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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by aldra this is not a red/blue issue. Obama's administration explicitly legalized domestic propaganda and expanded the data collection powers of the NSA and pals

    he even use them for his political gains.
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein There’s so many things wrong in this statement it’s not even worth explaining because you’re too old to explain things like that to..

    And don’t think about me in high school :)

    i only think about you up to low school.
  3. whos property ?
  4. Originally posted by ORACLE Why? Nothing special about it even at the time; the PS2 especially ended up failing to live up to the tech demo as it was very weak, you can do anything ins controlled environment.

    The most truly awesome hardware of that generation was the GameCube, and it had the best tech demo. Here it is rendered in 1080p with an emulator but otherwise running the unaltered so you can see how clean it was more clearly (best part start around 2:45):

    Even today the effects displayed are the most commonly utilised graphics techniques, on top of which fancier stuff is added to augment visuals.

    Rather than programmable shaders, GC had a few fixed function shaders but it focused on a versatile custom configurable TEV unit that generated a new optimal configuration for a particular scene on each load

    ps2 were announced much earlier than gamecube and after years and years of ps1, anything on ps2 looked much better anyway and it was the most advanced gaming equipment of that era, and surpassed most average PCs back then.

    and in those days there werent such thing as 'gaming pc', just regular computers and good computers. at least where i lived.

    and it was common consensus then that it was game makers of those days that failed to fully make use of playstations 'advanced' hardware.
  5. Originally posted by CASPER Tbf were talking about a mall the market value of which is demonstrably higher the less occupied it is. Or at least the more we BELIEVE it ti be u occupied

    no, a ghost mall cost a lot less than an occupied mall.
  6. Originally posted by CASPER He mustvebeen a Dancing Boi. Vry hot commodity, Thats why he sitting riht hand to the dude with the bigdick RPG

    consult capt' falcon for more explicit tales of bacha bazi.
  7. Originally posted by rabbitweed Good god you are fucking retarded.

    Not just your ham-fisted metaphor, but the fact that your metaphor was completely wrong.

    Tenants don't increase your properties value, at the very best they keep the value neutral, at the worst they damage it. What they do bring in is rent, rent by itself doesn't increase a properties value.

    Fuck it annoys me that people as stupid as you think to themselves "oh yeah do you know what I should do? talk". No you dumb fuck, no.

    clearly doesnt know how real estates work.

    which one have more value : an empty mall or a fully rented and occupied mall ?
  8. how so ?
  9. talemt is 3 parts effort and 7 parts vagina.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein They used to call me pinky in high school 😭😂
    I just remembered that

    not after you shown them your clit.
  11. opportunities are widely and equaly distributed but talents are not.
  12. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Want to play a great open world FPS? Want a firearm license? Read this:

    getting firearm licenses is just like getting men with bigger penis than you to acknowledge your manhood.

    its a brazen proclaimation that you're out gunned and therefore seek permission from those with bigger and badder guns than yours to let you keep and bear your little, harmless firearm.
  13. Originally posted by rabbitweed You don't speak chinese and you're full of shit

    your just jelly i speak multiple flavors of shyneses.
  14. actually afghans are interesting case studies of race mixing and miscegenation.
  15. Originally posted by CASPER Also whatsup with that lone chink i fink he made a wrong turn on da silk road?

    all sewers leads to cesspool.
  16. Originally posted by rabbitweed "cinese" isn't a language. It sounds nothing like "ung more cow" in mandarin. I assume that's you trying to write out some hokkien you heard in a singaporean movie, but even then it's off (猴 is kâu, where the 'k' where the sound is more like a 'g', not "cow").

    Even in the article you linked, it mentions its use in Malaysia and Singapore, not in China, which you claimed.

    In short - you are fucking retarded.

    u nigger.
  17. anyone who claims their investments are steady are not msking their money working properly.

    its like keeping a bunch of idle negro slaves.
  18. Originally posted by rabbitweed You are fucking retarded紅毛

    must i google everything for you you unterman ?

  19. Originally posted by aldra mustardskin

    though I'm pretty white, I've had people assume I was mediterranean or some shit

    you dont look white at all.

    the next time they tell you you look medy tell them their retarded.

    ask them to list medy features.
  20. Originally posted by rabbitweed Like you can read anything other than English. You thought "untermenschen" had an umlaut at the beginning, which means you have no idea how german is written or spoken. You also said that people in China call white people "Red haired apes", please tell me where the fuck you hear 紅毛猴 and in which chinese language? Are you perhaps in 19th century Amoy?

    紅毛猴 is called ung more cow in cineses.
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