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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Octavian Haha I do it to remind him he doesn't belong here.

    week amd unimaginative.
  2. Originally posted by ORACLE It's irrelevant, unless you think all of the government's operating capital is taxes collected in the ongoing year. Which it isn't. But it's balanced against our taxes.

    in other words, money from the future.

  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Finny is just an alt lol. I know him irl. He lives by me.

    how much did you charge him ?

    does he tips ?
  4. Originally posted by Octavian OP's race, Kikes.


    get a DNA test.

    you might be a sanded nigger.
  5. Originally posted by G Which can be done aloud.

    then it'd not be quiet.
  6. Originally posted by ORACLE Hoe does this create a magic portal to the next year to get money from?

    answer the questions.
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I am, spamming someones name seems to make it go up in google results.

    but it doesnt make it to top 10 if you just search for partial names.

    i did 'MACIEJ WIESLAW' and all that came up are his records of arrests.
  8. Originally posted by ORACLE Money from the future doesn't exist. It's money now, balanced in from somewhere. It's balanced in against the 2020 tax season.

    when did fy 2020 start ?

    how much taxes does an averaged person paid in taxes up till 03/2020 ?
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol I've been waiting for you to say the finance thing for a while. Vinny out of his league

  10. Originally posted by ORACLE Shut the fuck up.


    The past tax season was for 2019. Next year will have tax season for the year 2020.

    The stimulus is applied as a refundable tax credit for the 2020 season. I.e. you are simply getting a $1200 break for the 2020 season. That's it. There doesn't need to be money conjured from anywhere.

    getting the money from the tax break before the entire tax season concluded = getting tax money from the future.



    I actually have a degree in finance whereas you are just a gay mong.

    a degree of financial uncertainty because your career as a male whore is coming to an end due to prolapsed asshole.


    paki nigger shítskin.
  11. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Because it does. In 2021. Fucking retard.

    THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: The amount is based on your 2020 taxes. 2020 taxes haven't been filed yet.

    So they're using 2018 and 2019 taxes to determine how much your check is. How much you are actually due is based on 2020 taxes. This really only matters if you're experiencing a significant change in income that would change your bracket.

    Lets say that they use your 2019 taxes and determine that you get $1,200. Great. You get the check. You probably already have it by now. But maybe in 2020 you got a promotion. During the 2021 tax season they will re-evaluate your eligibility for the money. Maybe your 2020 tax means you only get 1,000. You're going to owe the government back that 200. Likewise if your income goes down, you might get extra money in your 2020 tax refund (which is again, in 2021).

    in other words and in simpler terms : your trumpbux came from future tax payers.

    This money is coming from 2018 taxes, it is coming from 2019 taxes, it is coming from 2020 taxes. It's coming from the taxpayer you fucking idiot. Nobody said it comes from 'tax cuts' wtf you retard? Kill yourself.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    whats the sum total of tax collected in 2019 and US budget for 2020 ?

  12. Originally posted by Speedy Parker So by your reasoning any man that doesn't like dick is insecure. So what are you a secure dick sucker?

    a man who is secure in his own sexuality isnt going to stop seeing a women hes attracted to just because she has a penis.
  13. then contribute.
  14. Originally posted by Grylls

    it could be anyones.

    and why was it mutilated ?
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood In the drug scene we use coins

    coins are not standard across the globe.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 2020

    Still has nothing to do with this coming from tax payer money.

    it does when that bretarded paki claims your $1200 trumpbux comes from tax cuts for the fiscal year 2020.
  17. Originally posted by Grylls shaddap you lil azn dik faggit

    lets see your non asian sized dick.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol what the fuck are you talking about. FOR the year 2020 up to march? This is not how paying taxes works holy fucking shit lmao.

    so when does the fiscal year 2020 starts ?
  19. Originally posted by Grylls One of those lego arrived today

    Pretty fucking cool, bigger than I thought

    the next time you want to emphasize how big something is, put a ruler or some standard sized object next to it to show size,
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