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Posts That Were Thanked by Soyboy 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    THE FOLLOWING CLINTON BODYGUARDS ARE DEAD: 36 – Major William S. Barkley Jr. 37 – Captain Scott J. Reynolds 38 – Sgt. Brian Hanley 39 – Sgt. Tim Sabel 40 – Major General William Robertson 41 – Col. William Densberger 42 – Col. Robert Kelly 43 – Spec. Gary Rhodes 44 – Steve Willis 45 – Robert Williams 46 – Conway LeBleu 47 – Todd McKeehan
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Now we both love HTS
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  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    being black pilled equals depression in a society where you belong, fam.
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  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny people who likes DHers also likes :

    men with misaligned genders.

    crossly dressed people.

    preheated strap ons in their anus

    my porn history says otherwise

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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist You’re kidding me Fin!!!

    You hate jedis, but you use a jedi’s words to get your point across???

    Let’s be consistent Fin.

    the point of that quote is to point out the hypocrisy of jedi interest groups pushing for open borders and race mixing in virtually all countries except their own
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  7. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    i keep trying to write edgy comments about women but i just end up sound like a muslim
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  8. HTS highlight reel
    If the internet goes down and tens of thousands of socially retarded NEETs are all simultaneously forced to reintegrate with a society that has gotten comfortable with them not being part of it, there will be a genocide. Either the normies or the autists are ALL dying.
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  9. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Millenials are Serfs and Here's Why That's a Good Thing

    -Jennifer Rubenstein, HuffPo
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  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by HTS Lanny will probably shutter this site the first time he gets subpoena'd over the forum, and that's understandable. He's risking a lot as it is. No reasonable person would shoulder the risk of publishing highly curated user content that could reasonably be argued to be published by the host.

    To get section 230 protection you'd probably have to run it like a wiki or something, and even then… it's going to bring unnecessary and unwanted law enforcement attention.

    I have no obligation to fight a subpoena on anyone's behalf and as always, you should assume I won't, but the story I'll tell you is I won't close shop after being served a subpoena. You should assume any information that's ever been available to me as administrator as NiS should be considered to have been made available to law enforcement, but I don't make any promise that I will or won't terminate service after receiving a subpoena. I'll tell you the story I'd like to put forwards is that I'll make that decision on the basis of continued service potentially leading to further immoral breach of privacy or not, but don't take my word.

    In any case, section 230 protections are pretty much irrelevant in the context of text files. I won't ever publish content as text files (like as distinct from forum posts) without personally reviewing it, and I won't publish illegal content, so I don't need section 230 protections on that. For what it's worth I built some simple CMS code into ISS to support some other features and I've been contacted by posters before about publishing text files. My position remains the same, I'll publish novel textfiles (or BBCode files) if anyone wants and their files don't break the relevant laws of my jurisdiction. To be honest the main reason we don't host text files here is no one actually submits text files. If someone wants to put forward so much content that my simple CMS doesn't support it well I can expand pretty quickly at that point. The reality is that, as far as I've been able to tell, no one has anything to say that makes sense to present as part of NiS content.
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo intellectual property rights

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  12. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats the difference between hosting user submited post and user submitted txt files containing bomb making guide ?

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, at least the way totse's textfiles were submitted, they would not be protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act or whatever. The publisher of the textfiles was pretty unambiguously Jeff Hunter, and not the inviduals who wrote them. Posts on the forum are different, in that the publishers are the individuals who wrote the post. Lanny will probably shutter this site the first time he gets subpoena'd over the forum, and that's understandable. He's risking a lot as it is. No reasonable person would shoulder the risk of publishing highly curated user content that could reasonably be argued to be published by the host.

    To get section 230 protection you'd probably have to run it like a wiki or something, and even then... it's going to bring unnecessary and unwanted law enforcement attention.

    [I'm not a lawyer or all that knowledgeable, I'm basically talking out of my ass.]
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  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Slow Jimmy lol you cant read

    Good troll you just made me so mad I screamed into a pillow for 15 minutes then went outside and kicked an old ladies shopping cart over. I'm going to be a detriment to my neighborhood I hope you're happy
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  14. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Since I've been young, I've always been able to sense when death was coming, when someone was going to die, or immediately know when they passed despite being away from them, sometimes a thousand miles or more, with no prior knowledge of anything that would tip me off, also a lot have been perfectly healthy, and just dropped, nothing to suspect in the least that there was something wrong. I know when it's coming, but a lot of time I wasn't sure who it was coming for when I lived on the farm.

    Through my childhood, I guess around the time I was 3-4 years old it started, my first interaction with "Death" was around the time we had a sick dog. The neighbor had poisoned her, but we were trying our damnedest to save her... Nobody really told me before that about death and dying.... but one night I was sitting in my room, and I saw this black shadow figure thing. I said "hey! who're you? What are you doing in my house?" It didn't so much look like a person, rather it was more a moving blob of black mist kinda. It was moving along the wall when I spotted it, but it kinda stopped, and I want to say like turned in my direction, even though it was featureless, I just got that feeling it was looking at me at that moment. It began talking to me. It told me it was there to take my dog. I was really upset and pissed off. Then it explained that she was suffering, that without them (Death) there would be an entire world suffering in pain far more than it already is. It went on that it was not there to do evil, rather, it was there to bring relief. It asked me if I wanted to see my dog sick forever like that. I of course said "no". It then said to me, "Well, wouldn't you rather her be out of pain and free, even though you'll not see her for a long time?" I'd said that I didn't want her to suffer, and if she needed to die, then I guess it was better than her being in pain. I remember talking to this entity for a very long time. I never felt any sort of fear toward it, and at one point it kind of seemed annoyed at my questions, but it tried to answer them. I have the feeling I caught it off guard, surprised I could see it.

    Since that first time, I've seen that entity many, many times after. I had a lot of conversations, cried a lot to this thing, and well... got used to this entity coming in and out of my life. Even now, as an adult, I occasionally will see, and hear that entity. A lot of times when I go to hospitals, and nursing homes, that's when I bump into it. I've ran into it at a gas station once, while I'd stopped to go in and pee, coming out, there it was, which caught me off guard. Then as I left, just up the street, not far, there was a terrible accident. Hell, when I was in the nursing home, an elderly resident died in their sleep on my floor. Hours before, I seen that entity again, had it brush by me, and keep going. Next thing I know, about an hour later, I'm down stairs going out to smoke, when they're pulling this lady covered under a sheet out the back of the place.

    On another note, some people, like my father in particular, I could read his mind, and he could read my mind too. We always were thinking the same obscure shit at the same time. I don't have connections like that with too many people, nor as strong as it was with my dad. We both sometimes would have the same dreams.

    Another thing too, I sometimes have dreams, or strong feelings right before something bad happens. My friends always thought I was a nut because while coming home or going places, I'd sometimes randomly take a different way, that often times was longer, or out of the way. Every time I ignored those feelings something bad would happen.

    I don't know... my dad said I was more sensitive to paranormal things because I had been born with a blue veil (It's part of the sac that surrounds the baby in the womb, and while being born, and sometimes it'll grow thick on the baby's face, and have a bluish color to it. Nurses and midwives way back used to dry them out and sell them to ship captains for good luck.). I know my grandmother, my father, and myself had all been born with blue veils, though I really don't know much more than that about it, but that's why he said I picked up on things like I did.
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  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Zanick Good, children are horrible creatures. Somehow I'm comforted knowing that your kid's dad posts here. Maybe it'll grow up to be a terrorist and make the neurotypicals feel less safe in their homes.

    Yeah, so are old people. I think that was my favorite rescue mission. I freed that decrepit old widow's dog down the block, and she overdosed afew days later having nothing left to live for.

    My son will certainly be a terrorist. He will terrorize handsome and well tanned individuals and niggers alike in the war to reclaim Europe and halt white genocide.
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  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Zanick pets are prisoners

    Thank you for opening my eyes. I just went out and liberated my neighbor's poor pooch from his backyard. He was so happy to be free he ran right out into the road and got flattened by a car.

    As I watched my neighbor's little girl sink down next to his mangled, twitching body, I chastised her for keeping Spot prisoner all these years. When she hugged his corpse and wailed harder, I simply said, "See? Even now you refuse to let him go. You should thank me." Then I turned away in disgust.

    You're right, Zanick. That souless kid needs to find another way of managing her fucking seizures than enslaving an innocent canine.
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  17. 4828 Yung Blood
    I already broke your idea
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  18. HTS highlight reel
    I already know who killed JFK, and it starts with the letter "J" and rhymes woth "news".
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  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by EasyDoesIt EasyDoesIt killed himself.

    This is Easy's brother. He showed me this website/community and it was something he talked about semi-regularly.
    So I guess I should let you guys know he did it.

    He also told me to never release personal information on this website, so obituaries,pictures, and personal information is out of the question. I don't want
    the people on this website harassing me or my family.

    If you have any easydoesit questions, this is basically your last chance.

    And yeah, he's really dead. Like, for good.

    Hopefully it's a trait that runs in the family.
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  20. Ghost Black Hole
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