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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    When you get to 20 liters do you start to see some savings?
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Steven try shortening your posts lol

    Nice excuse for getting called on your catholic funded indigenous intolerance. The trail of tears goes from your eyes to your asshole
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting How was i placing myself as a victim. Poor reach also. 0/10. Homos-0 cigreting- 1

    You're implying someone is going to use an event in another country as leverage to victimize you. This is classic victim positioning. Is your hair dyed blue perchance?
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting Its not only my experiences but human nature. You can not fight human nature. Any questions?

    It's human nature to procreate and have sex. You fail in this endeavor and are therefore subhuman. Any questions?

    Originally posted by cigreting Im not afraid of anyone

    Why do you provide for another mans cum and its unemployed mother?

    Your life is governed by fear and insecurity. Why do you forego your biological nature?
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Steven Not offensive to me. Just disappointing to see a supposedly educated human being think like this.

    1. You're not Cree so by your own logic of being a you shouldn't be saying these kinds of things about other peoples, no? 'Wildest and most violent'. Wow. Hey, didn't white people start both world wars and commit genocide on the Cree?

    2. I assume you've gotten an official statement from every individual in Canada who identifies as a native. I'm sure that they've all said that Mohawk and Blackfoot are inferior. All of them think that. Of course they do.

    3. Managing to spread stereotypes about 3 different cultures in one sentences is very impressive. Someone once told me that 'All Muslims seem to do is build bombs, fuck goats, and wear pajamas' but that only targets 1 culture.

    4. You identify as white and are unwilling to find out the truth? What does it matter? What would actually change about your life if you found out you were 3/4 redhead and not 4/4 redhead

    Seriously: Why do you believe in so many stereotypes? Do you really think that what you're saying here is an accurate portrayal of these cultures?

    1. Well it's kinda factual, if you know anything about crime severity indicators in Canada you'd know the most violent and crime ridden places in Canada per capita are places like north battlefords, Saskatoon, prince Albert, quesnel, Regina, onion lake etc, most of which have high concentrations of Cree. Obviously intergenerational trauma and other social indicators drive these numbers up. I also would never imply that crime and violence are bad things among adults and don't believe these reflect poorly on the communities.

    2. Nigger, read about the history of the Mohawks. They beefed with everyone and linked with the Iroquois just to protect their fur trading, then beefed with them too. Their main stronghold now is Kahnawake which is gangster city. Highlighting other natives dislike of Mohawk and blackfoot is pretty irrefutable. Blackfoot especially, Mohawks are just disliked. Please ask any Canadian native.

    3. I once fucked a goat in my pajamas. It was DA BOMB

    4. That's why I typed that it wouldn't matter and I haven't bothered to do so, YOU SILLY BOY

    5. why do you feel the need to virtue signal about subjects and cultures you know nothing?

    6. Is all you know about natives "CLEVELAND INJUNS AND WASHINGTON REDSKINZ BAD"

    7. Did you know that in our lifetime the Canadian government was unwittingly sterilizing native women who were committed to asylums?

    8. As a Mexican with catholic ancestors, will you apologize to natives for the systematic physical emotional and sexual abuse your institution has inflicted upon them for hundreds of years?

    9. Do you remember when Trump went on about Elizabeth Warren in front of the Navajo code talkers?

    10. Wasn't that funny?

    11. Do you even know who Graham Greene is? Not the author, Mr DANCES WITH WOLVES as well as Mr Crabby Tree on Dudley the Dragon when I was a kid. Also on the red green show

    12. Until you've been punched in the face by a drunk native woman don't @ me Pedro
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I like the leaps you made to turn some stabbings on a reserve in another country into your own personal victimization
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting democrats obvious agenda is to disarm the people and outlaw guns, now we need to ban knives since a large stabbing happened.

    I recently also read that an african drove his car into a crowd and killed several people.

    We should ban cars too right? I mean how dangerous are these guns, cars, and knives that keep killing innocient people right?

    Should just ban women altogether since they victimize you so 🤷
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    A friend of mine was in an "Indian day" school and was left handed so the nun made her tie her hand behind her back. I remember hearing stories like that when I was a kid and didn't think they were true
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Steven Its your thought process that is the problem.

    Your bias/experience, positive or negative, is irrelevant, as has already been stated.

    Doesn't matter if you have a gay black best friend if you still go around behind their backs talking shit about gay black people.

    Even if I'm 'virtue signaling' you should have a logical rebuttal to what I've said. You don't have to type it out, but you should at least consider the validity of my arguments, if only to prove to yourself that you aren't what you've been accused of.

    I am sure the 'natives' you've 'busted in' and 'stayed up all night drinking and doing drugs with' would not like hearing the things you've had to say here. So, why did you say them? Do you still hold what you've said to be true? Do you roll back on even some of what you've said? Are you going to self-reflect at all, will you just keep going through life uninhibited by such nagging weights?

    You seem very quick to call out these traits in others, but you're unable to recognize them in yourself.

    Can you highlight what I typed that was so offensive to you and native people and I'll ask some about it?

    Thank you, taco nigger who's never met a native person and takes things on the internet too seriously
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Steven No, they killed them all and named their sports teams after them. There are no tribal lands here.

    It doesn't really matter though. Your post is filled with egregious negative stereotypes based on your own personal bias. I don't need to have experienced people from these cultures to understand that.

    If I used the same logic to say things about muslims or Canadian redheads, you would probably have a problem with it. I have seen you have a problem with it.

    Personal bias should not really factor into your beliefs about the world. You're not any more observant than anyone else. You're not in some special all-seeing position in life where you can judge the ins and outs of every culture that exists. Humans as a whole tend to develop negative memories/associations more easily than positive ones. Our recollective memory is provenly shit. How can one justify such generalized and degrading statements when we are all flawed in the same ways?

    I am sure Islamic teachings have something wise to say about this. Go find it.

    Christianity has that thing about 'let he who cast the first stone be without sin'.

    Are you without sin? Haven't you been an immoral person before? Haven't you committed criminal acts? You identify as 'white'? Literally who gives a fucking fuck, 'white' didn't even exist ~100yrs ago. Why do you associate with 'white' but not whatever country your ancestors came from? Why does it matter?

    I also want to state that I'm not exactly innocent of doing what I'm accusing you of doing. I just think its important to recognize when you're doing illogical/irrational shit that is harmful to society. Yesterday I caught myself thinking that maybe women should cover up when they're in public, because I get uncomfortable seeing 15yr olds hanging their ass out in Target. But that's obviously stupid and just based on my own personal problems. Maybe other people wouldn't have even noticed the ass hanging out. Maybe I should stop ogling women in public and feeling guilt when I suspect they are younger than I'd like them to be. Plus, I wouldn't want my clothing options to be dictated by someone else, so why would I do that to anyone else? Normally I'm of the belief that nudism should be legal, so it was weird to have such an authoritarian thought in my head. I couldn't think of a good reason to justify it.

    It's not necessarily bigoted to have these thoughts. Its only bigoted when you double down in spite of all rational argument. So I'm not even calling you a bigot here. I'm just saying, maybe do some thinking about how you categorize people, because it frames your entire world view.

    To quote Andrew Jackson Jihad:

    "there's a bad man in everyone
    No matter who we are
    There's a rapist and a Nazi living in our tiny hearts
    Child pornographers and cannibals, and politicians too
    There's someone in your head waiting to fucking strangle you"

    Are you virtue signaling indigenous tolerance to me, a man with possible indigenous heritage who has spent a ridiculous amount of time around natives, eaten native pussy, busted in natives, told them I loved them, eaten with native families and stayed up all night drinking and doing drugs with them, been in sweat lodges, lit sweet grass, laughed and listen to stories etc etc etc?

    Aztec nigger you best check yourself lest you catch a tomahawk to your button up plaid shirt
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting Cant explain because I'd tear apart your reasoning as usual, typical female

    Why are you afraid of women?
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I'm a pretty shitty poster we need to put the bar higher

    I'd say best posters (who post everyday) are aldra, mmq and acp

    There are a ton of other good ones like jigs and Sophie and Kafka but I'll just go with the ones you see wveryday who make this website better

    I always think what if something happens and some cyber forensics division has to comb through all my posts and pms. They would probably be quite confused and sickened
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    If u kiss a girl ur literally KISSING SOME GUYS CUM
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Steven

    tribalism, its what's for dinner.

    Do you know any natives? I always thought it was a weird joke how parks and recreation was set in a town called "pawnee" when the pawnee natives betrayed other tribes and sided with the white men who just killed and segregated them like all the others. I don't think they addressed that in the show but they really should have considering they made up a bunch about the history of the town
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ How do we know they were on meth maybe they were just really really mad and had a lot of energy from a good night's rest!

    That's true. The stabbings started at 5:40am so they could have gone to sleep at 9pm Friday Nighy and woken up around 4am to plan a fun filled morning of murderous bloodlust. Energized by their hazelnut expressos they murdered 10 people and wounded 15 others across 13 crime scenes with clear headed proficiency. Afterwards they went about their day and fell asleep around 9pm the next night after taking melotonin
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting k

    Do you think it would feel good to be loved?
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Dissociator I fought a nigger for calling me a cracker and got his head with a sock of irish spring bar.. he was pussying out like a nephrongoloid but he did give me a bloody lip. We were tased and then put me in maximum security in a turtle suit for a f****** 2 weeks

    Why did you go PC? You should have reentered the day room triumphantly after that and slapped your cock on the table and told them you want a cut of everyone's canteen to gamble with. Now you're PC forever when you could have kept your head held high. Dam mang you didn't have to go out like that. I hope you don't go back
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Prob two oh five

    Max is 225, min is 175-180. I've got heavy bones. I'm fighting welter
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Cree seem to be the wildest and most violent in Canada but for some reason other natives don't like Mohawk and blackfeet and consider them inferior due to breeding with French and their violent proclivities. Mohawks in particular are kinda like skinny Chechnyans/Somalians and just seem to train MMA, manufacture contraband cigarettes and do crime. Apparently my great grandma was half Mohawk or something and married a quaker and I could apparently get that c-20 status but ain't nobody got time fo dat, I identify as a cracker and I don't really wanna do a 23 and me in case it's true. I've seen a pic of her and she looked pretty Mohawk, I'm kinda hoping there was more to the story than that
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by troon I don't care if you take melanin supplements, inject botox in your lips, and tight-perm your hair, you'll never be black because black is a lived experience that you will never have. You'll never experience the vitriolic hatred of being called 'NIGGER' by a total stranger at 5 years old, the warmth of an extended family that depend on one another, expressions of your sense of self mocked by a white society who go on to appropriate the very thing they mock.

    You are a poor imitation of what nature created in all its beauty and splendor. You're a charlatan who plagiarizes everything you couldn't hope to create yourself, because you lack a soul like every one of you creatures from the dungeon dimensions.


    What if I can dance really well tho?
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