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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I stand with you

    you dont see man without percs everyday.
  2. Originally posted by ORACLE Shut the fuck up you dense mother fucker.

    In America paycheques are generally selected to have "withholding" so income tax is withheld, and at the end of the year you file an Income Tax Return to receive a refund for any overpayment, benefits etc that might reduce your tax burden. Next year those people will ONLY (this is etbe entirety of the economic impact as a total) have paid $1200 less in taxes. Period.

    Fucking illiterate. Learn to read you gook.

    1 - not true at all.

    2 - even if we assume your retarded hypothesis is true, taxes paid for the year 2020 up to march when the pandemic started per person is way under $1200. tyat means even if your retarded hypothesis is true, some portion of that 1200 still have to come from somewhere other than from the tax payers themselves.

    3 - majority of these people who got the $1200 has been on welfare for decades and a significant of them were even dead.

    4 - your a retarded paki shítskin and have no bussiness discoursing economics and other complicated subjects.

    5 - nigger.
  3. Originally posted by Grylls Nah I aint no moslem

    It was a bank holiday here

    exactly what a terrorist would say.

    reported to mi5 for terrorist and terrorist-like activities.

    Originally posted by Grylls Im fagnostic

    Originally posted by Grylls Agnostic*

    Originally posted by Grylls But baptised a catholic
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Mexicans arent a race you fool

    define race.
  5. garden party ?

    r u celebrating eid ?
  6. Originally posted by Grylls Dem messican hats

    i c.
  7. define worst.
  8. picts goddammmit.

    i dont like googling whats sombrero.
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol you're fucking retarded. This is completely irrelevant.


    retarded spic attempted to talk about tax payer money without knowing where those tax payer money came from.

    go back to mowing the tax payers lawn you spic.
  10. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist my truck has had sex with more women than most of the posters on this site.

    i envy your truck.
  11. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace From the allocated federal funds payed for by the tax payer….

    whats the sum total of tax collected in 2019 and US budget for 2020 ?
  12. i like men.
  13. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist i meant pictures of not that.

    so, you mean pictures of men then.
  14. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist betas dont care what the betas think

    betas only care about how much its going to cost at the carwash to clean beta juices off their over sized tires.

    oversized tires too ? thats lots of compensators.
  15. Originally posted by ORACLE There are no "taxpayers from the future" involved you gay illiterate. There aren't randomly generated 18 year olds being put into the tax system next year. They are present tax filers, who are receiving a refundable tax credit for next year. That's it. That's literally all: they are committing to collecting less tax next year.

    you utterly retarded shitskín.

    what if the ones who got their $1200 relief fund today spent all those money on drugs and then killed themselves.

    the money they spent will still be circulating out there but their future self will not exost to pay for the "tax reliefs" they got today.

    so my question is if your retarded argument is true, then where do the monies for our recently deceased "tax reliefs" recipient come from.

    retard nigger.
  16. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist the mariel boatlift and proximity to the caribbean shitholes dont help. FL is literally the first place they come ashore because of the massive amount of unsecured shoreline

    thats why most of the drugs from south america flow into the US via FL.

    cocaine cowboys…ftw. i used to work with a dude who used to do that. made millions. got busted. then to prison for (chinee accent:) 'rong time'…and lost millions…then got out…got a respectable job. and oddly enough drove cars that cost more than he made in two years.

    must have made more than he lost.
  17. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist beta males dont own mopeds.

    they use them as speed bumps.

    thats what betas who compensate their lack of betaness with trucks think.
  18. all your aunts have filthy and unattemded gutters.

    why is that.
  19. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist the white ones it does. in spiclando, tampa, jackscoonsville, and new havana it is borderline third-world shithole fest.

    places with 3rd world weather attracts 3rd world people.
  20. Originally posted by BummyMofo vinny you know nobody clicks your links ever. and no chicks willingly touch your wang ever LOL

    o, they're whites-only links.

    you're not supposed to click them.
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