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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. beta males ride moped with a fatchick in tandem into the sunset.
  2. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist mopeds are like fat chicks.

    theyre fun to ride until your friends catch you doing it

    its always the beta-tiers that are affraid to be caught riding a moped.

    or a fat chick.

    beta tier males who try to live up to others expectations.
  3. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist nowhere in anything i typed did i say that

    what else could be better than some internal documemts.
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL I look nothing like a hyena. A wolf, maybe.

    some hyenas wish theyre born wolf.
  5. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist if i didnt have a contractual obligation of media restrictions id post the best pics this sub-shithole site has ever seen or would ever have seen.

    like you mean you works for silbercorp ?
  6. Originally posted by Technologist
  7. Originally posted by ORACLE No not exactly you mong. That's why you are wrong.

    ??? Do you have brain damage?

    It's a tax credit. People got it from their IRS filings, these are all people who will file taxes next year, and receive less of their refund by $1200. I.e. It is entirely accounted for on TAXES, and if you get a refund at all, you will pay your own Corona cheque in the difference of your refund.

    That's the bookkeeping and also the actuality. It's taxes. Period.

    The only malfunction is that you are a shit for brains mongoloid.

    no you retarded paki.

    like i said, tax payers from the future do fucking not exist.

    they're imaginary and fictional.


    the only other thing that works on such principal as relying on contribution from fictional and imaginary people from the future that has yet to exist is ponzi scheme.

    P O N Z I F U C K I N G S C H E M E ! ! ! ! !

    you retarded shitskín.

    now go weave my carpet.
  8. Originally posted by WellHung If you live in Florida, technically you live in the subtropics. However, for whatever reason[s), South Florida has a tropical climate under the Koppen classification system.

    its called 3rd world weather.
  9. Originally posted by Sophie Fuck off benny this is a tropical thread.

    why ? you dont like my gay porn ?
  10. *nigs*
  11. rip
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL You… are a deviant.

    a daddy knows whats best.
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL How many hyenas do we have here anyways?

    im conversing with one right now.

    there might be more.
  14. Originally posted by G In that scenario "inner" means "mental imagery" in which I'm doing it aloud.


    intransitive verb
    To laugh quietly or to oneself.
    intransitive verb
    To cluck or chuck, as a hen.
    A quiet laugh of mild amusement or satisfaction.
  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker The kind without a dick

    so insecure.
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein Bump 4 Dad…

    good girl.

    now i want you to sit on daddys crotch.

    sit on this bulge.
  17. Originally posted by Cathay Coof He looks like he lifts. Why aren't you into him? Too young?

    her pussy too loose.
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You have the choice of having it forced down your throat or up your bunghole.

    thats option, not choice.
  19. Originally posted by -SpectraL Would you call the screech of a hyena free speech?

    if its understood by other hyenas or non hyenas, then yes.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hey billiam you gotta admit though that Florida has the best culture in the u.s.

    disney and nursing home ?
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