs and more good players get pulled and listed on the transfer-market. Everyone in the community is prepared for this event. Everyone except fucking EA.

    They offer those packs during so called "lightning rounds". 100.000 packs on offer, first come first served. Every hour there is a new lightning round. Soo, I'm sitting here waiting for shit to drop. Full hour, I go into the store "Jumbo Rare Player Packs" that cost either 100.000 coins in-game currency or 1.000 FIFA Points (10 bucks) a pop. I try to open packs but get an error message that the store is currently having problems.

    I rage hard but whatever. All 100.000 packs are gone within two minutes. Ok. I wait another hour. ULTIMATE PACKS! BAM! They cost 25 bucks each and you have a good chance of packing something decent. I get my hands on two Ultimate Packs and both times I get completely shafted and pack utter trash.

    I can't even begin to desrcibe to you how fucked I feel and what that means to me. I have been playing this franchise for 21 years. I grew up with it. Now.... I just can't get fucked to get myself to play this shit anymore.

    I know you think it's just a video game. RisiR you're a faggot. Grow up and fuck me instead of playing with your toys but I fucking used to love this game. It's seriously what I'm best at. It's so hard for me to accept that it's over but I just can't let EA fuck me anymore. I'm one of the best players on the planet. I qualified for 3 out of 4 major tournaments so far. Maybe the best non-pro "free agent" in the world.

    I just fucking can't do this anymore. I can't compete with people who get sponsored tens of thousands of dollars to build their teams. Not when I get SO EXTREMELY FUCKED when I put money in the game. I'm done. Fuck you. This game is trash.

    It's been 26 minutes since I got RAPED buy jediA and my heart is broken and will never heal again. This relationship is over. I'm fucking done with you. No, I won't fucking look you in the eyes. Stop touching me. You're destroying my fucking life and you don't care. I have played over 800 matches in the last two months and THAT'S how you treat me? You cheating fucking piece of shit. I hate you.

    I'm having a fucking crisis here, man. I'll just play a couple matches of OH WAIT FUCK YOU. NEVER AGAIN. Fuck you.

    I don't even fucking know what to do anymore. This is bullshit.
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  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why would you want to beat me up? I'm talking about bringing great pleasure to your baby. What's wrong with that?

    My depression plays no part in this. This could actually be therapeutic to all of us. Think about it.
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    I actually do remember that.. but I’d rather remember this
    My cousins used to chase me with these creepy crawlers.. it was like an easy-bake oven but for boys and you couldn’t eat the insects you made unlike my easy-bake oven that made delicious light bulb treats

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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    As I sat there hitting the stem I looked up and saw the cold window in front of me I was blowing all my smoke towards has accumulated a small amount (about half a hits worth) of tek. I shot the blowtorch at it and sucked up the fumes through a slurpee straw and IT WORKED I did that before the sun came up and now it's almost afternoon and i'm still wired!

    This breakthrough must be shared with the wider tek community, you can now recycle your hits if you blow it all towards a cold flat glass surface.

    I wouldn't recommend torching your windows though because now there's a weird yellow smudge on the glass and I can't clean it, won't come out no matter what I try.

    Looked kinda like this but it was about the diameter of a 25c coin.

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  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service I remember once growing poppies.

    Opiates are so bad. They're basically the OMG-HAX of the human experience.

    I'm all for them if you're dying of cancer, and that's about it. They too more-ish.

    If you offered me some for free I'd be like "nah thanks, I can't handle them".

    No other drug is like that. No wonder they were the ones the likes of the (((Sackler family))) chose to purvey.

    Opiates really are pure euphoria.

    I have severe (medically diagnosed) anxiety and various other psychiatric disorders.

    Some drugs, like alcohol, can put a mild dent in these disorders.

    But not opiates.

    With opiates, EVERYTHING is copacetic.

    I once, as an experiment, tried to intentionally induce an anxiety/panic attack in myself while on opiates, and I just could not even come close. I went through a list of my 'triggers' over and over, and yet no response.

    There was also this time I felt like I had taken too much and I was overdosing.

    I smiled, blissfully, and thought to myself "well, this is it. peace out, it's been great. no hard feelings."
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Man, this is a philosophical question that has occupied my mind, with some regularity, for decades.

    So, first, I was a functional, night-time only alcoholic.

    That worked. Straight up, it worked, my life was running like a well-oiled machine.

    Then I dabbled in opiates, and eventually got hooked on those.

    That didn't work. I was a non-functional opiate addict. Everyone deludes themselves into believing that they are that rare exception case that is an exceptionally functional addict. I really was with liquor though, and I could go into great detail that would support that fact. But with opiates, my mind and life revolved around ONE, and ONLY ONE thing: opiates.

    I had no higher purpose in life. I had no values.

    Pleasure and the opiate high were one and the same.

    When you really think about that, it's sad as fuck. It means I would never:
    1. Have a satisfying career.
    2. Find love.
    3. Be able to help others in any way whatsoever (oh, so you're a cancer-ridden tsunami-victim? well my next fix is more important than donating to your charity).

    I then got opiate clean in 2014 (yay me!).

    I returned to being a functional alcoholic, and I do all kinds of other drugs in (very loosely-defined) moderation.

    So the moral of the story is...

    Fucking none.

    There isn't one.

    Unless you can be one of those exceptionally rare fully-functioning addicts, who can juggle family, career, and altruistic efforts, and, most importantly, not equate pleasure directly with your particular drug of addiction (meaning, giving it absolute priority 1 among all things in your mind), then you're fucked.

    That's it.

    It sucks, but I didn't write the rules. "God" did.
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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Stop doing drugs and cherish and take care of HTS you fucking scrub
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  14. Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    Originally posted by Technologist Every person is different and medicine has to make accommodations for these people.

    Medicine is so smart it'll dope you up with valium for an angiogram, but won't give you so much as a panadol for a painful lung or bone marrow biopsy.

    Know your place Techno. Which is pressing a button and pretending that avoiding xrays is a skill, until such time as modern PET scan technology gets deployed, which will put you out of a job.
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  15. Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    I assume all the signs on scron's highways just say "good luck and god bless".
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  16. Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service Houston [back fudge my lingam]
    Yes, Lucy is LSD.

    Molly is Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. (omg just spelled that perfectly)
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  17. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Better yet, stay a while next time you go to pick up and hang out. You don't have to social engineer your dealer if he's also your friend.
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  18. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    we didnt have them until at least 1500, they're native to the americas.
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  19. For any that may be wondering, I didn't kill myself, I'm just abandoning this site because it's full of retards and trolls, and is no longer worth posting on anymore

    I made a troll account and tried to join in, but it's just not for me. Have fun.

    I know nobody cares but I was compelled to post this due to mental illness

    Edit: I do not remember posting this. But i finally moved out of the place i was in and cleaned up.

    This place is nowhere near as fun sober, and the trolling and retardation really has gotten to be too much. I'll probably still post here but nowhere near as much as I did before.
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  20. while we're on the topic how good are you all with the cash/drugs hand off? i always feel like they want it done a certain way and everyone is kinda different and usually they try to be slick about it but i misunderstand and it ends up looking more conspicuous than if we had just been obvious about it but it doesn't matter because nobody is watching/nobody cares anyways

    im also always polite about whenever i see a drug deal/hand off going down in public, as soon as i notice whats going on i just look somewhere else so as to assuage their potential paranoia. and because i don't want to get stabbed because some homeless tweaker in psychosis thinks im a cop
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