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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you have no rights you nigger

    yes i do.
  2. never said i was.
  3. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner that makes zero sense.

    shuffle the words around until they do.
  4. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner native mexicans experienced more massacres due to europeans (spanish) than did the redskins.

    native mexhicants ?

    are there non native mexhicants that i dont know about ?
  5. Originally posted by ORACLE You are illiterate so fucking read you god damn chink: Dreamcast games were easier to pirate and copy than PS2 games, so this cannot be part of why it didn't succeed in chink town. Do you actually have a source and numbers for the price of the Dreamcast vs PS1 in your region? Or are you bullshitting? What were the prices?

    you nigger-tier shitskín.

    i'd like to see you pirate a cd without originals at the time when the fastest download and upload speed was 56k.




    I never said you did. I simply pointed out you are an easily impressed and impressionable faggot.

    they you wouldnt be telling me all about the superiority of dreamcastses in their ability to push out nice looking triangles and vertices.

    you nigger.
  6. whoa.

    that is so much internet win.
  7. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Slaves are not allowed to own guns

    illusion of freedom.

    the best slaves are those who think they're free and will bear arms to protect what they're been programmed to protect with their guns and lives.
  8. cool clickbates.
  9. lol lanny.
  10. Originally posted by ORACLE You have to buy original PS2 games to make copies too, and those weren't less expensive anywhere.

    no. like i said, there were literally shops that sell exclusively pirated games. consoles and pcs. and console games were like 98% ps/ps2 games.

    I'm saying, it was just a burnt CD so there was no good reason for it to be more expensive.

    Smash Bros? Mario Kart? The best Star Wars games ever made? What does that have to do with the merits of the hardware anyway?

    i think they're available on playstation too. nothing exclusive about them.

    Sony has made nothing but rectangles with a basic controller whereas Nintendo introduced pretty much every technology used in modern gaming. Also Sony's most successful console is the one that uses off the shelf parts (PS4) so it was never a factor in their success to have unnecessary stupid hardware.

    So again, you are just spelunking in your asshole for some shit to exucse your being an easily impressed simpleton.

    i never said i wasnt.

    i never claimed to be a connosseur d'3d graphic or something. all i said was ps2 graphics left a sense of awe in me when it first came out that i still remembers to this day.

    your a faggot and its your faggotry that lead you to think i claimed to be somethimg that i did not.

  11. amd they costs less than 2 dollars.

    the reason i didnt had a ps3 was because i couldnt afford the games.
  12. Originally posted by ORACLE Idk about the price of the system itself but it could just run burnt CDs. Mongolios must not be good at piracy due to being landlocked.

    in order to make copies you must first have the originals. - j.b.peterson.

    ??? And the weaker PS2 isn't? The GameCube had categorically superior hardware.

    idk, what are the hits that were available exclusively on GC that you wish were also available on ps2 ?

    cant think of any.

    its their generic approach to hardware that also lead to their generic approach to software and so in the end it all lead their superior hardware into just another generic console.
  13. i support viruses and their rights and all but it goes without saying that their rights end where my body begins.
  14. Originally posted by ORACLE Are you just pulling shit out of your asshole? Dreamcast notoriously had virtually nonexistent copy protection, you could literally just burn CDs and play, only difference was that it strained the laser in the disc reader. You didn't even need a chip. Its launch MSRP was $200 vs the PS2's $300.

    not here. when it came out it was more expensive than ps2. and finding pirated discs for it was a bitch. truth be told during the entire time i played console games i've never had any genuine games, they're all copies made by some unknown syndicates. the only genuine game i ever had was those that came with the console.

    mrsp in the US means shit in shitholes and places without official distributors. you must've live a much sheltered life.

    Huh? What does that have to do with anything? Nintendo put IBM's PowerPC baaed Gekko in the GameCube rather than a retarded proprietary design.

    thats why its a dinasour. nuff said.
  15. Originally posted by Wariat remember when you didnt believe me how some of these shit tech companies like I suspected invoice ocean function star trek (except eith a fake eatering boy or one of their cousins coming in randomly)? and people consider these good jobs? what a life more stessful than prison.

    and star trek still wonders why I love the gig economy lol.

    clickbaits like this are meant for retards.
  16. more like alexa with homebrew ai codes.
  17. "tara, stop asking uncle jamal to scratch you there !"
  18. Originally posted by CASPER In the US we call that preschool

    innappropriate vinceng

    8=======D*********** (ninja stars)

    i assure you shes been running around asking boys and men alike to click her little button at that age.

    which is why they had to impose FGM back in her native country.
  19. Originally posted by ORACLE SEGA Dreamcast was already announced and released in 1998 and had almost as good graphics (some DC games outstripped most shitty PS2 games due to developer competence like you noted).

    due to its price its not very popular in 3rd world countries. which made it difficult to get it modded to play pirated discs.

    that was why playstation won the console battle in shitholes.

    That's probably true still. PS3 was the transition of leadership from SCEJapan to SCEAmerica finally because the japs cannot understand simple, robust hardware design. It was hard to use. The Xbox by comparison used off the shelf parts and was used to push DirectX specifically to appeal to easier development

    sony had to be exclusive and proprietary due to competition with its fellow japanese competitors while microsoft had none.

    had it been competing with RCA and IBM it surely would have had used proprietary parts.
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