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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins they just said they found his choo-choo train at an exclusive resort in NK where only the aristocracy is allowed to hang out.

    this means the fat bastard is practicing extreme social distancing because he doesnt want to catch the wuhan bat-soup flu and everyone else is getting all spooled up over nothing. the chinee medical team is to make sure kimmy boy feels medically safe.

    ya'll retards are freaking out over the pudgy bastard taking a vacation.

    quoted for the record.
  2. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    ^ speak
  3. Originally posted by aldra to ship them to israel, no less

    the funny thing is jéwsraelian polices were already using high quality NBC suitts and masks before those low quality masks from the US arrive.
  4. Originally posted by stl1 Trump practices medicine like he practices being president.

    taking medical advices from medical professionals are no more different than taking medical advices from trumpt.

    medical professionals are simply drug pushers. i've worked in a hospital environment before and a few times every month, drug dealears from a variety of drug companies would come bearing gifts and exclusive pens and spend time with doctors in their consultation room with charts and logs to discuss about new drugs and the sales of existimg drugs that they think could be improved.
  5. im with cholos.

  6. yes.
  7. yea like lynching niggers.

    not easy.
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You consume solely liquids for the first few months of your life

    liquid foods are foods.
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yes, vinny, and nothing about your example with rain on different days of the week has anything to do with what I said. Keep up.

    ok why dont you present us with your "repeatable" , "truthful" statistics.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I question whether you graduated elementary school. Was your education this fucking bad?

    dont change the subject.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace In order for them to be truthful statistics they do, retard. Work on your athletic abilities.
  11. Originally posted by BummyMofo You'd rather be watching Dennis Rodman or RuPaul pole dancing probably

    *googles rupaul*

    you nigger faggot.
  12. Originally posted by Obbe I wasnt talking about food.

    food is the mother of all consumption.

    you cant consume anything else without first consuming foods.
  13. Originally posted by BummyMofo then ya went and ate the ashes of your dead parents from their urns and shit it out, fucked the shit and ejaculated on it, then snorted the shitcum ash like cocaine.


    (cant give D due to affirmative action.)
  14. Originally posted by BummyMofo My moms told me once to never trust a bisexual in a relationship, I never questioned it, so I'm just wondering

    how many nigger moms do/did you have ?
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It's hard to believe you have a brain. Please google the word immunity. Thanks.

    says the one who claims he have lactoses intolletant immunity.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You are phenomenally stupid and literally nothing you ever say is even tangentially related to the posts I or anyone else makes. You have a serious comprehension issue as well as the issue of jumping to conclusions despite your lack of understanding.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lol wut ?

    statistics need not to be repeatable in order for them to be statistical.

    statistics arent scientific theories.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace In order for them to be truthful statistics they do, retard. Work on your athletic abilities.

    something repeatable can not change. therefore according to you in order for statistics to be truthful, their recordings must remain perpetually unchanged.
  17. Originally posted by Obbe Do you believe people should just freeze to death in winter? That's nature's way. Starting a fire to stay warm is just a selfish motivator.

    well if you need to start a fire to keep warm then you dont belong there, your trespassing.

    bears dont have to start a fire to keep warm.
  18. trump sent him covid laced letters.
  19. Originally posted by stl1 The New York Times

    Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him

    Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman

    WASHINGTON — President Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Mr. Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course.

    Many Republicans believe President Trump’s daily news briefings are inflicting grave damage on his political standing. The scale of the G.O.P.’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Mr. Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: New surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

    Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Mr. Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super PACs plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

    Perhaps most significantly, Mr. Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

    His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials.

    full article @

    what did jéw yoke times said about trumps prospect of winning on november 7 2016 ?
  20. Originally posted by Octavian Lol I've given you up.

    *knock knock loser*

    Stupid nonce cunt.


    closet pedo.
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