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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    everyone died except HTS shut up §m£ÂgØL, such disrespect
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I like this song and you should too

  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bradley You are the posoter I relate to the most and I look foorward to all of yoour psts and threads.

    no homo.

    when I reread most of my posts I cringe so I'm glad someone likes em.

    I very much like your posts n threads too and am glad you're bangin on the BBS as well. Good things comin to you for sure
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    One of many reasons why guilt and shame consume me. I Love them very much but I have holes in me that they can't fill right now.
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bradley Can you describe this in the manic detailed length I normally post with?

    Your fans are interested. Leave our RL-doxable details. Cover her face and post a pic from FB.

    Uh, please.

    idk, not much to say, just drank and acted facetious at an establishment with too many people in it and alcohol made it easier to seem like I cared about things I don't, alcohol hit me harder because of the presence of many pills inside me, drove her home, kissed and petted her, she stopped moving her lips but I still went for it and she was like roommates right there and I was like "ok nice meeting you" and she inferred I drank too much and to drive home safe. Then I drove home to my other lyfe. In my defence she was really fucking hot with tig ol bitties and I acted without thinking because I'm a retard. She's pretty chill but kind of a loser. It's weird how some people live their life, I guess it's cool for her but I would crumple up and die if I lived like her. I have some respect for her though, even after aggressively attempting a raep

    Originally posted by Bradley RIP Goddaughters Grandmother.

    Did she diee from covid or fentanyl?

    She had health problems that were complicated by drugs and alcohol. Not exactly sure and I don't wanna come right out and ask because it's not really important. Would rather just listen to the family members. I used to be very close to the family and see them everyday but we have drifted apart but I'm going to the funeral to see them all together for the first time in a while. It will be interesting to say the least. I also have to work the morning of the funeral so I'm going to have to change in a vehicle before going in. Is it bad I'm looking forward to it? Having melancholy vibes around me is liberating. I can be myself. I'm going to think about how much of my life I've wasted at a key part of the service so my tears look organic and context specific. I'm going to shine at that funeral and it'll be all anyone will be talking about
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Also, My goddaughters grandmother died so I have a funeral to go to now. First one I've been to in a while and it will be a weird dynamic for sure. My former really good friend's brother died a week before too. Everyone is dropping. The survivors will be left immeasurably strong
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Let's go ask people for cigarettes and sucker punch them if they are rude
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I relate to the subject in the OP

    He don't like himself
    but he don't know how to deal
    spends most of his time
    in his crops in the fields
    he been loading and cleaning his steel
    saying, "they gonna feel how I feel"
    if they come between me and my getting high
    son, they all gonna die

    so he's nervously dumping out a box of shells saying
    "theres no way I'm living in a cell"
    and he smoked 4 officers dead
    stained the gravel red where they bled

  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I had blueballs from drinking with this girl then driving her home, aggressively trying to rape her in my vehicle then she got out and I'm full of shame, guilt and regret. They say guilt is "I did something bad" and shame is "I am bad" well I did something bad BECAUSE I AM BAD BITCH AND I'LL FUCKING DO IT AGAIN. I did however learn of a song that resonates deep within me and always will. I'm a fucking mess. I hate having to do secret things. I want something to kill all my feelings and revert into a numb, dumb ball but I take opiate replacements so nothing works LOL CUCKT I PLAYED MYSELF

    I'm not nearly as depressed as I was a month or so ago. Now I'm back to being tortured by myself. It's honestly much better. I feel more relatable to the common man/woman/jerkoff. It's kinda funny when I'm social I can fake it but it's bewildering that this is how people go about life. It's sad. I'm really no different in some ways, I just have a different path. I'm very blessed, very fortunate and God has given me so much to be grateful for, I hope I never become complacent and my bounty never seems well deserved. I need to breathe though and give something to the world. I'm legit thinking of becoming a volunteer firefighter as part of my midlife crisis. Things happen for a reason. I might fall back into being a piece of shit and feel happier for a while before I self destruct. Before I self destruct. B4 I SLF DSTRCT.

    Before I sell dis truck

    Beef whore myself district
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I like this thread but thinking like this on a grand scale may cause mass suicides
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump You keep calling stuff I post stupid, but you are never able to explain why.

    I'm not sure what the narrative is supposed to be. Asian pig's son invites kids over for sleep over, starts grilling one of them about issues that trigger her, a domestic violence situation erupts which results in charges.

    The pig brought race into it and started talking about BLM with a 14 year old which probably made them uncomfortable.

    If your narrative is "don't talk to anyone who isn't white" then that's obviously retarded and you're instilling your own white persecution complex into a narrative about an Asian pig and her sons sleepover that turned into domestic violence.

    There are likely many better stories to frame a narrative about perceived white victimization. This one is really really reaching which is why I thought it was trolling due to the inference of issues that are clearly not present or warranted in this case
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Is this thread a troll? I can't tell. Everything about it is retarded, especially the narrative. Troll or not?
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    That show pushes the fat acceptance agenda to an obscene level

    "It's like eveey other sitcom but instead of having a family ..they're just fat"

    "It's like king of queens but without Leah rehimintologist and the more likeable supporting characters....his wife is fat too"

  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    where are these sexy joo women? Natalie Portman and like 1 year of sarah silverman when she was wearing knee high socks is all that's coming to mind when I think of the shixxahs
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    these are kinda the same thoughts I was going through considering whether or not I should buy a cannon, then would need a cargo van to transport and do drive by cannonings.

    fucking do it
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    The only one of those that apply to me is a big dirty truck that chugs gas (filled up $140 yesterday, burned at least $60 today) but I would definitely call myself white trash

    Your list is stupid because you aren't white. I should relate to this thread but you failed to make it resonate because you're a bougie mexi (as if such a thing could possibly exist)
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I try not to. I definitely smoke too much but I usually smoke at night time if I do.

    I've smoked so much weed in my life I feel like it's a stupid habit. I don't even feel high, it's just like a more relaxing cigarette. While incarcerated I usually enjoy the first while of sobriety then somehow end up scheming and figuring a way to get supplies.

    I am never too far from weed and everyone I know smokes but mostly I smoke a joint at night to try to clear my head and restart, usually while doing a household chores. Kinda like how Buddhists do repetitive things to find a peace in thr monotony I smoke a joint and do something mostly useless

    Fuck weed. It's boring. I love the plant tho and its many uses but I've smoked sovmuch weed in my life it's honestly pointless to smoke any more. Sadly cannabinoids have become so entrenched in my cortex I need them to an extent. I'll get off it for good someday. Maybe tomorrow fuck you fuck weed
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Suicide girls flipped the script and we are honestly better for it

    Also since you have an Asian wife watching Asian porn with a male performer in I is cuckholdery

    I would be done with porn if I could be. It exists for me to slink away from my partner at night when she is tired, downstairs to the couch to watch on my phone or laptop and master bate furiously and unsuccessfully to search the words "hard rough" or search for a performer who kinda looks like a girl I know and wanted to fuck. Then I get all sweaty with my knees weak until my arms get heavy then fail to vomit my mom's spaghetti and wash my hands and shamefully return to my bedroom and feel like a guilty loser. I need to stop but sometimes my issues manifest themselves sezually. Idk what I would've done 50 years ago probably rape or suicide
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready is he Doug''s son? I actually met him once at Bimbos. He was a local San Francisco Comedian and on the local Alex Bennit show decades back with people like Dana Gould and Bobcat Goldwaith ( I think grew up in the bay area)

    a lot of these guys like Dana Gould are from Boston or some shit. I should go to Boston and watch a comedy show sometime.

    But yeah, Tom Kenny is a funny dude for sure.

    My life has been to hectic to do open mic again. also would love to have sound room where no one can hear me and just keep practice cartoon voices. someone in our class got on the SAG Aftra or whatever union and does voiceover. In Spanish I think.

    my life is prolly over with. nothing can make me happy. im gonna buy some property, build a small hut on it and then dig a tunnel under it and become a mole person and live off of mushrooms and rodents.

    I would pay you to watch you do standup. We don't video chat enough. I'll ask the FBI for your feed and you can watch mine
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    If I don't get covid or the vaccine then I don't get any blood clots. That's what I'm gonna do, thanks for this information
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