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Almost got in a fight with a drug dealer

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Ok so I went to the kick it area I go to sometimes to just drinka. beer outside this mart or on the benches enarby or just walk around meet people talk to chicks the cheap way (not bars or clubs) the samw area i met that street ukrainian dude remember the thread i made how he was beating up three armanins. Anyway, weird fucking shit guys like i said pollack chicks are fucking fucked up or insane.

    This one bitch with ass like hella perky and big like moving jennifer lopez style and a shirt that shows her belly walks by and i say hello and give her a compliment. she actually accepts it and seems cool but when she walks out i give her like another compliment or say soething have a good day just trying to make contact or see if shes interested or simply give her a good outlook about herself despite the fact she sort of looks like a stripper or prostitute.

    She says ogarnij sie do mnie which means check yourself. Literally for no reason at all. I say back you check ourself. She then fucking wants to have a conversation why or some shit and i tell her you look like a chick who sells your body fort cash or then she says how i say your ass and the way you dress. This bitch gets furious but i say this is just my opinion.

    Anyway she ignored me like keeps walking around this fucking street and this btw is quite a bad area like sort of a hood ghetto where uzbeks armanians and ukrainians live. and this dude later thats polish but has like a broken arm in cast walks up all aggresive to me like hella later though. and he deosnt mention the chick nothing just says what are you looking for or why are you on your phone who you calling all fucking aggressive.

    I tell him just checking instagram why you have some good rpoduct or something. Then we start talking. I tell him i got no cash now maybe later. he leaves ok. Comes back and i have 50 zloty on me. I buy it he goes to his fucking car and the chick form the mart sees all this like this fucking street is this fucking corrupt like the bitch from the mart even knows him.

    And i get it and leave and whatever thanks. later I do it and its fucking a good product.

    Anyway, I get sort of high and walk around and go to the left alley to find a spot to take a piss and i find this fucking graffiti street art like hood area all open like people live there but its a whole like open front field in front of like a half square of a bvuilding. sort of ghetto vibe. but i see two chicks alone just kneeling and shit eventually as i go opposite to piss behind this trash take outspot and ignore them and piss. and i figure ill walk by see maybe theyll be cool or talk to me.

    But one of them is the same fucking bitch and the second one is this 16 yr old i met in that club 16 plus if you remember who i see around a lot. likle in the ghetto area near where i live. anyway, she was always like i got a boyfriend to me and i got her friends and ehr shots at that 16 and up club like a few months ago before they clsoed.

    anyway i sort of talk to them and leave and realize there is no exit past them so i have to go back. but this is one like nasty or weird bitch not the 16 yr old friend the one who looks like a hooker. she egts md i say you got nice graffiti here like its not graffiti and you cant piss around here etc. ui jsutleave and say cool take care.

    anyway they later walk by but behind me on other side of street as im drinking and still high and i sort of smile i dont know i still dont know if shes a hooker or not or whats her deal dressing like that . oh yea i saw her and the dealer dude sort of interactoing like for a second the guy i bought fro but i assumedf she jus tknows him like the chick in the mart who knew him as i sat in his car the side of driver seat the passanger seat and bought some shit.

    anyway, she fucking again tries to confront me or talk shit saying what are you laughing at./ i sinply said nothing just you abotha re pretty gorgeous she says are you like 36 or what (I think i told her friend on instagram or her friends must have told her form the club) and sher got mad about me being older. i told her eventually but the age of consent in poland is 15 she then responded oh im 14 and a half. i told her you ar ebullshitting there is no way you are below like 17 i would guess 19-20.

    anyway, she threatens me my man or bf is gonna kick ur ass or something. but sort of disspiates elaves i dont see her. eventually i look left the same drug dealer dude i bought from is talking to them so i start going up compliment hi on his shit that its good (and it is and he gave a lot for the price) and he seemed cool smiled and she was like yea but get out of here im 14 and a half (total bullshit because she only staretd saying this after i said the polisha oc is 15 dont you know?)

    anyway im like cool ill bounce and me and the dude still seemed cool and i just left. but it was close i feel. but he had a fucking broken arm in a cast so hed get fucke dup but still...
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I know how to deal with such situations now instead how i delt eith them in my 20s.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    but whats weird there is no way this bitch was not like 19 or so i figure plus her ass was like fake looking and ehr jeans were tight and she had like barely a shirt on.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    to be honest i dealt with that situation well but another one badly where i should have decked a guy or simply threw him. these uzbeks were asing me how good his shit was i kept talking to thems aid it was good later some fuck one of em but not original who was sitting there came to them and i walked across talkeing to them and he got mad like in my face.
  5. #5
    Too bad he didn’t kill your ass
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Wariat Ok so I went to the kick it area I go to sometimes to just drinka. beer outside this mart or on the benches enarby or just walk around meet people talk to chicks the cheap way (not bars or clubs) the samw area i met that street ukrainian dude remember the thread i made how he was beating up three armanins. Anyway, weird fucking shit guys like i said pollack chicks are fucking fucked up or insane.

    This one bitch with ass like hella perky and big like moving jennifer lopez style and a shirt that shows her belly walks by and i say hello and give her a compliment. she actually accepts it and seems cool but when she walks out i give her like another compliment or say soething have a good day just trying to make contact or see if shes interested or simply give her a good outlook about herself despite the fact she sort of looks like a stripper or prostitute.

    She says ogarnij sie do mnie which means check yourself. Literally for no reason at all. I say back you check ourself. She then fucking wants to have a conversation why or some shit and i tell her you look like a chick who sells your body fort cash or then she says how i say your ass and the way you dress. This bitch gets furious but i say this is just my opinion.

    Anyway she ignored me like keeps walking around this fucking street and this btw is quite a bad area like sort of a hood ghetto where uzbeks armanians and ukrainians live. and this dude later thats polish but has like a broken arm in cast walks up all aggresive to me like hella later though. and he deosnt mention the chick nothing just says what are you looking for or why are you on your phone who you calling all fucking aggressive.

    I tell him just checking instagram why you have some good rpoduct or something. Then we start talking. I tell him i got no cash now maybe later. he leaves ok. Comes back and i have 50 zloty on me. I buy it he goes to his fucking car and the chick form the mart sees all this like this fucking street is this fucking corrupt like the bitch from the mart even knows him.

    And i get it and leave and whatever thanks. later I do it and its fucking a good product.

    Anyway, I get sort of high and walk around and go to the left alley to find a spot to take a piss and i find this fucking graffiti street art like hood area all open like people live there but its a whole like open front field in front of like a half square of a bvuilding. sort of ghetto vibe. but i see two chicks alone just kneeling and shit eventually as i go opposite to piss behind this trash take outspot and ignore them and piss. and i figure ill walk by see maybe theyll be cool or talk to me.

    But one of them is the same fucking bitch and the second one is this 16 yr old i met in that club 16 plus if you remember who i see around a lot. likle in the ghetto area near where i live. anyway, she was always like i got a boyfriend to me and i got her friends and ehr shots at that 16 and up club like a few months ago before they clsoed.

    anyway i sort of talk to them and leave and realize there is no exit past them so i have to go back. but this is one like nasty or weird bitch not the 16 yr old friend the one who looks like a hooker. she egts md i say you got nice graffiti here like its not graffiti and you cant piss around here etc. ui jsutleave and say cool take care.

    anyway they later walk by but behind me on other side of street as im drinking and still high and i sort of smile i dont know i still dont know if shes a hooker or not or whats her deal dressing like that . oh yea i saw her and the dealer dude sort of interactoing like for a second the guy i bought fro but i assumedf she jus tknows him like the chick in the mart who knew him as i sat in his car the side of driver seat the passanger seat and bought some shit.

    anyway, she fucking again tries to confront me or talk shit saying what are you laughing at./ i sinply said nothing just you abotha re pretty gorgeous she says are you like 36 or what (I think i told her friend on instagram or her friends must have told her form the club) and sher got mad about me being older. i told her eventually but the age of consent in poland is 15 she then responded oh im 14 and a half. i told her you ar ebullshitting there is no way you are below like 17 i would guess 19-20.

    anyway, she threatens me my man or bf is gonna kick ur ass or something. but sort of disspiates elaves i dont see her. eventually i look left the same drug dealer dude i bought from is talking to them so i start going up compliment hi on his shit that its good (and it is and he gave a lot for the price) and he seemed cool smiled and she was like yea but get out of here im 14 and a half (total bullshit because she only staretd saying this after i said the polisha oc is 15 dont you know?)

    anyway im like cool ill bounce and me and the dude still seemed cool and i just left. but it was close i feel. but he had a fucking broken arm in a cast so hed get fucke dup but still…
  7. #7
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    A Wariat post that isn't about teenage women? Woah. Color me surprised.
  8. #8
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Or thread, really.
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