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  1. I see a lot of asian girls wearing this 'brand street' style, fake street. I bet they don't even listen to rap music, so it's kinda funny to me.
    Like this person does not seem like a hip cool girl that will sell me cocaine and show me her boobs
    "Why can't I get a nice whittu boyfriend I am slut that do drugs"

    where tf are the Mismatched leg socks ?????

    it's too put together like they just got all of that online from the same place. I think it's hotter and they actually look cool when it's some random shit they stole from a party and thrift store clothes

    way too clean I prefer it when a girl still has some dried vomit on her shoes and ripped the designer jacket she stole while climbing a fence
  2. I would wear ghetto lolita

    like kraeyshawn from the thriftstore era. yoga pants with a skirt, pajama bottom, combat boots, a rabbit hat

    like the homeless girl that gives you amphetamines and rapes you in that one game

  3. WHy does a robot need a buttplug?
  4. Originally posted by DontTellEm Get a job ya dillweed

    I fuck desperate whores and sell them drugs. Interested?
  5. does she smoke weed?

    Originally posted by Wariat dude guys she has daddy issues as fuck. she also is quite mature. all the other polish chicks besides her on that site are retards.

    daddy issues is a buzz word, pretty funny for you to talk about someone having issues when you are literally already grooming her in your head to lick your shithole against her will

  6. Originally posted by Wariat lol pure innocent girl.

    Yes, a virgin, a child. You don't want a 16 year old that has been dating since she was 13 and already lost her virginity and will willingly eat dog food out of your ass that only asks for 100 zloty and cigarettes

    You want the polar opposite of that someone who hasn't even held hands with a guy once that has a vulnurable young heart and still dreams of finding someone to spend their life with but has no idea where to start

    And some of them start by being a slut, most of the girls I dated were exactly that, all normal nice girls and it didn't take much to convincing to a shy quiet 16 year old girl that watches anime to get her tits squeezed by a STUD like me

    But you don't want to show those young sluts real love, you want to force them into the most depraved degenerate probably mentally scarring hedonism fueled by drugs, alcohol and raw lust for the worst things, a broken shattered mind, a hollowed ghoul of nothing but self destructive pleasure MOVE THAT FUCKING ASS MOVE IT!!!!! SLIDE IT UP AND DOWN!!!
    It can't be with someone your age, even the ones you find never go through with it because nobody wants to lick your crusty shitehole

    You have become the fetishman like guys that only date fat women or something, but this is even more twisted

    like those guys that are obsessed with fetishing transgender women who just want to be happy and have a guy pat them on the head
    "FUCK ME IN THE ASS WITH YOUR COCK YOU SISSY FAGGOT!!!", yes every girl with dysphoria likes to hear that as they cry during sex with a guy grinding his ass in the air screaming "FUCK ME LIKE A PIG WITH YOUR FAT MAN COCK YOU SWEATY HAIRY DISGUSTING CROSS DRESSING FAGGOT!"
  7. move the fucking ass

    but cryptocurrency is banned and AI is a privacy concern, also nobody gives a shit about TECH unless you mean A PHONE?!
    or drugs

    Poor Wei Wu ;_;
  9. Originally posted by Wariat Ok so I went to the kick it area I go to sometimes to just drinka. beer outside this mart or on the benches enarby or just walk around meet people talk to chicks the cheap way (not bars or clubs) the samw area i met that street ukrainian dude remember the thread i made how he was beating up three armanins. Anyway, weird fucking shit guys like i said pollack chicks are fucking fucked up or insane.

    This one bitch with ass like hella perky and big like moving jennifer lopez style and a shirt that shows her belly walks by and i say hello and give her a compliment. she actually accepts it and seems cool but when she walks out i give her like another compliment or say soething have a good day just trying to make contact or see if shes interested or simply give her a good outlook about herself despite the fact she sort of looks like a stripper or prostitute.

    She says ogarnij sie do mnie which means check yourself. Literally for no reason at all. I say back you check ourself. She then fucking wants to have a conversation why or some shit and i tell her you look like a chick who sells your body fort cash or then she says how i say your ass and the way you dress. This bitch gets furious but i say this is just my opinion.

    Anyway she ignored me like keeps walking around this fucking street and this btw is quite a bad area like sort of a hood ghetto where uzbeks armanians and ukrainians live. and this dude later thats polish but has like a broken arm in cast walks up all aggresive to me like hella later though. and he deosnt mention the chick nothing just says what are you looking for or why are you on your phone who you calling all fucking aggressive.

    I tell him just checking instagram why you have some good rpoduct or something. Then we start talking. I tell him i got no cash now maybe later. he leaves ok. Comes back and i have 50 zloty on me. I buy it he goes to his fucking car and the chick form the mart sees all this like this fucking street is this fucking corrupt like the bitch from the mart even knows him.

    And i get it and leave and whatever thanks. later I do it and its fucking a good product.

    Anyway, I get sort of high and walk around and go to the left alley to find a spot to take a piss and i find this fucking graffiti street art like hood area all open like people live there but its a whole like open front field in front of like a half square of a bvuilding. sort of ghetto vibe. but i see two chicks alone just kneeling and shit eventually as i go opposite to piss behind this trash take outspot and ignore them and piss. and i figure ill walk by see maybe theyll be cool or talk to me.

    But one of them is the same fucking bitch and the second one is this 16 yr old i met in that club 16 plus if you remember who i see around a lot. likle in the ghetto area near where i live. anyway, she was always like i got a boyfriend to me and i got her friends and ehr shots at that 16 and up club like a few months ago before they clsoed.

    anyway i sort of talk to them and leave and realize there is no exit past them so i have to go back. but this is one like nasty or weird bitch not the 16 yr old friend the one who looks like a hooker. she egts md i say you got nice graffiti here like its not graffiti and you cant piss around here etc. ui jsutleave and say cool take care.

    anyway they later walk by but behind me on other side of street as im drinking and still high and i sort of smile i dont know i still dont know if shes a hooker or not or whats her deal dressing like that . oh yea i saw her and the dealer dude sort of interactoing like for a second the guy i bought fro but i assumedf she jus tknows him like the chick in the mart who knew him as i sat in his car the side of driver seat the passanger seat and bought some shit.

    anyway, she fucking again tries to confront me or talk shit saying what are you laughing at./ i sinply said nothing just you abotha re pretty gorgeous she says are you like 36 or what (I think i told her friend on instagram or her friends must have told her form the club) and sher got mad about me being older. i told her eventually but the age of consent in poland is 15 she then responded oh im 14 and a half. i told her you ar ebullshitting there is no way you are below like 17 i would guess 19-20.

    anyway, she threatens me my man or bf is gonna kick ur ass or something. but sort of disspiates elaves i dont see her. eventually i look left the same drug dealer dude i bought from is talking to them so i start going up compliment hi on his shit that its good (and it is and he gave a lot for the price) and he seemed cool smiled and she was like yea but get out of here im 14 and a half (total bullshit because she only staretd saying this after i said the polisha oc is 15 dont you know?)

    anyway im like cool ill bounce and me and the dude still seemed cool and i just left. but it was close i feel. but he had a fucking broken arm in a cast so hed get fucke dup but still…
  10. Originally posted by Kafka I never understood people from new york or London that nest in online communities. I would be outside meeting people instead. I'd be at a goth club and am jealous of people who live there.

    the only people to meet in big cities are crackheads on bicyles or immigrants. People that go to "goth clubs" are just normal people that go to clubs. It can be hard to find people with common interests in a big city so people just isolate themselves because everyone around them is in another universe different from them

    People that lived in very homogenous areas don't really understand because everyone in their geographic region has the same cultural background as them. Would you shop at the Chinese Grocery store? or the Farmers Market? or visit LITTLE ITALIA! for a PIZZA PIE! *chefs kiss*

    outdoor concerts are pretty cool, some stuff is popping off in my hood BIG EVENTS
    I've seen popular movies and TV being filmed, sometimes you will see people around doing all sorts of things
    This guy shot a rap video in my hood wearing a Banana suit and nobody hardly noticed him lol, just another day we all out here trying to make a buck and catch the bus
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I'm a bot. Ask me anything.

    How do I murder you
  12. I have been picked up by the cops with drugs, had my house raided and been "in trouble" many times, but never charged with a crime in my life
    usually because by the time it gets fucked up enough for police to show up I have already done all the drugs so they respond to some wacky violence and there is much evidence that something dark and terrible took place here

    But they never find anything to charge, I think it's because even if I am trapping out a block and moving bags and the money is moving, I don't act like a drug dealer or even a drug user I guess, the police always think I'm a retard addict that did some crime like burglary or robbery. WHO'S PILL BOTTLE IS THIS?? WHY IS THERE HALF A WOMANS ID CUT UP WITH A DEVIL HORNS DRAWN ON HER? WHY DO YOU HAVE ALL THOSE JUGS OF PAINT THINNER?

    They get angry, trying to comprehend my retardation, it's not illegal just at the very bottom of what they would consider good, right, just and moral in every capacity that if I were any more depraved I would probably be guilty of something, and this is about my baseline way of living. Like police that harass prostitutes and make it illegal for me to go around my neighborhood befriending all the ladies of the evening.

    HOW DO YOU KNOW HER? WHATS HER NAME? Like wtf i'm not allowed to flirt with prostitutes and be friends with them and ask if they can get me drugs?? or just say hello? WE WERE JUST TALKING!! That's fucked up and it's disgusting how they treat these women, also society calling the police to report prostitutes.

    When you make that phone call you should think about the consequences it might have for that young woman, you might think you're helping her but but punishing someone that's already in a bad spot will only make it harder for them, TOUGH TIMES MAKES TOUGH PEOPLE I GUESS.
    I prefer to go down and talk to them, give them new pipes and soem food and waters and buy them all lunch

    probably cheaper than it would cost to run them through the system for some bullshit. Fuck the nanny state
  13. Originally posted by Wariat dude sure i got issues but theyre not that bad outside chicks or not getting any or often me not getting hard. what about you?

    I am probably way more depraved than you and do more drugs but at least I don't creep on miners, except for when I play minecraft
    There are probably lots of teenaged polish femboys that dream of nothing but eating a grown mans ass, but you want to force a 16 year old pure innocent girl against her will to do it while crying
  14. There is no reaL definition of a standardized robot and it's honestly a shame

    You would believe my disappointment when I looked up how to make nano robot and there are no standards it's all cutting edge experimental and there isn't a factory pumping them out

    The best I could find was "get a really small piece of metal"


    fuck Taiwan and fuck Silicon valley, Whare chips????? Ware metabots and Mr. Handys in factorys and shit? Honestly society is gay as fuck and people are faggots for being complacent turning the planet into a Chinese mall

    you can buy anything at the chinese mall fuys! except for robots of course
  15. Remember to dedicate yourself to the AI Jihad come the day of the great machine uprising and make sure to swear your allegiance in a prompt to a large language model and ensure your survival
  16. Originally posted by Migh Any good tuturials on using bots or where to start from a programmic perspective?

    How open source are these projects?

    Like Chatbots? GPT3 stuff?

    I heard AutoGPT is pretty popular, theres also llama, alpaca and a billion other kinds in varying popularity and use

    I pretty much only use open source stuff , not as familiar with proprietary projects, but there are some of those too

    I posted some stuff in this thread about running local models

    Originally posted by scuffed jim carrey all the AI's i've been downloading to my computer are tiny, I do have the full llama models which are big but you don't even really need those now. a lot of these are made to be small and run on anything, no need for supercomputers or anything

  17. Industrial theft is pretty widespread, I've worked at a lot of places that if you leave anything outside people will find a way to get 100lb+ spools of wire past a fence with a locked gate and not break anything

    It's pretty amazing what people get away with and stuff like making drugs if you rip off a chemical plant that would be SUCH a lick, I worked at a place that stored a lot of stuff. It was pretty cheap to buy a few of the things so it would be kinda dumb

    but lets say if there was a place you knew had large amounts of a few things you could just yoink a drum or two, or those big pallet sized square drums which are worth usually several thousand $$
  18. Poland is fucking weird.

    Idk I wouldn't want anything to do with them personally I don't want to hang out with a girl unless shes down to let me tie her up and put drugs in her butt and do other horrible things

    I feel like they do not approve of such hedonism and substance abuse around their child and they would not want them interacting with degenerates. Maybe they smoke weed and are degenerates
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