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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Stopffs You have made some posts that are not cringe worthy, but the ones that are trump most of the ones that are not

    Unfortunately, I try to skim past most of your posts because most of what you post make me feel like stabbing you and your mouse to a human stretcher and put you in a freezer

    im glad i left deep impressions in you.
  2. ^ nighers lack creativity
  3. posting in a beta thread.
  4. Originally posted by Obbe Not my style.

    American consumers are definitely problematic but they wouldn't have anything to consume if the chinese weren't producing it.

    actually US is the bigger producer of food than china is, farming is a trillion dollar industry over there.

    like i said, the world is currently producing enough food to feed 8 billion people, with that extra food for 1 billon meant for the US market so that americans, with their 300+ million population have twice the amount of food more than they need, so that they can indulge in over eating and food dumping.
  5. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny niggger
  6. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny this tjread is now officially a nigher thread.


    Originally posted by Octavian Niggers
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace In order for them to be truthful statistics they do, retard. Work on your athletic abilities.

    it rained last tuesday and wednessday, therefore for any statistic to be valid about weekly weather every week would have to have a rainy tuesday and wednessday.

  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny just as i thought, utter retardation.

    blaming over population is retarded. the real problem as always is distribution.

    just like income inequalities are caused by poor income distribution, resources inequality are due to poor resources distribution.

    all the foods and drinks that the first world throw out due to a variety of reasons can feed all the third world a few times over.

    first world consumers are the problem.

    the audiences are the problem.

    Farmers in the upper Midwest euthanize their baby pigs because the slaughterhouses are backing up or closing, while dairy owners in the region dump thousands of gallons of milk a day. In Salinas, Calif., rows of ripe iceberg, romaine and red-leaf lettuce shrivel in the spring sun, waiting to be plowed back into the earth.

    Drone footage shows a 1.5-mile-long line of cars waiting their turn at a drive-through food bank in Miami. In Dallas, schools serve well north of 500,000 meals on each service day, cars rolling slowly past stations of ice chests and insulated bags as food service employees, volunteers and substitute teachers hand milk and meal packets through the windows.
  9. this tjread is now officially a nigher thread.

  10. now you may kiss each other.
  11. birthdays are gay.

    unless your dead, then its cool.
  12. lol he told iran what hes about to tweet thru the swiss embassy before he tweeted that.

    the game is $/barrel. of oil.
  13. Originally posted by Obbe Why should I do that?

    maybe you'll know why after you did it.
  14. Originally posted by Octavian Even whilst your head is hanging off I'd still keep stabbing the fuck out of you till you hit the floor you worthless noncey bastard.

    go get some help.
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    i accept your surrender.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah you can. 87% of statistics are made up, and 45% are not repeatable.

    lol wut ?

    statistics need not to be repeatable in order for them to be statistical.

    statistics arent scientific theories.
  17. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 2 weeks

    They recently just found a girl with a 6mo incubation before symptoms appeared.

    source ?

    now its april.

    so she were infected back in november ?
  18. Originally posted by Octavian Shut up, Nonce.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how about me ?

    do you like my writting style ?
  19. Originally posted by Obbe Where did you sign up?

    why should you sign up ?

    just turn on your social media and start trolling.
  20. Originally posted by Obbe I'm not eligible to vote in american politics.

    you can volunteer for his troll army tho.
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