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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Grylls That’s just flaccid and taken at no particular angle 🤷‍♂️

    you obviously used a close up shot to make it appear bigger.
  2. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I don't know where i wanna put my tounge first.

    why'd you put your tongue on a moon like that ?

    edit : sea of tranquility if you have to,
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

  4. Originally posted by ORACLE It is a non refundable tax credit for FY 2020-2021.

    so you mean its a monthly/quarterly/annually tax that people pay from jan of 2020 to dec of 2020 right.

    so whats the average amount of taxes average american pay per month ?

    do they pay $400 or more per month because if they do not pay more than that, and because the pandemic started out in march, they'd have paid less than $1200 in taxes to the governmemt.

    and if thats the case, then where, do the rest of the monies for their trumpbux came from.
  5. Originally posted by aldra I don't think anyone really cares a lot, it's just an avenue for ripping him

    in a year he's made over 2000 threads and they're mostly drunken, incomprehensible rants about prison or asking for feedback on his 'art' then getting upset when people do make recommendations

    he provided me with lots of good chuckles.

    good, innocent, genuine chuxkles.
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If he has a penis he is not a woman.

    man and woman is relativity.

    the manlier you are the more womanly the other person is, regardless of the status of their penis.
  7. Originally posted by Grylls Posted in a previous thread

    lol, granted your penis is bigger than mine, its still funny that you feel the need to make your dick appear bigger than it really is by means of camera angles and perspectives.
  8. Originally posted by ORACLE You are intellectually incapable of understanding how the Federal Reserve System works.

    I know this because of the present conversation.

    To be clear, no part of the fiscal policy is a time machine.

    If this is "monies from the future" then by the exact same token it's being paid for by taxes "from the future."

    It's not tho.

    ok, assume your right, explain in simple english so that chinks like me can understand ;


  9. my favourite tree assault.
  10. gray pill.
  11. Originally posted by Misguided Russian I bought a 3k usd pc to browse

    and looking at men with guns.
  12. Originally posted by Grylls It’s mine and been up your moms ass

    She fucking loved it

    i dont have a mom.

    thats my dad dude.

    Originally posted by Grylls And what the fuck do you mean mutilated

    looks as if foreskin had been forcibly removed,
  13. Originally posted by ORACLE Money from the future doesn't exist, as a time machine hasn't been invented yet.

    then where, did the money for trumpbux came from ?
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood He should go live in the forests and spend his days harvesting wild poppies for a buzz

    its been deforested for palm oil.
  15. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist no duh.

    the best part was he was buddy-buddy with the local highest-ranking-elected-law-enforcement-official who oddly enough was part of the group that arrested him at his house.

    the dude had a giant election sign up in his yard every time the LEO was up for reelection.

    people who are amart enough to do those things are usually smart enough to stash their retirement funds somewhere safe so that they dont lose it all when being caught.
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Quit being stupid

    you have difficulties defining race ?
  17. Originally posted by G Aloud means audible, while loud means with a great deal of volume.

    thats not what my dicktionary says.
  18. Originally posted by BummyMofo Nice try, faget. Still no.

    thanks for you're cooperation.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace >has been to jail


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